


2008-03-02 | 中国語

TOEICプラスマガジン 200年1月号に「報道キーワード 2000+」というのがありました。頻出順に2037単語掲載されています。


第1位は have
第2位は say
第3位は back





頻出順 単語             意味
2035 accompany   to happen or appear with sth else
2030 intense         extreme
2028 detainee       a person is kept in prison, especially because of his/her political opinions
2018 ballot           the system of voting in writing and usually in secret
2014 commerce     trade, especially between countries
2013 potentially    with a possibility of becoming actual
2010 barely         in a way that is just possible but only with difficulty
2001 chamber  1.  a hall in a public building that is used for formal meetings
                        2.  an enclosed space in the body, in a plant or in a machine
2001 armor          special metal clothing
1997 treasury      (T~) Finance Ministry
1993 counterpart  a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another
1984 anticipate    to expect sth
1973 suspension 1. the act of hanging it from above so it moves freely
                           2. time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of sth
1966 protester  someone who participates in a public display of group feeling
