
To bring thee to thy God
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Galatians 6:16

2024年05月18日 10時46分08秒 | Verse Sharing
Galatians 6:16 And as many as walk by this rule, peace be upon them and mercy, even upon the Israel of God.

If we live a new creation, we will be the real Israel of God. According to the book of Genesis, Jacob, a heel holder, a supplanter, was transformed into Israel, a prince of God and a victor. As a prince and a victor, he could overcome all negative things. Today we need to be such an Israel, a prince to execute God’s government on earth. If we have the second kind of walk by the Spirit, an orderly walk according to God’s eternal purpose, we will become a new creation in a very practical way, and we will also be the Israel of God, representing God, exercising His authority, and carrying out His administration on earth for the fulfillment of His purpose. Ultimately, this Israel of God will become the New Jerusalem.
The new Israel of God must be a new creation. For this we need God Himself to be wrought into us, to saturate us, and to make us one with Him. Then we need to live such a mingled life. By living the mingled life of the new creation, we will be the Israel of God on earth today, His princes and victors executing His authority and representing His government. Today’s Israel of God is a miniature of the coming New Jerusalem, which will be the ultimate consummation of the new creation and of the Israel of God.
- "Life Study of Galatians" P377
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