
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Life Study of Revelation message 19

2020年09月09日 16時35分08秒 | Life Study Messages

in chapter 6 of the book of Revelation, we have the first six seals of the seven seals. among these six seals, the first four seals constitute the world history, after the ascension of Christ. 

1. the first seal: the white horse and its rider, which signifies the gospel preaching. the gospel we preach now is the glorious and victorious gospel. and this gospel has been prevailing throughout the whole earth, conquering and to conquer. this shows us that, we should not be ashamed of the gospel. rather, we should feel glorious that we are participating the gospel preaching in this age of grace, before the gate of grace is closed. we only have short time to preach the gospel of glory and lead people to salvation, because as soon as the end comes and the gate of grace is closed, there will be no longer gospel preaching. so may we all grasp the limited opportunities to proclaim the good news to our family, our friends, and the people around us. 
2. the red horse and its rider: war, with the shedding of the blood
3. the the black horse and its rider: famine, which causes the starving people to have black facade.
4. the pale horse and its rider: death and Hades. oh i still remember, the first time I read through the book of Revelation. when i read here, I was so scared of the picture of the pale horse, saying that death comes and followed by the Hades. that very night, I had a nightmare haha. also, if you are like me, a big fan of Agatha Christie, you will remember that she has a novel named "the Pale Horse", which talks about the "so-called" witch who can kill people with her witchery. and at the beginning of the novel, one priest was killed on his way home, after he listened to the secret of a lady before her death. anyway, my point is not here.

i just want to say, this is indeed a picture of the world history. there have been wars among different countries. when there is war, there surely comes famine and death. but we do not lose heart!!! because, no matter what is happening in the world, the gospel has always been prevailing, keeping spreading to the whole inhabited earth. if we join ourselves to this white horse and its rider, we are one with the Lord, in gospel preaching, not only to men, but also to all creatures. this means we are writing the divine history of God in our human history. 
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