
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Crystallization-Study of Leviticus briefing 2

2018年02月06日 14時25分26秒 | Enlightenment&Enjoyment

messege title: Taking Christ as the Burnt Offering for God's Satisfactioin and Expression

the title is quite interesting, which shows us that when we take Christ as the burnt offering, the result is not only God's satisfaction, but also God's expression. Christ is the only One, who is wholly for God's satisfaction, as food for God, and the only One whose living on the earth was absolutely for God. "being absolutely for God" is being absolute for God's will. in His human living on earth, the Lord always rejected His own will, to do the Father's will. 

the specific details of the burnt offering

1. Christ was brought to the slaughter without any resistance. He was obedient unto the death of the cross, because the is the will of God for Him to die on the cross. 

2. Christ was slaughtered. 

3. Christ was skinned. to be evil spoken, to be spoken of in a depriving way. He was even spoken by the Pharisees that He was a Samaritan and demon possessed. 

4. Christ was cut into pieces. He was cut by the opposers, the relatives, the disciples. even His own brothers did not believe into Him. even when He was on the cross, He was also being cut. 

5. Christ's experience in being wisdom. He was so wise in His entire living. and He spoke so many words of wisdom. even when His opposers were trying to trap Him, but the Lord replied in such a wise way, that the opposers marveled at His wisdom. 

6. Christ' experience in being God's delight. several times in the four gospels, the Father declared from the heaven that "this is My Beloved, in whom I delight."

7. Christ's experiences in the inward parts. the Lord had the same human inward parts like us. but what makes Him different is that His inward parts, mind, emotion, will, etc, are all occupied with the things of God. 

8. Christ's experiences in His walk. 

9. Christ's experiences in being kept by the Holy Spirit from all defilement. there is nothing defiling in the being of the Lord. He was kept from the defilement by the Holy Spirit. 

all these above points show that no one else, apart from the Lord, was qualifed to be the burnt offering, because no one lived such a life like what the Lord lived in His human life. and we all need to experience Christ in all His experiences above. 

Leviticus 6:25 shows us that while offering the burnt offering, the sin offering also need to be offered. this shows that there is a close relationship between the sin offering and the burnt offering. the more we enjoy Christ as the burnt offering, the more we realise that we are so sinful, which enables us to take Christ as our sin offering in a deeper way, which in turn enables us to enjoy Christ more as our burnt offering. Christ can be all these offerings to us, because He is the burnt offering. when we see Christ is such a One as the burnt offering, we realise our true conditoon because we are exposed. then we will have a much deeper appreciation of Christ as our sin offering. even something we think we are for God, actually, we are just for ourselves. if we experience in ourselves, it will be painful and scary. but if we experience in Christ, it will be sweet. 

by laying hands on the offering, the offerer is one with the offering. the slaying and death of the offering is considered to be the slaying and death of the offerer. by our laying hands on Christ, we are one with Christ, joined to Christ, and the death of Christ also becomes our experience. our union with Christ through our laying hands on Him, is an organic union with Christ. through our union with Christ, He overtakes all our weakness, weak points defects, and all His divine virtues, all His riches becomes ours. this can be illustrated by grafting. this is our organic union with Christ. by such a union, Christ is now living in us, and is repeating in us the life of burnt offering, which He lived on earth. 

John 6:57 " As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me." from this verse, we can see that the secret of the God-man living, the living of the burnt offering, that Jesus lived on earth, is the diet, what He eats, what He takes into His being. for us today, we also need to be careful about our diet. if we eat the wrong thing, we will be defiled. if we eat the word of God, we will be constitued with the living of the burnt offering. 

when we talk about the burnt offering, it is easy for us to link this with "consecration". our concept of consecration is to give ourselves to God. we should have a much deeper understanding. to consecrate ourselves to the Lord actually means to expereince Christ as the burnt offering and allow Him to repeat His life in us. 

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« The Spirit with our spirit  | トップ | Leviticus Briefing 8 »

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Re:全然分かりませんでした (liloxu)
2018-02-09 04:19:33
全然分かりませんでした (のぼる)
2018-02-08 03:49:21


