
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

LSM - 12,09,2021

2021年09月12日 16時59分14秒 | Life Study Messages
Every believer has problems with the flesh and with the lust of the flesh. Do you know when the flesh is dealt with? It is dealt with only when Christ truly becomes our daily life supply. When Christ fills us and satisfies us, this satisfaction will cause our flesh to be put to death. In principle, this is the experience of every believer. After we enjoy the Lord at Elim, we discover that we still have a problem with the flesh and with the lust of the flesh. This problem is caused by hunger. Deep within, we are undernourished. We have a hunger that has not been satisfied. In our Christian experience we have not come to the place of experiencing Christ daily as our life supply to fill us and to satisfy us. However, when we daily enjoy Christ as our heavenly life supply, we are fully satisfied. At that time our flesh is subdued, and our lust is dealt with. Nevertheless, the flesh with its lust is not dealt with once for all. Whenever we are undernourished and are short of Christ, we shall become hungry again. This will cause the flesh and the lust to reappear and to become active once more. 
- "Life Study of Exodus" message 32
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