
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

John 14:2

2023年03月29日 05時45分21秒 | Verse Sharing

John 14:2 In My Father’s house are many abodes; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.

The abodes are the group of people who believe in the Lord, love the Lord, have fellowship with the Lord, live in the Lord, and allow the Lord to manifest Himself to them and dwell together with them. This group of people is the many abodes in the Father’s house.
the Lord's "prepare a place" is His going to pass through death and resurrection to open the way for us to God, to solve all the problems between us and God, and to remove all the barriers between us and God, so that, we who were separated from God, now can enter into God and be joined to God. 
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