
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

HWMR - 04,04,2023

2023年04月04日 10時25分46秒 | HWMR

In His economy God gives us one person and one way. The one person is the preeminent, all-inclusive Christ, and the one way is the cross. As the all-inclusive One, Christ is everytying to us. He is God, man, and the reality of every positive thing in the universe. God has given us this marvelous person to be our salvation. The one person, Christ, is the center of the universe; and the one way, the cross, is the center of of God's government. God governs everything by the cross and deals with everything by the cross. Therefore, just as Christ is the focal point of the universe, so the cross is the center of God's government.
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