
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Outdoor Walk after a while

2020年08月28日 17時36分00秒 | Lilo
Has been raining for so long 
Today is nice weather 

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Beef Noodle Soup

2020年08月28日 12時27分00秒 | グルメ
Home made 
Haha not sure whether Taiwanese style or not 

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Thou Breath from still eternity

2020年08月28日 06時34分26秒 | Hymns
this hymn written by a brother, who really loves the Lord and experience the fullness of the Spirit as the breath. 

i personally really appreciates stanza 1 and 4.
in stanza 1, the author asks the Spirit as the breath to breathe upon him the dry land. this is truly all our experience. before the Lord entered into our spirit, we were all dry land, dead in sins, and even scattered dry bones according to Ezekiel. but Hallelujah, the Lord Jesus came!!! He entered into us, and enlivened our spirit. His Spirit of life is full of all the riches of life. we have the verse in 
Ezekiel 47:9 "And every living creature which swarms in every place where the river goes shall live, and there will be very many fish when this water comes there. And the water of the sea shall be healed, and everything shall live wherever the river comes. "
when this wonderful river reaches, even waste land, or desert can blossom rose, palm trees, and myrtle trees. how wonderful this is !!!!

stanza 4 is my favorite. i really appreciate the author's attitude to love God, to seek God, and to cling to God. his heart is single and pure like the psalmist in 
Psalms 73:25 Whom do I have in heaven but You? / And besides You there is nothing I desire on earth. 
and the apostle Paul in Philippians 
13 Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before,
14 I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.
this should be all our attitude towards our Lord. we do not want anything else, and we are willing to forsake all things, on account of this excellent Christ. He is our only desire, and He is our unique satisfaction. those who wait on God will never be put to shame. seek, and you shall find; ask, and it shall be given. if we seek the Lord, surely, our seeking, our waiting will not be in vain. the Lord is faithful to those who diligently seek Him. the Lord is also generous to give us Himself abundantly, for He gives the Spirit without measure. 

do come and enjoy this hymn 
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