
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route

Run for Chocolate

2018年06月07日 22時08分37秒 | Life Record
Buy one get one free :-)
Run while the stock lasts

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Salvation Prepared by Christ

2018年06月07日 09時36分47秒 | Enlightenment&Enjoyment

God came to man in the form of man by incarnation. He became a man, and died on the cross for us as our Redeemer, and resurrected as our Savior. Now because Christ is such a person and because He died in such a way, salvation is ready for us. Within this salvation there are several things which are very important for us.

there are two main items in the salvation prepared by Christ for us:

1. forgiveness of sins: when we believe in the Lord and receive Him as our Savior, we receive the forgiveness of sins. 

Acts 10:43 To this One all the prophets testify that through His name everyone who believes into Him will receive forgiveness of sins.

2. the eternal life, the divine life: when we believe into Christ, we have Christ; when we have Christ, we have the life of God. 

1 John 5:12 He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.

the proper way to receive and enjoy this salvation

1. recognise the person of Christ: recognize that this Christ is the very God, the Creator, 

2. recognise the work of Christ: He became a man, died on the cross for your sins, and resurrected from the dead. 

3. contact Christ with our human spirit by speaking to Him: the Lord is now the Spirit dwelling in our spirit. so in order to contact Him, we must use the right organ, the human spirit to contact the Lord who is Spirit. when we contact the Lord, we can just come to Him, like children coming to the parents. we do not need to pretent or compose some prayers. we can come just we are, no need to hide anything from Him. the Lord knows all our situations, and He understands our weaknesses. we can tell Him all things, everything that happens to us, and how we feel about it. 

4. open our being from within to the Lord to receive Christ into us

for more detailed reading, please see "preaching the gospel in the way of life" chapter 6

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Aesop Lip Balm

2018年06月07日 09時19分40秒 | Skin Care
I like this one, not too oily but rich enough for the lips

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