

クール・ジャパン 海外の人気を成長に生かせ

2010-08-31 04:24:23 | 英字新聞
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Aug. 31, 2010)
Time to capitalize on 'Cool Japan' boom
クール・ジャパン 海外の人気を成長に生かせ(8月30日付・読売社説)

Japanese pop culture--widely referred to as "Cool Japan"--has taken off overseas. The government should take advantage of this boom in all things Japanese to push domestic businesses' advance into foreign markets.

Japanese anime and manga have become immensely popular among young people overseas. Japanese fashion grabs plenty of headlines, and foods such as sushi are a hit with health-conscious diners.

But this popularity has not necessarily led to overseas expansion by domestic companies involved in these industries. The domestic animation industry remains dominated by small and midsize companies, and exports of textiles have slackened. Japanese restaurants have been mushrooming the world over, but many are operated by non-Japanese.

While Japan fails to transform its overseas popularity into economic growth, South Korea has been increasing its presence in other Asian countries.

According to a report by the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry, CD and DVD stores in Hong Kong, Bangkok and Singapore brim with South Korean dramas and K-pop albums by South Korean singers. In China, the sales of a South Korean apparel maker often compared with Japan's Uniqlo brand operator are going through the roof.

Public-private sales model

As Korean dramas gain popularity, South Korean makers follow up by promoting fashion brands worn by actors and actresses starring in the programs. The South Korean private and public sectors seem to be jointly building a business model that uses Korean brands to expand sales in targeted countries.

The government seems content for Japan to just be extolled overseas as "cool." However, we think the government has not tried hard enough, or been imaginative enough, in taking advantage of this popularity for the benefit of business expansion.

In June, the trade ministry released its "strategy to promote a culture-oriented industry." This plan to harness "Cool Japan" to revitalize the national economy seemingly reflects an awareness that more must be done to tap this industry.

The strategy calls for an integrated support system--from product development to the signing of overseas sales contracts--for small and midsize companies that lack the expertise and funds needed to develop their business abroad. We hope the ministry's strategy will be steadily implemented.

Get on same page

The government's administration of overseas activities has been divided among its ministries--the trade ministry fosters "Cool Japan" industries, the Foreign Ministry looks after cultural exchanges and the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry promotes Japanese foods.

South Korean products could dominate rapidly growing Asian markets, but they are less likely to do so in European and U.S. markets, where Japanese brands' reputation for high quality is well entrenched.

Japan should emulate the Korean formula of ensuring cooperation transcends fields such as fashion, movies, food and manga, instead of promoting business through separate government ministries and agencies. If the "fences" between these government offices remain too high, the Cabinet minister and other politicians who head each ministry must step up and exercise leadership to make this cooperation a reality.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Aug. 30, 2010)
(2010年8月30日01時26分 読売新聞)

日韓併合100年 協調と競争の未来へ向けて

2010-08-30 04:15:38 | 英字新聞
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Aug. 30, 2010)
Japan, ROK must partner, compete for future
日韓併合100年 協調と競争の未来へ向けて(8月29日付・読売社説)

People of the Korean Peninsula, who were ruled by a different people, must regret the fact that their country was taken away and their pride was trampled upon. These feelings apparently are a source of the Korean people's strong sense of rivalry with and resentment against Japan.

Without Japan truly understanding these sentiments, its good-neighbor diplomacy will never come to fruition.

The Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty became effective 100 years ago, on Aug. 29, 1910. The world was in an age of imperialism at the time and Japan, like other imperialist countries, kept up with the tide of the times and colonized the peninsula.

It is an undeniable fact that Japan's 35-year colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula, until Japan's World War II defeat, still casts a shadow over the present-day Japan-South Korea relationship.

Earlier this month, ahead of the Aug. 29 centenary, Prime Minister Naoto Kan issued a statement expressing "deep remorse and heartfelt apology." This is because he places importance on the Japan-Korea relationship.

Japan must build a relationship with South Korea in which the two countries cooperate and compete each other.


Impressive postwar growth

When Japan and South Korea normalized diplomatic ties in 1965, the two countries confirmed the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty to be "already null and void" and thereby entered a new relationship.

Using funds provided by Japan, South Korea built dams, ironworks and expressways, and threw its energy into exports.

South Korea has transformed into an economically advanced country, achieving political democratization and affluence. Its society has diversified, and the now wealthy nation has changed from being a recipient of assistance to a country that provides it to others.

Japan and South Korea are trade partners, and each maintains an alliance with the United States as its main axis of national security. The two countries also share values such as the market economy and democracy.


International leadership

In November, South Korea will host a Group of 20 summit meeting while Japan will host a summit gathering of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.

Tokyo and Seoul play increasingly greater roles and have larger responsibilities when it comes to ensuring the world's stability and prosperity.

The two countries should never miss mutual opportunities and should strengthen their cooperation.

How to establish a stable relationship with economic and military superpower China is a heavy task for both Japan and South Korea.

The two countries also must appropriately respond to North Korea--a destabilizing factor in the region.

It appears increasingly necessary that Japan and South Korea build a future-oriented bilateral relationship that is not mired in the past.

However, difficulties remain. Japan and South Korea, because they are neighbors, have deep relations rooted in history, and their sentiment toward each other tends to be complex. Japanese people feel increasingly more kinship with South Korea every year, but South Koreans still have a deep-seated distrust of Japan.

In fact, pending issues between Japan and South Korea such as the territorial dispute over the Takeshima islets remain unresolved and a source of repeated diplomatic tension between the two countries.

Overcoming those difficulties is an assignment for both Japan and South Korea as they head into the next 100 years of their relationship.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Aug. 29, 2010)
(2010年8月29日01時19分 読売新聞)

死刑刑場公開 まだ開示すべき情報は多い

2010-08-29 04:32:51 | 英字新聞
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Aug. 29, 2010)
More death penalty info should be disclosed
死刑刑場公開 まだ開示すべき情報は多い(8月28日付・読売社説)

The execution chamber at the Tokyo Detention House was shown to the media for the first time Friday.

With the introduction of the lay judge system, ordinary citizens now have a chance of being called to participate in the process of sentencing someone to death. The Justice Ministry, which had been reluctant to disclose information related to executions, has likely realized the need to change its earlier stance.

The ministry should make further efforts to disclose information on the death penalty.

Media organizations were allowed to film or photograph certain areas, such as the room in which hangings take place, and the button control room, where prison officers push buttons to activate the trapdoor.

Debate requires data

Justice Minister Keiko Chiba this month set up a study panel within the ministry to discuss the death penalty system. Chiba, who had been calling for the abolition of capital punishment, expressed her intention to start discussions on whether the system should be maintained and stressed the need for national debate on the issue.

But the public in fact has been given little information that would help people think about the death penalty.

An execution must be carried out within six months after a death sentence is finalized, according to the Criminal Procedure Code. But this rule has not been followed. Over the past decade, the period from the finalization of a sentence to actual execution stood at five years and 11 months on average. Some death row inmates have been detained for more than two decades since their sentences were finalized. What has caused this situation?

In 1998, the Justice Ministry began to publicly announce when it had carried out executions and how many inmates were executed on each occasion. In 2007, it also began disclosing the names of the inmates who were executed. But it has not provided information on how decisions are made about which inmates are to be executed.

It also is hard to know anything about how death row inmates live in their cells and whether they regret what they have done.

The Penal Code stipulates that executions are to be carried out by hanging. But we wonder whether arguments on this point have ever been raised.

In the United Sates, where the death penalty exists in 35 of the 50 states, members of the media and relatives of crime victims can be present to watch executions. They also can be briefed by authorities about developments before actual executions.

We think the Justice Ministry should provide as much information as possible while giving consideration to the privacy of death row inmates and the wishes of victims.

Some in the ministry were cautious about releasing detailed information on the final moments death row inmates face, being concerned that discussions of how executions are carried out and how inmates are treated would eventually lead to arguments supporting the abolition of the death penalty.

It is necessary for the ministry to provide the public with information about the actual situation regarding the death penalty and to allow discussions as to whether practical details of the death penalty system, including the execution method, should be reviewed.

Seek the best system

An opinion survey conducted by the Cabinet Office showed that more than 80 percent of respondents were in favor of the death penalty. Many victims' relatives demand capital punishment as a penalty matching the seriousness of the crimes committed.

We do not advocate rushing discussions on whether the death penalty should be maintained or abolished. Rather, we hope that discussions are held from the viewpoint of improving the existing system's operation.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Aug. 28, 2010)
(2010年8月28日01時13分 読売新聞)

小沢氏出馬表明 日本の針路を競う代表選に

2010-08-28 08:46:11 | 英字新聞
to fend off a barrage of questions from the opposition camp
右顧左眄(うこさべん) =右を見たり左を見たりして迷うこと。左顧右眄。
Kokugo Dai Jiten Dictionary. Shinsou-ban (Revised edition) ゥ Shogakukan 1988/国語大辞典(新装版)ゥ小学館 1988

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Aug. 28, 2010)
DPJ election should be battle over policy
小沢氏出馬表明 日本の針路を競う代表選に(8月27日付・読売社説)

The Democratic Party of Japan's upcoming presidential election is almost certain to be a two-man race between Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who is seeking reelection as DPJ chief, and former party Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa.

Selecting the leader of the largest ruling party is effectively synonymous with choosing the next prime minister.  与党第1党の党首選は首相選びに直結する。

We hope the DPJ will choose the winner of the race through a serious battle of words concerning the course this country should take.
The election should not be reduced to a race in which its two opposing camps struggle to win party members over to their respective sides, thus determining which can seize power: the bloc that wants Ozawa removed from the center of the party and the government, or the side that supports him.

Ozawa has expressed his intention to run in the Sept. 14 election, campaigning for which will start Wednesday.  小沢氏は、9月1日告示、14日投開票の党代表選に出馬する意向を表明した。

His move comes after he secured the support of former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama; Ozawa had been considering entering the race if he could receive support from a wide range of DPJ lawmakers.

However, this does not mean Ozawa has been guaranteed support from most DPJ members.

Attempt at truce failed

A key factor behind the Kan-Ozawa showdown is the bitter discord between the former DPJ secretary general and senior party leaders seeking to eliminating his influence within the party, including the prime minister, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshito Sengoku and party Secretary General Yukio Edano.

Ozawa's announcement of his decision to run was preceded by Hatoyama's attempt to broker a compromise between Kan and Ozawa, in the hope of averting a deepening schism among intraparty groups.

However, Kan was reluctant to accept Hatoyama's request to ensure key figures from each intraparty group, including Ozawa, were represented in the party's leadership and the Cabinet, in what could be called a whole-party approach.

This bitterly antagonized Ozawa.
A decision by Ozawa not to run would have enabled Kan to win unopposed, a development that would cost the veteran DPJ kingpin support among a number of party members. Ozawa's decision to run can be seen as a last-resort measure to avoid this.

Kan's rejection of Hatoyama's request caused the former prime minister to shift his support from Kan to Ozawa. Hatoyama earlier said he would back Kan's bid to be reelected as DPJ president, provided he adopts a whole-party approach.

Hatoyama's obvious change of heart must be criticized as unacceptable. It is disconcerting that he has endorsed Ozawa's bid to become DPJ leader--we should remember that Hatoyama stepped down as party head and prime minister before the House of Councillors election in July to take the blame for the turmoil arising from his poorly thought-out approach to politically divisive issues, at the same time urging Ozawa to resign as party secretary general.

Ozawa's decision to run in the wake of Hatoyama's failed peacemaking means he has concluded that taking the DPJ's top post will be the best way for him to escape the damned-if-he-does-and-damned-if-he-doesn't situation he is in. All this likely will turn the upcoming election into a battle that will divide the ruling party. The DPJ could be broken up into different groups and this could eventually result in a new round of political realignment--that is, new splits and mergers among both ruling and opposition parties.


2010-08-27 04:56:38 | アドセンス

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