

Reiki と自分のことを英語で書いてみました。

2015年11月12日 | Life with Reiki



Reiki is very simple form of therapy.  Everyone can easily learn and open their connection with the  universal energy.  I have been using the energy in my daily life and for my family since 1997.  Starting 2002, I took my hobby into a career and started teaching Reiki.  I’m very happy to see the clients’ face after each session every time.  My Reiki students express the same joy that I feel from it.  Not only human beings can utilize the benefits from Reiki  but it can also apply to animals and plants.

We often encounter and experience difficult times. Sometimes we can’t find any solutions for the presented issue. However, every time I am faced with such a thing, Reiki has helped me get through it. It has also taught me that there is an endless amount of potential to create a better life. This is not only true with myself, but also my precious friends and clients that practice Reiki. My hope is that I can introduce it to as many people as I can and have them experience the same greatness.


