kana's windmail

Jー8 香南の日記帳

Maui Day8

2015-06-19 01:09:43 | Weblog
I tested GOYA free-style board and new sail this morning. The board is very flat and easy to slide. The sail is now under R&D, so it's a prototype.
The sail concept is little bit different from Europian free-style sail. You might not to pull the out hole tightly, but the power point of the sail is forward, so it's easier to use back hand than it looks. It' s comfortable for me.
Then I went to Hookipa, but the wind is too light to windsurf unfortunately. However I spent a good time to talk with my friend whom I met on this trip at Hookipa. I know many special wave riders everywhere from all over the world are gathering at Hookipa. It's very interesting to share our mind and information each other.
In the evening, I went to Kihei for shopping but it was very windy!! So I changed my plan from shopping to windsurfing. haha....
It was no wave but choppy and bumpy water at first..... Even such poor condition, I know I have few time left to windsurf of this trip, so I decided to windsurf there. After few minutes past, south swell is coming suddenly!! The swell is coming a little bit earlier than the forecast said ; ) Only two windsurfers shared the swell. I'm a lucky girl! Thank you for the early south swell.

その後ホキパに移動して、最後のホキパウェイブをしようとしたところ、残念ながら風が弱くウインドは断念。でも、この旅で仲良くな った世界中から集まるウインド大好きなウェイバー達と楽しいおしゃべりタイム。マウイには、色んな想いや夢を持って集まるウェイバーがたくさんいます。でも、世界中、ウインドを続ける為には、現実はどこも容易でないこと。それでもウインドしたい人が集まってるってこと。みんな同じ夢と悩みを持ってウインドしてるんだなーって知りました。またみんなに会いたいなぁ!!

