

PwC partner backdated his BHS audit, says chairman


Former PwC partner Steve Denison spent only two hours working on the BHS audit before signing off the accounts and he backdated his audit opinion, according to reports


PwC chairman Kevin Ellis, wrote to almost 1,000 of the Big Four firm’s partners stating that Denison’s audit work was “inadequate”, according to an email seen by Sky News.


"He was responsible for the overall quality of the audit, supervising the audit and issuing the auditor's report.

"He failed to carry out these responsibilities appropriately, delegating too much work to a junior team member and only recording two hours of work during the completion stage," Ellis wrote.


Denison was given a record fine and stopped from conducting any audit work for 15 years by the FRC for his work at the troubled retailer.


Sir Philip Green sold the business for £1 just five days after PwC signed off its accounts. This was done two months earlier than in previous years.


Ellis also revealed Denison backdated his audit opinion‎ that BHS was a going concern by three days. This means he made "a false statement on the audit file relating to the circumstances of the backdating".

PwC fined record £6.5m over BHS audit(economia)


The firm was fined £10m but the amount was reduced 35% to £6.5m for early settlement, which has been approved by an independent tribunal.

Denison cannot perform any audit work for 15 years.

He was also fined £350,000 and agreed to remove his name from the register of statutory auditors and not to apply to have his name re-entered on the register for 15 years.

FRC asked to widen probe into PwC’s BHS audits(economia)

FRCは、英国の国会議員(Work and Pensions Committeeの委員長)から、この件に関して、もっと幅広く調べるよう要求されているそうです。まだ、一件落着していないのでしょう。

The chair of the Work and Pensions Committee has called on the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) to expand its scope into PwC’s audit work at BHS and Taveta

Following yesterday’s decision to fine PwC a record of £6.5m for its audit of the troubled retailer, Frank Field wrote to the FRC’s CEO Stephen Haddrill, asking if the regulator is considering widening its investigation into PwC’s audit work.



Banned BHS auditor 'spent two hours signing off retailer's accounts'(SkyNews)


Among the other flaws in the BHS and Taveta audit oversight highlighted by Mr Ellis were:

:: A failure by Mr Denison and PwC to "consider or identify the risk of threats to their objectivity and independence, such as a non-audit fee: audit fee ratio of up to 8:1".

:: ‎An insufficient gathering of evidence "as to whether BHS was a going concern in circumstances where we knew BHS was about to be sold", and a failure by the firm to request documentation produced by Taveta about the department store chain's going concern status.

:: Not properly dealing with the carrying value of an investment in BHS and a loan to BHS which had been waived.






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