
「米国で最も憎まれる男」 証券詐欺で有罪評決(AFPより)

「米国で最も憎まれる男」 証券詐欺で有罪評決





'Pharma bro' Martin Shkreli found guilty of 3 of 8 charges, including securities fraud(CNBC)(音声が出ます。)(動画あり)


Shkreli, who remains free on $5 million bail, faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

But he is sure to receive a far-less-severe punishment than that, given his lack of a criminal record, and other factors.

検察によると、不正の内容は、被告が運営していたMSMB Capital と MSMB Healthcare という2つのファンドの金集めをする際に、同様のファンドをすばらしい運用成績で運営していたとか、リスクの低い投資戦略であるとかの、うその情報を流していたというものです。また、集めた資金の多くを失ったり、一部をレトロフィン社の資本金に充てたりしたあとも、プラスのリターンだという財務諸表を送り続けたとされています。

Prosecutors said a mountain of testimony and evidence at that trial showed that Shkreli duped multiple investors into putting millions of dollars into two hedge funds he ran, MSMB Capital and MSMB Healthcare, by falsely claiming to have an excellent record of running such funds, and by falsely stating his investment strategy had a low level of risk.

After getting their money, prosecutor said, Shkreli quickly lost much of it, and also used some of it to capitalize his infant company Retrophin even as he continued sending out financial statements to investors claiming positive returns.


And when investors asked for their money to be redeemed to them in cash, Shkreli brushed them off for months or more, inventing excuses and suggesting alternative ways to pay them back, according to the prosecution's case.

Two of the securities fraud counts for which Shkreli was convicted related to those hedge funds.


Prosecutors said that he then improperly used Retrophin stock and cash from the young firm to pay off the the funds' investors.

While Shkreli was acquitted of on Retrophin-related count, he was convicted of conspiracy to commit securities fraud in connection with Retrophin.

Martin Shkreli Is Found Guilty of Fraud(NYT)




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