
ロイヤルバンク・オブ・ スコットランド、のれん減損で巨額損失(CFOより)

RBS to Take $6B Goodwill Hit

英国のロイヤルバンク・オブ・ スコットランドが、米国の銀行部門である Citizens Financial関係ののれんを減損処理して、40億ポンド(62億ドル)の損失を計上するという記事。

Royal Bank of Scotland is continuing to pay the price for overpaying on acquisitions, as its annual profit is expected to be wiped out by a write-down of goodwill on its U.S. bank unit.

RBS next week is expected to write down the value of the $130 billion-asset Citizens Financial by roughly 4 billion pounds, or $6.2 billion, industry sources told Reuters Friday.


That would erase the U.K. banking company’s expected 2014 pretax profit of roughly 4.1 billion pounds, according a Reuters average consensus estimate.

RBSは、Citizens Financialを1988年に買収し、その後も、25件の買収により拡大しました。その中には、2004年の 105億ドルかけたCharter Oneの買収のように、価格が高すぎたと批判されたもののあります。

RBS bought Citizens in 1988 and then expanded with another 25 acquisitions — some criticized for being overpriced, such as the $10.5 billion purchase of Charter One in 2004, according to Reuters.

RBSは2008年の救済策により大株主となった英国政府の圧力により、Citizens Financialに対する投資を処分してきたそうです。3分の1にまで持分を減らして、連結から外すことを計画しています。

RBS has been winding down its stake in Citizens, as well as other foreign ventures, under pressure from the U.K. government which now owns 80% of the company after bailing it out in 2008. RBS sold 29% of Citizens Financial in a public offering in September, and plans to reduce its stake to roughly a third to deconsolidate the bank as demanded by the U.K. government.




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