What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

We will not have a seminar in September, but in October...

2020-09-03 06:06:06 | Zero Magnetic Field Generator Neogaia


Thursday, 3rd of September, 2020

We will not have a seminar in September. But in October, we have a plan to hold a seminar at the Umeda Sky Building on the 10th, the second Saturday.

I think people may have no way of finding what direction the world is going to move in right now.

I wonder how many people can read the connection between Israel and America's moves in the Middle East and the upcoming full-blown corona rage and the Great Depression.

The former Pope of Rome resigned of his own accord.

Emperor Heisei voluntarily stepped down.

Prime Minister Abe suddenly announced his resignation.

On the other hand, there are people who are very much alive and excited.

I think people may have no way of finding them.

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