What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Will the tombs of Jesus and Himiko be substantiated? or covered up forever?

2016-11-25 06:06:06 | 日記


Friday, 25th of November, 2016

There are many tombs at the tops of the mountains in Kamikawa Town, including the tomb ofJesus Christ, queen Himiko who was of Jesus' blood, and Jesus' cousins, Tadai and Thomas.

Emperor Kanmu (桓武天皇), Wake no Kiyomaro (和気清麻呂), Saichō (最澄), and Kukai (空海) were aware of all of this.

Later Emperor Godaigo (後醍醐天皇) knew about it, too.

...The ancient Kamikawa Town definitely formed a mountaintop state.

A lot of mausoleums of real-life great persons exist there.

These great persons were called the Seven Deities of Happiness (七福神), and they have been revered by all of us for a long time.

Seven Deities of Happiness are the real-life gods who built the foundation of our country.

Kamikawa town is an important area where their tombs are located.

That utopia is the sacred place that our predecessors have dedicated their lives to protect.

It is an important and precious sacred place for the citizens of the world.

From the moment of the Queen Himiko's rock door is opened, people and money will begin to gather to Kamikawa Town.

The joyful things, incomparable to the short-term profit and temporary employment, will happen not only to Kamikawa town, but also to the neighboring towns, cities and prefectures, and the Kansai area... no, no, happen to Japan and the world.

I hope that  the environment‐friendly, eco town, electrical town, Kamikawa Town Plan (proposal) is just a camouflage for the work to prove the tombs of Himiko or of Jesus Christ.




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