My Diary

Brogging in English!!

3月22日(金)のつぶやき その2

2013-03-23 03:22:38 | 日記

@YukiK3193 No problem!!And Thank you for the follow back!! How abou swapping skype ID? :)

@IchigoKunDaYo25 Yeah!!We had a special time, right?:)I'm looking forward to talking with you next time!!

@proto_type_boy2 Thank you for the follow back finally!! Lol i'm impressed by your Japanese ability. And how about swapping skype ID?

@IchigoKunDaYo25 Okay!! We can talk again tomorrow :]and my eyes are so heavy!! Dream is inviting good night!!

@GD_DP ok ^^ lol well have fun in the dream world xD goodnight (^^) /

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 1 RT

@LoveMoonrise Good morning!!And thank you for the follow back!!I'm yuya who's an English learner!!

@smileeday No problem and thank you for the follow!! I'm yuya who's an English learner!!

@lunatictrees Oh thank you! Pictures are the best way to understand how beautiful!!

@lunatictrees And tochigi is above saitama :]It is not famous so it's natural what you don't know!!

@kinjapan86 Haha!!Yeah, what things do you make you confusing? Lol

@kinjapan86 Yep :) guitar sounds make me happy!!And i will work all day :]

@Kanshunya フォロバありがとうございます!I'm yuya who's an English learner!!Plz call me yuya or whatever you want!!

@rosalovesmochi Thanks for the follow back!!I'm yuya who's an English learner!!よろしくお願いします:)

@nolotuiileila Thanks for the follow back!!I'm yuya who's an English learner :]よろしくお願いします!

3月22日(金)のつぶやき その1

2013-03-23 03:22:37 | 日記

@IchigoKunDaYo25 Thank you for following back!!I'm yuya!! And i'm an English learner so plz help me with my English!! And you can ask me

@IchigoKunDaYo25 Whatever about japan!! よろしくお願いします!

@kinjapan86 Okay keef!! Wow i'm jealous!! How is japanese Sake? :] and i went to PARCO which is big department store!!

@kinjapan86 And i looked for new guitar!! But they were very expensive so i Couldn buy ...

@kaiteJp15 Oh yeah i love crazy!! Lol Okay this is my ID greenyarmstrong Plz send me a contact :]

@DannyDirnt Did you have dinner already? :)Oh is it still morning where you live?

@DannyDirnt Oh it's difference in time :)That's cool ... !! And what time is it in where you live?

@IchigoKunDaYo25 Np!! And how about talking via skype? Let's improve our learning language each other :] i might use crazy Eng though. Lol

@IchigoKunDaYo25 Okay there's worth doing :) Here's my skype ID: greenyarmstrong Plz send me a contact!!

@3sankyuu9 Hi!! Thank you for following back!! I'm yuya who's an English learner :] let's help each other with our learning langue!!

@Amyrose_Smile Hi!! I'm yuya who's an English learner!! Thank you for following back!!

@IchigoKunDaYo25言葉づかいがですか?(*´ω`*) ありがとうございます!

@3sankyuu9 どのくらい日本語勉強してますか?(^-^)

My eyes are heavy. It's difficult to keep opening. There's work from 11:00 am, so should i sleep? #EngPls

@jodie_dawson Thank you for following back!!I'm yuya who's an English learner :) よろしくお願いします!

@m1so_soup よかったです! 日本語学習者をめっちゃフォローしてます(笑) さっきまで、アメリカ人とスカイプしてました!