My Diary

Brogging in English!!


2013-03-12 03:09:34 | 日記

@suikayade Singapore!! that's my one of favorite country to go!! I'm living in Tochigi. that's under Fukushima!!

I still can't talk about many topics in Eng. I just need more vocabulary. that's, my study isn't enough!! lol #twinglish #EngPls

@suikayade No no. I just wanna go there!! yeah!! everyone often asks it!! lol but I've never met her.

Some day is coming. R.I.P FOR ALL PEOPLE WHO WAS KILLED BY TSUNAMI..... ご冥福をお祈りするとともに、一早い復興を願います。 #twinglish #EngPls

I feel some pains in my mind when I watch Tsunami on TV. I can't believe that it passed 2 years from that day. #twinglish #EngPls

I thought about going to fukushima and so on as a volunteer. What should I do?? Why can't I do something?? I always think about it. #EngPls

But it never changed situation. Even if I help with people who's lost home. it wouldn't change. #twinglish #EngPls

That's no fair. don't you think so?? we are mates who lives in the same country. but I couldn't do anything. #twinglish #EngPls

But I noticed something one day. All we can do is live with usual and live with smile. and we mustn't forget that forever. #EngPls

Tell the next generation to don't forget. there are many troubles in Japan now. but I want Japanese people to don't forget. #EngPls

Even if Whatever happens to us. even if be in wherever. Whenever. plz don't forget. Dear Japan. from yuya. #twinglish #EngPls

@sara19781130 Yes. but you are no following me!! lol I admire your acting. plz countinue to do that till you die.

2 years have gone so fast. pray for Japan.

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