My Diary

Brogging in English!!


2013-04-16 03:20:29 | 日記

I'm looking for skype friends to improve my Eng conversation.This is my skype ID "greenyarmstrong". Plz send me a contact!! #Nihongo #skype

@bboybrandz6 Hehe. Yeah, you really like the Japanese meals!! Ramen is chinese' though :) lol

I'm an English learner who's 18yo Japanese boy. So I might use crazy English sometimes, then plz forgive me and plz correct me!! #EngPls

I'm looking for skype friends to improve my Eng conversation.This is my skype ID "greenyarmstrong". Plz send me a contact!! #Nihongo #skype

My company is on TV right now!! I'm excited!! I was screaming!! Lol #EngPls #twinglish?

and here we see a rare presentation of the capturing of a Billie

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 21 RT

Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park located in Sulu Sea, Southeast of Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines.

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 14 RT

RT if you like My Chemical Romance #FollowEachOther

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 1 RT

@ayuse2 Oh don't worry about that!! I think you can make friends so easily!! Or do you have the problem?

@bboybrandz6 Oh don't be silly!! Lol Yeah, it was made in China but i don't know when it comes to Japan!!

@irfankenta529 @bboybrandz6 Oh i'm afraid i can't (´;ω;`)Will you free tomorrow around noon?

@kimiNiTod0ke Haha x3 Yeah i hope so !! I hope Japanese people come and eat to my company groups because of it!! Hehe it'll be wonderful.


1 コメント

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めぐみです! (めぐみ)
2013-04-16 05:32:27
このあいだコメントしためぐみです!覚えてますか?覚えていてくれた嬉しいですw( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッせっかくなのでメールできませんか?私ブログとかやってないのでお話がしたいです、アドは nekomegumi77あっとです、待ってますね!(。-_-。)ポッ
