My Diary

Brogging in English!!


2013-03-02 03:06:28 | 日記

@kimiNiTod0ke HAHA X3 Actually I read a little!! lol but my friend told me that you would have some trouble without internet environment.

@kimiNiTod0ke Docomo is Japanese cell company. most of people use this in Japan!! my current cell is now this!!

@spankybruno Okay!! thank you!! I'm looking forward to conversation too!! plz forgive me if I speak so slowly or can't put things up!!

@USAVICH555 I wish it were great one for me. But I can't believe I won't be already HS student anymore...I have a lots memories in my mind.

I'm in bed now. I can't believe tomorrow is graduation ceremony. seriously. #twinglish #EngPls

Got my school. I left important paper at home... my mother will bring it for me. #twinglish #EngPls

@spankybruno Plz don't leave me alone!! loooool of course!! I love talking and they say that I was born from mouth!! lol

@USAVICH555 Yes!! time super really flies!! but I don't really feel today's graduation ceremony... I feel my school days countinue.

@cellen0 Today's my graduation ceremony!! but I don't feel that!! lol my memories never go away.

Finished graduation ceremony.I enjoyed HS life!!it was important to live from now on.everybody's smile was like the sun. thank you. #EngPls

I can't thank my related people enough. thank you. I can't find other words. #twinglish #EngPls

@USAVICH555 Finished and I'm in restaurant!! we're talking about future and memories.

@spankybruno Thank you!!I'm in restaurant and talk about future and memories!!

@kimiNiTod0ke Thanks!! yeah!! I came in reality!! lol Right. I made a lot of memories in school life.

@kimiNiTod0ke Her voice is really cute!! I lent 1st album ane 2nd album!! They're so great album.

@oneiljcs And thank you for the follow!! plz solve my English problem if I have :D