My Diary

Brogging in English!!

1月30日(水)のつぶやき その2

2013-01-31 03:02:05 | 日記

@WarderofTheGate And How did you make friends?? possibly through the internet?? :D

@happyenglishny No!! it's the first time what I hear of it!! drip. there is like this person who I know :)

Wow it's already 21:45 in Japan... I should stop staying the Kotatsu anymore!! lol #twinglish #EngPls

Okay I'll buy a Chinese text book next month!! Ummm... but I think it's good to study Spanish.... Which should I choose? #twinglish #EngPls

but I should study Eng before I study other language. Till communicate with Billie Joe Armstrong!! lol #twinglish #EngPls

Billie!! I want you to hug me!!

5 件 リツイートされました

@spankybruno You really love Japan :) I'm glad!! Kyudo is the most exiting Japanese Budo I've ever played!!

"I don't listen to Green Day because they're not punk anymore". That means you liked them just because they were punk. Who's the poser now?

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 18 RT

It doesn't matter whether Green Day aren't punk or not!! THEY'RE SUPER COOOOOOOL BAND I'VE EVER MET!!

It was the first time what I rode a car on the road today!! it was a lots fun!! #twinglish #EngPls

WOW TOO BAD MOMENTS... RT @jillieb0e: My sister broke my 21CB album cover brb while I kill her


1 件 リツイートされました

@jillieb0e But honestly, I guess I kill her if your sister is my sister :D LOL DEFINITELY!!

1月30日(水)のつぶやき その1

2013-01-31 03:02:04 | 日記

@_Takayan_37 @ayuse2 Thank you for your opinion. and I'm sorry for being rude to you. keep in touch.

@spankybruno wow!! I've been there when I was JH student!! I played Kyudo there :D

@WarderofTheGate Wow wonderful!! Chinese is all in Kanji!! lol So you have been to Japan, haven't you!? Let me know when you come!

@WarderofTheGate Oh that's too bad... your mum got well already?? Where will you go at first when you arrive in Japan??

WHOOOOOOAAAA!!!!!! I can finally concentrate to study Eng!!!! finished last exam as a HS student. #twinglish #EngPls

@TweetinEng My classmate!! she's mean to me everyday. but she's also kinda my friend.

@naaisme It's my unforgettable memory!! and I don't want to graduate from my school...

@naaisme Sorry what does ikr mean?? Yes!! I can't meet my classmates after graduating...:( it must be the best memory for me :)

DEPAPEPE's song, きっとまたいつか has been on TV!! It's my favorite song. #twinglish #EngPls

I'm going to ride a car on the road as a lesson from 19:00 today!! it's the first time!! I'm looking forward to it!! #twinglish #EngPls

Who doesn't love Green Day? WHO!?

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 2 RT

@tomytomychoppar HAHA!! everything will be alright!! We are one of the human so we can't help it :D

@WarderofTheGate so great...!!Oh!! Osaka x3 actually I've never been there!! so I want to go there to eat Okonomiyaki!! lol

1月29日(火)のつぶやき その3

2013-01-30 03:03:41 | 日記

My bycicle named Armstrong was broken... ahhh... it costs me so much... #twinglish #EngPls

@WarderofTheGate Thank you for the follow!! nice to meet you too :DIt's the difference in time!! lol What will you today?? :D

@spankybruno All do the best!!and I want to listen to your playing taiko :D

My little sister's laghter is like a baby. it's a bit cute. lol #twinglish #EngPls

@spankybruno When will you play?? :D If I have a lot of times to go, I may go and watch!!

I want to get tatoos like Billie. I definitely do not though. lol #twinglish #EngPls

I can't stand your I-can-do-better-than-you attitude. leave me alone. you can't. #twinglish #EngPls

@WarderofTheGate Oh!! What a tough things you do!! lol btw, What is Mandarin?? :D

@WarderofTheGate It's kind of Chinese,isn't it??What a nice dream you have!!What if you became an Eng teacher,where would you like to teach?

1月29日(火)のつぶやき その2

2013-01-30 03:03:40 | 日記


1 件 リツイートされました

@tomytomychoppar HAHA Well you can't help it lolそうです!今年の3月で卒業しますけど(^-^;

@nurulsweeties well You're so cute and your English is very well!! and I'm glad that you try to talk to me in Japanese!!

@tomytomychoppar HAHA LOL I'm gonna work for Genki sushi as my life job in April :D

@tomytomychoppar Yeah of course!! oh Don't you know 元気寿司?? It's famous sushi bar :D ROLLING!!

I'm waiting for coming a bus with my friends now. my one of my friend has passed dust to my friend. #twinglish #EngPls

@phrasemix Thank you for your correction!! so Don't you say L instead of learge in the U.S.?

@TweetinEng Yes. it's importan to continue to study even if it's a little. I think!!

@tomytomychoppar yes!! especially Utsunomiya people almost know it!! ah I wanted to enter college of English but don't have enough money...

@tomytomychoppar I decided to be employed at Genki's all over the world!so hopefully I may go to America if I succeed in Japan!!

@tomytomychoppar And I don't have laptop so I can't check it :( but I know of it!

@tomytomychoppar Yes!! but I know it's tough to make it in Japanese and go abroad. yes but I know OF it.:D

@tomytomychoppar 聞いたことあるなーっていうニュアンスだそうです! I'm sorry for being not able to explain in Eng :(

1月29日(火)のつぶやき その1

2013-01-30 03:03:39 | 日記

@ayuse2 @_Takayan_37思うんですよ。ましてや学習者同士で。腹を立ててしまうのも人によりますし、添削ウェルカムな人も実際います。 だけど、私達学習者は優越感を感じるために英語をやっているわけではありません。人それぞれ目標はあると思いますが、"達成感"を 続く

@ayuse2 @_Takayan_37 感じてこそ成長するものだと思います。 セレンさんをご存知ですか?彼が提唱している英語学習の在り方にそういった意見があります。一度目を通してみてください。

@ayuse2 @_Takayan_37 それと語弊がありますが、日本人だから添削しあうのはダメというわけではありません。何度もすみません。

Why did I always make fool of myself?? ahhhh... Billie joe, help me

残りの単語は明日調べるー( ^ω^ ) Never give up, me. I believe I'll realize my dreams someday.

Greeny Armstrongさんがリツイート | 1 RT

@tomytomychoppar そうですね!ただ、彼らも大切な学習者仲間ですからね…なんだか昨日の僕らのディスカスで陰口言われたみたいに思われてますんでその誤解をときたいな、と(^-^;

@tomytomychoppar 確かにここはコミュニケーションの場所ですからね…笑

I'm in a bed. so I have to memorize social study for my last exam as a HS student before getting drowsy!!I'll listen to Green Day. #EngPls

ALT said me no kidding cause I said I wanted to change my brain with an Eng native speaker. haha #twinglish #EngPls

@tomytomychoppar わかります(笑)まずは、英語独特の表現をネイティブから学んで行かなきゃダメですね(^-^;

I couldn't imagine that I studied Eng with seriousness when I was child. #twinglish #EngPls

I'm really looking forward to talking with ALT in Feb 12!! I was surprised that she knew of Green Day :D

I always lose confidence to speak Eng in front of native speaker. but I'll continue to speak Eng. #twinglish #EngPls OR I CAN'T IMPROVE.

@tomytomychoppar 日本人の一生の課題ですね、まさに(笑) 後は英語で少しでもコミュニケーションを取れてることに素直に喜べるかですね!!

@tomytomychoppar 日本人は謙遜しすぎですよ!だから上達に時間がかかるんだと思いますよ。失敗したくないからですよねきっと。それに比べて他の国の人(特に欧米人)は外国語の習得がはやい(笑)

I should be serious to study for my exam. so just off twitter. bye I'll be back in 2:00 probably. #twinglish #EngPls

@nurulsweeties HAHA I'm just kidding :D But actually I have a lot of fun that talk with you :D