


2019-12-24 10:54:01 | 新闻


1つの石が何千もの波を引き起こし、「Daguanyu Kewei(www.bvrcn.com)China Brand Value Network」が主導権を握り、実践を積極的に探求し、市場の不足を補い、統合するために長年にわたるブランド価値分野の深耕に依存しました北京大学の権威部門やその他の当局は、中国ブランド価値の4つのランキングを正常にリリースし、業界および社会に大きな影響を与え、今回は中国の上場企業のブランド価値ランキングも作成し、立ち上げました。証券ブランドバージョンのコンセプトを提案することで、世界のイノベーションの世界に対するローカルリストの影響において重要な一歩を踏み出しました。



Creative China(上場)企業のトップ100ブランド








まず、北京大学党委員会の元メンバーであり、経済学部の元学部長であり、有名な経済学者であり、北京大学中国ブランド価値評価研究プラットフォーム諮問委員会の委員長であるYan Zhijie氏は、スピーチ。

SEZ問題の有名な専門家であるTao Yitaoは、深Shenzhen大学中国経済特区研究センター所長、深Shenzhen大学「ベルトアンドロード」研究所所長、「ベルトアンドロード」国際研究所所長協同開発(深))は開会の挨拶を行い、「ベルトと道路」国際化の機会と課題」というタイトルを付けました。近年のベルトと道路構想の主要な成果を示し、遭遇した機会と課題を分析し、制度的および文化的制約の価値と重要性、およびベルトと道路イニシアチブの実施の包括的な開発を詳述します。



「Grand View Kewei(www.bvrcn.com)China Brand Value Network」および北京大学の中国ブランド価値評価研究プラットフォームのCEOにより、2019年の「第5回中国(リスト)トップ100企業ブランド価値リスト」のリストが発表されましたリストシングルスピーカーのソン・ジンホン氏は、リストの詳細な紹介を発表しました。

「第5回中国(上場)企業ブランド価値のトップ100リスト」、リストは26の産業をカバーしており、その総額は104118.42億元、平均ブランド価値は104.118億元です。 631.120億元で、中国工業銀行は中国(上場)企業のトップ3ブランドで4,349億5400万元をランク付けしました。今年は、ブランド価値が6,000億を超える中国(上場)企業2社、ブランド3 3,000から5,000億の値、7から2,000から3,000億のブランド価値。ある程度、中国のトップリストブランドの開発状況と傾向を反映および予測し、中国ブランドが達成した豊富な結果を示します。上場企業のブランド価値のトップ100リストは、bの現状、開発動向、ブランドの影響を科学的に反映しています。さまざまな業界や地域のランド、および政府機関、市場投資家、ブランドオペレーターに比較的客観的な意思決定の基盤を提供します。

Ye Xiangxun、元国務院監督委員会の香港およびマカオ事務所の元ディレクター、国務院監督委員会、中国金融大学会計学院の客員教授および大学院講師ブランドについて、ブランド開発における中国企業の業績を確認すると同時に、企業のブランド認知を引き続き強化しなければならないと考えました。

次に、北京大学経済学部副学部長のYan Yu氏が「ビジネスモデルの反復現象とブランド経済の発展との関係を詳細に説明する「反復的なビジネスモデルとブランド戦略」」で基調講演を行いました。 、そして「ブランド戦略は「究極のビジネスモデル」であると述べました。」


イベント会場では、「Daguanyu Kewei(www.bvrcn.com)China Brand Value Network」と国際タイドビジネス会議がブランド価値評価とサービス委員会の調印式を開催しました。



この記者会見で、「Daguanyu Kewei(www.bvrcn.com)China Brand Value Network」の「World Brand Value Evaluation Task Force」が公式設立を発表しました。「Daguanyu Kewei(www.bvrcn.com)China Brand Value Network」ブランド価値の評価と合併・買収、資金調達で積極的な役割を果たし、ブランドの影響力と競争力を高め、中国ブランドがフォレストオブネイションズに立つことを支援したいと考えています。





2019-12-19 17:22:25 | 新闻


最近、Xlibrisが編集および公開したHAN YuchenのクリエイティブノートとHoly Lightという油絵のアンソロジーは、Google、Amazon、Barnes&Nobelなどの世界的に有名な書店を通じてオンラインおよびオフラインで読者と会うための棚に置かれました。



深い山の中(HAN Yuchen)200 x 255 cm

HAN Yuchenは東からの軽い追跡者です。彼は何度もチベットを訪れました。彼は草原を横断し、雪山を登り、氷河をトレッキングしました。彼は自分の体を使って自然のリズムを鑑賞しました。彼はテントを共有し、パオで寝て、チベット人の家に住んでいて、チベット人と友達になりました。チベット人の純粋な心を彼の目で感じました。彼は、地滑りや土砂崩れの場合にひるむことはなく、死に直面しても恐れを知らなかった。彼は心のすべての感情をこの場所に捧げ、心からの敬意と礼拝で一連の優れた油絵を作成しました。

HAN Yuchenの作品を注意深く見ると、光と影の激しい屈折が私たちのビジョンと衝突し、魂を刺します。世界の屋根に住んでいるこれらの普通でありながら高貴な人々は、私たちを啓発し勇気づける愛と信仰、優しさとredい、忍耐と昇華の物語を私たちに伝えています。このことから、私たちは人生の次元、魂の安らぎ、そして純粋な喜びへの回帰を見出しました。

アンソロジーの物語はまた、彼の人生におけるHAN Yuchenの変遷と、創造的なプロセスにおける彼の内なる道を正直に記録しました。 HAN Yuchenは1954年、中国河北省の鉄道労働者の家族で生まれました。彼の父は書道を習得し、ハン・ユチェンの最初の教師になりました。しかし、中国文化大革命の特定の歴史的時期に、HAN Yuchenは、中国の最高の美術アカデミーである傑出したパフォーマンスを備えた中央美術アカデミーに2回入学しました。残念なことに、両方の時間、彼は彼の家族の背景のために拒否されました。 HAN Yuchenのように粘り強く、彼は夢と追求をあきらめませんでした。 10年以上、彼の暇な時間に、彼はチベットの同胞に根ざした雪の高原に根ざしています。情熱を持って、彼は本物のチベットを明らかにする数多くの絵画の創造に熱心です。ハン・ユーチェンは、心の奥底にある聖なる光を完全な決意をもって追いかけ、ずっと前進します。

羊飼い(HAN Yuchen)170 X 320 cm

チベットの日差しは明るく、活気があり、魅惑的です。チベット人は誠実で、無邪気で、親切です。 me敬の念と憧れに満ちたハン・ユーチェンは、プロメテウスが地球に火を広げたように、それを心で感じ、筆で描き、より多くの人々と共有したいと考えました。 1993年以来、彼はフランス、ドイツ、オランダ、ベルギー、ロシア、米国、およびその他の国で絵画の多くの展覧会を開催しました。チベットの聖なる光が世界に触れました。



Ecological Design Town will become the source of the Eco-design Industry in the World

2019-12-18 13:29:49 | 新闻
The 2nd World Eco-Design Conference (WEDC) with the theme of “Innovation, Customization”, was opened on December 6th at the Conghua Ecological Design Town, the permanent site of WEDC. Is has drawn participants from design organizations, agencies, corporations and universities of over 30 countries, including Li Yong, director general of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Qin Weizhong, vice governor of Guangdong province, Wen Guohui, deputy secretary and mayor of Guangzhou, and Chen Jianhua, director of the Standing Committee of Guangzhou Municipal People’s Congress.

The 2nd World Eco-Design Conference

Rich Exotic Elements from the “Guest Countries of Honor”

An Addition of a Music festival and a Fashion Show

WEDC 2019 would stress more on the “execution” and “implementation” so that to better inherit the theme of the 1st WEDC and the value of “getting start”. Therefore, the host evolved the previous theme, “Ecology of Design, Field of Hope”, into “Innovation, Customization” in September 2019.

Compared to WEDC 2018, there was an addition of the Guest Countries of Honor this time: Bangladesh, Cambodia and Thailand. During the conference, their preventatives from fields of politics, businesses, education, research and art, have fully displayed their customs, features and characteristic industries, which has added exotic elements to the conference.


The first “City of Customization” in the world and the result of Design & Innovation Award (ID Award) were announced in the opening ceremony. There are 2 cities who have earned the title “Demonstration City of Customization” : Guangzhou of China and Siem Reap of Cambodia.

On the basis of the first conference, WEDC 2019 further innovated its patterns. It illustrated design innovations and promoted the driver of ecological design in economic growth, by holding the hand-painting and flashing show, the Haitao Angel Dream Competition (Green Design Costume), the cultural exhibition of guest countries of honor, the exhibition of new industries in Conghua, and the industrial exhibitions of digital art and customization.

It is worth mentioning that there was an addition of night elements. A country music festival and a light show were held in the Eco-Design Town on the evenings of December 6th and 7th respectively, which created visual and auditory feasts for the guests.

Besides, the advanced research course 2019-2020 (fifth session) of industrial design was started on December 4th, and the second phase of the eco-design leading class by UNIDO was opened on 5th.

The First Phase Has Been Accomplished

The value of Eco-design is Increasingly Prominent

It took 89 days to completed the first phase of the project of the eco-design town last year. Throughout the construction, numerous technologies of low-carbon and environmental protection were applied, avoiding any extension of the construction land. The town, co-built by the government and corporations, has formed a platform for rural vitalization, by reviving the stock property and collective reservation, such as old plants, old villages, and Liangkou Comprehensive Farmers Market of Poverty Alleviation.

At present, the engineering projects among second phase are undertaking, including the Research Center of Eco-industrial Design of Guangdong, the academician and expert studio, the first designer village in China and the first design theme hotel in the world.

Situated on the northwest of the town’s meeting center, the village is the first international designer community in China. Covering a total area of 47,863 square meters, the village boasts 162 workshops and can accommodate 560 persons. The designer village is devoted to bettering life-supporting networks as well as providing comfortable and convenient SOHO leisure space for the staffs of the settled enterprises, design studios and trade associations.

Combining the comprehensive ecological improvement of Yadong River, the Eco-design Town has built a picturesque welcoming entry for guests. With the river and the surrounding green lands, a designing ecological park occupying about 120 hectares has been seated here, which can improve the living quality of enterprise staffs and nearby residents, as well as create a center for fashion shows and cultural experience.

Yadong River

Meanwhile, there is the theme light show on the banks of Yadong River. A large 3D music and light show space, an integration of mountains, woods, rivers, lights & shadows and music, has been formed, by building a round stage for performances conforming to the valley topography, making the green plants on banks as the main landscape and illuminating the native fruit trees with colorful lights. On the night of November 29th, the first light show was performed on the beautiful Yadong River. Afterward, the show will continue to be displayed and it will become a new local landmark for a night tour in Conghua city with some future programs, such as the ecological exploration paradise.

Across the river from the ecological design townsite, S Resort, the first design theme hotel in the world, appears to be an integration of new sales, new homestays, and new models. Built on the discarded toothpick factory, the hotel boasts various activity spaces and service facilities such as the elegant Chinese restaurant, creative fusion dining hall, SPA, and the outdoor swimming pool. Besides, it is also an O2O, one-stop and personalized platform for experiencing the consumption of creative products by global designers. Most hotel supplies, such as combs, lamps, furniture and so on, can be bought by E-payment and provide home delivery service. We are trying to market the fruits of the ecological design industry and make them accessible in our daily life.

Key Construction Programs of the Third Phase are Coming Soon

After the opening ceremony, the press conference of the second World Eco-Design Conference was held. It introduced the background and key programs of WEDC 2019, the plan and the significance of selecting the world city of customization, the highlight of innovative designs and customized dreams, as well as the next move of WEDC 2019.

According to the operator, based on the industries of WEDC 2018 and 2019, the Eco-design Town will initiate the construction of the key programs of the third phase such as three international brand hotels, namely, Ramada, Wyndham, and Dolce, the second phase of designer village, child theme park, professor village and countryside food street, etc.

From now on, the town will ceaselessly improve its supporting services and gather the world-class design industry organizations to promote the development of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, International center for the promotion of ecological design, Zhongrui Design center, Ecological Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province, etc. Meanwhile, the town will practice Zhongrui’s low-carbon city industrial cooperation project, accelerate the ecological industrialization as well as the industrial ecology to boost ecological design and advance the global green growth.

Ecological Design Town

Tianyin Sports honored the Best Marketing Award of 2019

2019-12-16 10:37:52 | 新闻
Dec 13, 2019 – Beijing – Tianyin Sports won the the Best Marketing Award of 2019 in sports marketing area on 2019 Sports Industry Carnival held in Beijing yesterday. As the organizer of the offline event Similac Baby Formula “Kids MVP Challenge”, Tianyin Sports received another recognition from the sports industry.

On September 10, 2019, the Kids MVP Challenge sponsored by Huamengxing Basketball Club was held in Shenzhen. As the organizer, Tianyin Sports helped Huamengxing invite Derrick Rose, the youngest MVP in NBA history, to the event, bringing a great offline activity to the children and fans. Derrick Rose’s appearance aroused a big awareness to the crowd, he had a close interaction with the children, not only instructing them for basketball skills, but also using his story of becoming a basketball player to encourage the children to thrive for their future, the strong enthusiasm and the high participation also let the brand satisfied very much. Rose’s participation helped the brand expand their promotion, and rise a higher volume in the formula market. The event attracted not only media reported, including netease and sohu, but also raised concern of basketball fans on social media, like Weibo and WeChat. As this is Derrick Rose’s first visit to Shenzhen and the beginning of his 2019 China Tour, the activity also created a huge significance to the city and Mr. Rose himself.

The successful implementation of this event also reflects that Tianyin Sports has a strong capabilities in the international sports market. Whether for the resources allocating, or event coordinating, or any other related works, Tianyin Sports has full experience and ability. The “the Best Marketing Award of 2019” of the this year’s Sports Industry Carnival, obviously is another certification for Tianyin Sports to achieve more accomplishment in China sports market.

Founded in 2014, Tianyin Group is an Internet interactive entertainment content producer mainly engaged in interactive performance, animation IP value-added services, athletes and entertainment management, MCN, content marketing, customized sports tourism, game community operation, esports services and other businesses. Tianyin Group has been successively awarded as “National High-tech Enterprise” and “Zhongguancun High-tech Enterprise”. In 2018, Tianyin Group won the “Investment Award” ran by China Cultural Capital and the “New Enterprise of the year” by China Venture Capital.

The sports section of Tianyin Group has been working into the sports industry for many years. With an international perspective and innovative thinking, Tianyin Sports have provided a number of domestic and foreign customers with a full range of customized sports marketing services. Based on the world’s top sports resources, rich sports sponsorship and activation experience, Tianyin Sports has helped Tencent Sports, Youku Sports, UC Browser, YY Live and other platforms successfully execute relevant sports activities, and completed sports marketing solutions for Carlsberg, Gome, Yili and other rands. Tianyin Sports, connect the world sports market in China.