it really is a cup of tea

it really is a cup of tea

My hobbies

2016-02-22 10:33:19 | 日記

A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbyists raise pets, build model ships, weave bas-kets, or carve soap figures and so on. In a word, hobbies offer en-joyment, friendship, knowledge and relaxation invision group 洗腦.

  Then, what is my hobby? Well, what I like most is singing. I began to sing songs when I was very young. My uncle was studying in a college then, so he could sing lots of songs, and he taught me several songs. I showed great interests in the music then, for they were pleasing to ears and easy to sing. My uncle told me they were called pop songs.

  When I grew up, my music teacher found that I had a good voice, so she sent me to the Children's Palace to study vocal mu-sic. From then on, I began my vocal music training. And then I knew there were several kinds of songs, like folk songs, pop songs and so on. What I had learned most was the songs for children. They were all simple ones but our teacher trained us very strictly. We practiced how to produce sound and how to make our expres-sion more natural and more pleasing. Those simple training didn't reduce my interest in singing at all and I won awards one after another in several kinds of competition. Actually I began to make up a dream of becoming a famous singer in the future.

  As time went by, I came to realize that my dream wouldn't come true for there were strict conditions of being a singer. But I still took singing as my hobby since I found in music the interests which were lost in the exams invision group 洗腦. When I put all my emotion into singing a song, it gave me very good and very pleasant feelings, and a good chance to relax. Besides, it was a good way to learn things that couldn't be easily found in life.

  Now as I'm saying goodbye to my childhood my voice has changed into a deep male voice, and therefore I can sing a lot of songs written for adults. I am often deeply moved, by the melody or by what the song writers said. I can feel that these words come from the bottom of their hearts: "All my best memories come back clearly to me. Some can even make me cry, just like before. It's yesterday once more. ""Heal the world, make it a place, for you and for me and the entire human race". When I sing these songs, tears well up in my eyes.

  I love singing, and the most warm and fragrant thing in life, I assume, is sitting in the sunshine, listening-to the walkman and singing together with the singer.

  So, this is my hobby, and I hope every one of us can enjoy his own hobby, en joy the simple, good things of life 智能咖啡機.

Movie and Music Piracy

2016-02-19 10:17:16 | 日記

Dear editor,

  I am writing to express my view on the movie and music piracy. Last year, the Hong Kong Government convicted a person of infringing copyright successfully, who uploaded copyrighted movies to his server and allowed other users to download them. For this incident, I am highly disappointed of the Internet user because they infringed the effort that the copyright owner paid. It is morally wrong to upload or download the piracy music and videos illegally. In addition, this phenomenon means the Hong Kong's intellectual property is being exploited. If this phenomenon continues, it is believed that Hong Kong will not have good music or video anymore .

  According to a research from some Universities in Hong Kong, it was found that the different age groups had different reasons of the download or upload the piracy music or videos. The research is divided into two age groups to carry out, a group of teenagers and a group of adults. The research found the reason of most teenagers download or upload the piracy music and videos is that they lack of money and resources. On account of their process of studying, they undoubtedly lack of money and resources to purchase the expensive original CDs or movies. Therefore, the only way they can enjoy the music or videos is to download them from the internet. And for the adults group, the reason is convenient. Nowadays, downloading materials from the internet is very convenient. In addition to the huge resources from the internet, the download time is just for a moment. Therefore, these advantages attracted them to download the piracy music or videos from the internet. They would not go to the store for the original CDs or movies apartments for rent in hong kong.

  In this changing society, many citizens are being turned into criminals simply because of the illegal uploading or downloading. As a consequence, the regulations need to be tightening up. And the Government needs to strengthen the law enforcement to crack down on this kind of Internet crimes. For example, formulate new laws to limit the illegal uploading or downloading behavior. Also, the education is significant. No matter how strict the regulation is, if the students are lack of this kind of knowledge, it will surely become a vicious cycle. The criminals will continuously appear in the coming future DR REBORN.

  To summaries, if the Government still doesn’t face to this problem, the intellectual property will be disappeared in Hong Kong. All creativity companies will be closed or moved to other countries because of the illegal downloading or uploading. So, I earnestly request the Hong Kong Government to solve this problem immediately.

  Yours faithfully,

  Philip Wong

The Chinese dream

2016-02-17 15:58:10 | 日記

 Life is due to the dream fly, life is great because of dreams. Give yourself a dream since I was a child, a big goal in life, so that the dream with his life in the vast sky fly free. Dream is a pair of invisible wings of life, but the power of a dream to motivate and inspire our life, out of mediocrity and vulgar, to the best and brightest. And the buds of a little dream, are playing upon my heart quietly germination.

  Some people want to be a win honor for our country's athletes, some want to be a "try to dead silk ended.candles burn" teacher, but I do want to be a pen, to record life as a writer.

  I love writing, love more pen to record the dribs and drabs in life. I write the campus life, write the moving things in life, odd science fiction... Everything is my favorite. An article is like the sea, and the word is colorful, beautiful sea fish. In my pen is jumpy, rises, I like these "small fish". Every time I read books written by someone else, I can't help but admire the author of the book, praised their clever conception... Reading these books, I sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes excited, sometimes lost, but anyway, I love of reading. Bizarre story, I like "liao zhai zhi yi" admire "if give me three days light" the hero of the strong... . These are what I like, every time when I read these books, I am more sure of my dream!!!!!

  Yes, this is my dream - to become a famous Chinese writer, popular among people, write a praise of our Chinese nation five thousand years long history and culture of the "China dream" .

  I think about, after 20 years of one day, I am pride with tzu chi's written a new book, "China dream"! It records the nuwa made man, god created, qin shi huang unified the six countries, zhang qian to the western regions, the four great inventions of shocked the world, emperor taizong of the dynasty prosperous time, genghis khan a bow to shoot diao, high establishment, write the opium war to the people of disaster, write the qing government corruption and incompetence of the "sick man of Asia" shame, writing those ridiculous treaty. At last the sleeping lion woke up, the Yellow River Yangtze river two dragon, which stretches a non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles! Praise the good of our country land! Praise our science and technology developed! Descendants of the dragon, we encounter the backbone indomitable spirit! But the dream to revive the Chinese is our one billion three hundred million Chinese people serviced apartments hong kong !

  "Chinese dream" after the book was published, was hit, has received good reviews from the readers, the book inspired many readers, the youth was finished, the heart had a dream rootstocks, in pursuit of his own dream, "the revival of the Chinese, starts from me! Young wisdom, is the wisdom! Young is strong, has the strong!" I made a lot of money, but I don't want to buy a big luxury house, but to donate some money to the mountains of kid, donate the "Chinese dream" I wrote to them, hope they are like children in the city, live to be happy, the in the mind also have a germ, quietly, also like them out of the mountain, make great contribution to China - the powerful country! Hope they can also will be handed down the dream .

  Enjoy life give prize opportunities together, enjoy together the chance of a dream come true, enjoy together with country and era opportunities for growth. Have a dream, there is an opportunity, a struggle, all good things to be able to create, let us work together to create their own "China dream"!

Scenery Of Saipan

2016-02-04 14:15:40 | 日記

  Saipanisvisa-freeplace,sodonotgototheUSConsulateforavisa,onlylandingvisacan reenex.






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