Dreamers Fields -Eigo de blog!

I’m lerning English now!

Pluto is ...

2006-08-25 00:26:16 | What is Today.
It was decided in IAU today.
That was that Pluto is NOT a planet.

Pluto was discovered by Mr. Tombaugh in 1930.
Pluto was a planet untill yesterday.
But that is very small. smaller than Moon.
Some astronomers have thrown a doubt on about that.

Then Pluto has demoted from a planet.

I feel lonesome.

August 12 6:56 PM

2006-08-13 20:05:58 | What is Today.
21 years ago,one airplane was lost.
After a couple of hour, the news told us
the airplane crashed into the mountain in Ueno village,Gunma.
520 passengers and crew were sacrificed.
But miraculously, 4 women came back alive.
That is one of the worst airplane accident in history.

We must NOT forget.
Airplane companies never cause accidents.

No-More-Nagasaki Day.

2006-08-09 23:07:33 | What is Today.
61 years ago, the end of the Pacific War, one bomb
was dropes at Nagasaki city at 11:02 AM on the 8th Augast.
That was the 2nd atomic bomb was named "Fat Man".
The bomb was exploded and burned lots of people by strong heat ray
and scattered all buildings by strong blast.
After that, lots of people are trouble with radioactive poisoning.

And now, many countries have a lot of nuclear weapons.
They don't think about nuclear disarmament.

We hope the nuclear power renounce the nuclear.