
2007-06-05 09:52:41 | Event


英文題目: Globalization, Democracy, and the Transformation of the
Korean Welfare Capitalism

(大学への行き方 http://www.tsukuba.ac.jp/access/tsukuba_access.html)
(学内マップ http://www.tsukuba.ac.jp/access/map_central.html)

講演者:チュン・ムグォンChung, Moo-Kwon 

Korea has undergone significant changes in its economy, politics, and
social welfare since the democratization in the late 1980s and the
financial crisis in 1997. The Kim Dae Jung government implemented
various drastic reforms in the economy, labor relations, and social
welfare in order to manage the crisis. The current Roh Moo-hyun
government is radically opening and liberalizing the Korean economy
toward a neo-liberal model, while it is proposing a comprehensive pakage
of the economic strategy and social welfare program to meet the expected
social consequences in the face of opening market, economic
polarization, and the population ageing. At the same time, the Korean
politics is also dynamically changing, exposing serous institutional
problems in coordinating social conflicts in the various dimensions.
In a sene, Korea lies in a critical historical conjuncture in terms of
the transformation of its socio-economic model as well as politics. In
other words, Korea is searching for its model of the welfare capitalism
in the face of the new challenges. In this context, this paper will
tentatively and critically evaluate the current changes since the
financial crisis and the future prospects in the Korean welfare
capitalism by focusing on theoretical implications to the current
debates over economic globalization, democratization, and their impact
on the changing role of the state as well as welfare capitalism.
