北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年11月12日 | 日記
20:04 from web
It was nice and balmy day.
I saw the Pacific Ocean from Hotel. I love Kobe.
I wished I could show you all this view.
20:12 from web
Last night I stayed in Kobe with my hubby as we had a party.
I think we had one too many.
20:19 from web
I have to be careful no to drink too much.
He had a hangover although I was fine.(haha)
20:27 from web
I have a happy news.
At last I found a thing what I had been looking for!!
What a relief !
My housekeeper was worried so much.
20:37 from web
If the missing thing was her fault....She seemed to be uneasy.
But we couldn't deny its possibility.
When we found it , <cont>
20:40 from web
....we jumped with joy.
Can you guess what is the missing thing?
It's an entrance permission of elementary school !!!!!
What a mother !
20:42 from web
Anyway we have no problem now.
Hooray !!
20:46 from web
I can sleep in peace. (haha)
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter
