


2013-11-10 04:11:53 | 日記

It can get luck by willpower.
led to the high soul and life does not have the misfortune.
But only a necessary thing happens.

The moment you choose to look at life as positive or negative is the moment you choose your experience.

Because the process is an important risk to the success in the session with the serious event, it (cont) tl.gd/mu25k0

A feeling to believe oneself without being bewildered by another person is important. And trust it today significantly.

1 件 リツイートされました

It plans passing along the future in touch new naturally. Moreover, it is the beat linked to the music which pokes up the highest moment.

The start that working today new feelings boils is trusted.
It's strained to the way of the euphoria.

Beats shouting and simply believe as long as You live even know how to open the door and the open road is always the aim.