


2011-06-30 01:28:28 | 日記
06:40 from Keitai Web
08:33 from Keitai Web
Today is sunny I Shibuya full blast. Attract competitive belief in luck.
09:06 from Keitai Web
久々、地元でのデスクワークです⇒swingout sisters聴きながら雑踏を見ながら速く済まして→海へ出かける事にします
by superkoolman on Twitter


2011-06-29 01:27:18 | 日記
07:07 from Keitai Web
07:27 from Keitai Web
Than accept a top priority to understand. Doesn't depend on people to say so.
07:49 from Keitai Web
10:41 from Keitai Web
10:58 from Keitai Web
RT @OKy__o: 灘高(中学かも)伝説の先生の言葉「すぐに役立つものはすぐ駄目になる、 手間ひまかかった(苦労した)ものは自分の力として一生残ってゆく」… 勉強だけでなく、ホントそうだと思った。すんなりいくと有り難みがないというか。ま、困難が有ると書いて「有り難い」 ...
12:05 from Keitai Web
Qualityを高める→重要なことを増やす為に重要でないことを減らし新しいことを始めるのにあることを完全にやめる⇒I give quality of life.
12:06 from Keitai Web
12:31 from Keitai Web
13:29 from Keitai Web
To reflect on the successes and failures in the Food for the Future "What I should do?"
13:29 from Keitai Web
Progress towards goals and leap from thinking born asking.
21:25 from Keitai Web
Life is only once, in the true happiness and living life as it is up to the self if I burn the same.
by superkoolman on Twitter


2011-06-28 01:25:17 | 日記
07:17 from Keitai Web
懐かしいWest Coast soundと呼ばれていた時代…KALAPANA,Many classic momentでの目覚めはゆったりと寝起きの身体を現実に運んでくれる☆今日も有意義に
13:58 from Keitai Web
It leads to the result that it's all good for one's life to be severe in the life. It begins by being ready to face each other in the life.
21:13 from Keitai Web
Major turning point in my life and happiness and not the "fate" and "destiny" As I think and confront.
by superkoolman on Twitter


2011-06-27 01:26:07 | 日記
11:44 from Keitai Web
Happen unless there is something offensive stance.
17:50 from Keitai Web
You can give a reassuring, no longer enemies. When should aim at aggressive stance on further.
19:51 from Keitai Web
21:41 from Keitai Web
22:17 from Keitai Web
Athletes from the large amount of muscle mass exercise it reduced. The reduced weight is the athlete'm fat.
22:17 from Keitai Web
I go to the Gym doen't reduce muscle mass. by Darvish
by superkoolman on Twitter


2011-06-26 01:24:48 | 日記
07:58 from Keitai Web
Living in calm angry. Carefully detailed work. I work today, Leave footprints.
08:52 from Keitai Web
10:10 from Keitai Web
21:57 from Keitai Web
Setting goals higher than the current situation into a number. Arbitrarily fix later listening.
23:05 from Keitai Web
23:10 from Keitai Web
Removing the impurities of the mind must be absolutely happy to be a true desire to fulfill.
by superkoolman on Twitter