


2013-11-21 04:36:01 | 日記

The glow of your own. What it does do it. May be not convincing yourself that spoken and for some reason. Challenge to improve yourself.

By repeating the experience new action to discard the lazy mind, it can be strong in the delicate mind, to meet the new that is themselves.

Life today is the result of thinking has been the problem. In other words the emotions and ideas can change. Today the revolution itself.

The hurdle of the growth of the spirit is clear. Music is indispensable to offer gradual time. It (cont) tl.gd/mv8qlr

When the big result can be given by giving the last reward, it seems to be thought that even the (cont) tl.gd/mv9cp7

A recapitulation theory of Heckel that the ontogeny repeats phylogeny
It say that the human being follows an evolution process while grow up

When brilliant, woke up and passed in the chat was faster than anyone on morning. It is inscribed to beat for cool

It is a beat that it scheduled to be naturally new, and to be promised to the future mixes the highest moment linked with generous music.

The humour at which laughs is ancient wisdom. Advanced technology to live brightly even when it is (cont) tl.gd/mvauin