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日記 英検一級 翻訳

2023-04-09 07:02:20 | 日記

Psychology's Replication Crisis
Reproducibility is a cornerstone of science,yet a growing chorus of researchers have claimed that numerous experiments,even ones carried out by esteemed psychologists and reported in presigious journals,cannot be successfully replicated.

One notable example is a widely cited piece of psychological research claiming that completing word puzzles designed to evoke images associated with old age caused the experiment's subject ti walk more slowly afterward.

However,it has never been successfully confirmed by other researchers.

Defenders of studies that came under fire when they could note be replicated,however,presented a host of possible explanations for the inconsistencies,alleging that the researchers who attempted the replications lacked the necessary competence,or claiming that sample sizes in the follow-ups had been insufficient.

In response,a project was undertaken under the direction of University of Virgina researcher Brian Nosek in the 2010s that put nearly 100 celebrated psychology studies to the test by attempting to reproduce them.

Every effort was made to ensure the experiments ware as reliable as possible,including increasing the grade,highlighting what has been dubbed psychology's "replication crisis".

while there have been cases of outright fraud and complaints that journals tend to favor studies that confirm the researchers' hypothesis,perhaps the most disturbing tend revealed in the wake of Nosek's study is what is known as "p-hacking".

This is coined from the statistical term "p-value," which is calculated by researchers to show the probability that their experimental results are actually being produced by the effect they are studying rather than by random chance or some other factor.

In their quest to obtain an acceptable p-value,researches have been accused of omitting undesirable data,choosing statistical tests that are more likely to confirm their desired results,and being selective about which observation are compared with each other.

In one survey,over 40 percent of psychology researchers admitted to some form of p-hacking,and,astonishingly,the majority felt their research methods were defensible because they were carrying out practices that makes p-hacking so insidious.

The combined effect of fraud,publications bias,and p-hacking has caused many to question the validity of psychology studies appearing in well-known textbooks and journals.

While some researchers worry the crisis will reduce their field to the status of pseudo-scientific nonsense,others have noted that it could be beneficial.

The follow-up testing conducted in Nosek's study that brought the validity of psychological research into question actually demonstrates that lab experiments,when conducted to the highest standards of practice,are a valid method of studying human behavior.

In addition,the reproduction of some original findings helps validate the theories behind them,Nosek says studies like the ones in his project are usually overlooked because "the incentives for individual scientists prioritize novelty over replication.

"He suggests that enticements such both now discoveries and the substantiation of previous ones.


注目すべき例の 1 つは、広く引用されている心理学的研究の一部であり、老齢に関連するイメージを呼び起こすように設計された単語パズルを完成させると、実験の被験者のその後の歩行がより遅くなったと主張しています。
ジャーナルが研究者の仮説を裏付ける研究を支持する傾向があるというあからさまな詐欺や苦情の事例がありましたが、Nosek の研究をきっかけに明らかになった最も気がかりな傾向は、おそらく「p-ハッキング」として知られているものです。
ある調査では、心理学研究者の 40% 以上が何らかの形で p-ハッキングを行ったことを認めており、驚くべきことに、その大多数が自分たちの研究方法は正当化できると感じていました。
詐欺、出版バイアス、および p-ハッキングの複合効果により、多くの人が、有名な教科書や雑誌に掲載されている心理学研究の有効性に疑問を投げかけています。
Nosek の研究で実施された、心理学的研究の妥当性に疑問を投げかけた追跡テストは、最高水準の実践で実施された実験室での実験が、人間の行動を研究する有効な方法であることを実際に示しています。