arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.


2012-11-29 15:52:01 | 日記

All the people concerned with famous game are imprisoned in the captives of the terrorist of the Philippine nationality in Nojimakoen.

A younger brother of the nets of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan seems to be famous for famous "Hiroshi who is not common" throughout the trade.

It was good to knit a beret into a net (Ayumi Suzuki) at the time of small 5, and to present it…I still had.

I was surprised to be shown in an apartment of Minamisuna…She calls me "the Noji sun".

I who I pick up a net with the notebook of black Shonan number through a coastal line line, and do shopping in Ickx peer re for AIGLE am Eleonora de' Medici.

"鳬饉挧族遯蜑-Buuu Tontan is in the building in Yokosuka-shi Nojimakoen, too".

I deceive a gnu group and use it.

I introduce myself as "チイハア-Tiihaa" of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan. There are most of the international finger life arrangement criminals of the Philippine nationality.

I repeat a cyber attack without sleeping by "drug neutralization" and electric operation of "the pain paralysis".

Please question Mitelettrica of Twitter or arena8order and a partner of the tweet.
Person of Mediti which I was kidnapped, and disappeared…I am in Japan.

I attached fetters to "the state guests" (very important person, celebrity) of the world, and, in the race called "the hyena group" of the Philippines nationality which I got away from ethnic battle because I treated it as "a captive", and came to Japan, it was with the war criminal whole families.

A building staying less knows the terrorist of the Philippine nationality with Yokosuka-shi next to Yokohama-shi and thinks that I am in Korea.

And a new building staying does not know it with the building which should have been presented in the Italian Mediti's in "the large multipurpose stadium & concert hall" of the public works project that the Liberal Democratic Party built for donations of the world.

The building which was not usable anymore…The terrorist clan of the Philippine nationality "cannibalism."

While the member of "the meeting of the professional female mourner" which participated in the ceremony for the dead person who called it from Korea slept, I killed it and ate "seven sacrifices".

In a building doing the top of all religion of the world for "captive handling" from a hostage.

A person of Mediti which disappeared is Freemason…It is the result that gathered relatives by a threat in sequence.
Please confirm it.

In Japan, all the means of communication are performed Jack of because of cyberterrorism and a coup d'etat by a terrorist of the Philippine nationality.

The friend of the coup d'etat to answer a telephone misunderstands "Mari Fujii (child) of Sapporo Tizaki" of Erena Oda-Eleonora de' Medici. (Eri Yokohama, Nojima) and "blood type R6" to feign and bears a grudge and hates it and repeats a crime.

The picture is processed for Freemason, and the person is known for the name to be called "Minako".

"Eli notch of the older sister of Ukkyun" which commuted to "Shinozaki" with a hairstyle as a chignon in a green uniform in white light car "DANGAN-tubo" is
天皇家 織田繪璃奈 Erena Oda (Eri Yokohama, Nojima) 亂盂洒靈亂鷓鸚吁咤帝黨 (emperor head, 帝祷) 衣俐 of the truth…Aero=Eal.ev.ear(earom.) of Microsoft.

Please confirm it.

亂盂洒靈 亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨…

2012-11-29 15:46:43 | 日記

小5の時に アミ(鈴木あゆみ)にベレー帽を編んでプレゼントしておいて良かった…まだ、持ってた。南砂のマンションで見せられて驚いた…彼女は私を『ノジサン』と呼ぶ。

黒い湘南ナンバーのノートで湾岸線を通ってアミを拾って イクスピアリのAIGLEでお買い物する 私が Eleonora de' Medici.です。 m(__)m

横須賀市野島公園内の建物には『鳬饉挧族 遯蜑』も居る。
朝鮮総連の『チイハア』と名乗っている。フィリピン国籍の国際指命手配犯は 殆ど居る。

誘拐されて 消えたメジチ家…日本に居ます。
世界中の『国賓(要人、著名人)』にも足枷を付け、『捕虜』として扱った為に 民族紛争から逃げて日本に来たフィリピン国籍の『ハイエナ族』と呼ばれる民族は戦争犯罪者一族となりました。
更に フィリピン国籍のテロリストは籠城中の建物が 横浜市の隣の横須賀市とは知らず、朝鮮に居ると思っています。
そして 籠城中の新築の建物が 自民党が世界中の寄付金で建てた公共事業の『大型多目的スタジアム&コンサートホール』でイタリアのメジチ家にプレゼントされる筈だった建物と知りません。
もう使えなくなった建物…フィリピン国籍のテロリスト一族は 『カニバリズム』。


日本はサイバーテロとクーデターの為に 通信手段全てをフィリピン国籍のテロリストにジャックされています。
電話に出るクーデターの仲間は 天皇家 織田繪璃奈(横濱・野島えり)と偽る 血液型R6の『札幌チザキのフジイマリ(子)』を勘違いし、恨み、憎み、犯罪を繰り返しています。
本人はFreemasonの為に 映像は加工され、『ミナコ』と言う名で知られています。
緑色の制服で 髪型をシニヨンにし、白い軽自動車『DANGAN-tubo』で『シノザキ』に通勤していた『ウッキュンの姉ちゃんのエリノッチ』が本当の天皇家 織田繪璃奈(横濱・野島えり) 亂盂洒靈 亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐…マイクロソフトのエアロです。

Repeat cyber-attack…

2012-11-29 10:56:44 | 日記


"鳬饉挧族遯蜑 is in the building in Yokosuka-shi Nojimakoen, too".

I deceive a gnu group and use it.

I introduce myself as "チイハア-Tiihaa" of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan.

There are most of the international finger life arrangement criminals of the Philippine nationality.

Repeat a cyber attack without sleeping by "drug neutralization" and electric operation of "the pain paralysis".

Please question Mitelettrica of Twitter or arena8order and a partner of the tweet.

Person of Medici which I was kidnapped, and disappeared…I am in Japan.

I attached fetters to "the state guests" (very important person, celebrity) of the world, and, in the race called "the hyena group" of the Philippines nationality which I got away from ethnic battle because I treated it as "a captive", and came to Japan, it was with the war criminal whole families.

A building staying less knows the terrorist of the Philippine nationality with Yokosuka-shi next to Yokohama-shi and thinks that I am in Korea.

And a new building staying does not know it with the building which should have been presented in the Italian Mediti's in "the large multipurpose stadium & concert hall" of the public works project that the Liberal Democratic Party built for donations of the world.

The building which was not usable anymore…The terrorist clan of the Philippine nationality "cannibalism."

While the member of "the meeting of the professional female mourner" which participated in the ceremony for the dead person who called it from Korea slept, I killed it and ate "seven sacrifices".

In a building doing the top of all religion of the world for "captive handling" from a hostage.

A person of Mediti which disappeared is Freemason…It is the result that gathered relatives by a threat in sequence.

Please confirm it.

In Japan, all the means of communication are performed Jack of because of cyberterrorism and a coup d'etat by a terrorist of the Philippine nationality.

The friend of the coup d'etat to answer a telephone misunderstands "Mari Fujii (child) of Sapporo Mediti " of 天皇家織田繪璃奈 (Eri-colletto-Yokohama, Nojima) and blood type R6 to feign and bears a grudge and hates it and repeats a crime.

The picture is processed for Freemason, and the person is known for the name to be called "Minako".

"Eli notch of the older sister of Ukkyun" which commuted to "Shinozaki" with a hairstyle as a chignon in a green uniform in white light car "DANGAN-tubo" is aero… of 天皇家織田繪璃奈 (Eri Yokohama, Nojima) Microsoft of the truth.

Please confirm it.

慧吏載地衛帝兜 (跿, mischief) Catro.


2012-11-29 10:49:06 | 日記

横須賀市野島公園内の建物には『鳬饉挧族 遯蜑』も居る。

フィリピン国籍の国際指命手配犯は 殆ど居る。



誘拐されて 消えたメジチ家…日本に居ます。

世界中の『国賓(要人、著名人)』にも足枷を付け、『捕虜』として扱った為に 民族紛争から逃げて日本に来たフィリピン国籍の『ハイエナ族』と呼ばれる民族は戦争犯罪者一族となりました。

更に フィリピン国籍のテロリストは籠城中の建物が 横浜市の隣の横須賀市とは知らず、朝鮮に居ると思っています。

そして 籠城中の新築の建物が 自民党が世界中の寄付金で建てた公共事業の『大型多目的スタジアム&コンサートホール』でイタリアのメジチ家にプレゼントされる筈だった建物と知りません。

もう使えなくなった建物…フィリピン国籍のテロリスト一族は 『カニバリズム』。





日本はサイバーテロとクーデターの為に 通信手段全てをフィリピン国籍のテロリストにジャックされています。

電話に出るクーデターの仲間は 天皇家 織田繪璃奈(横濱・野島えり)と偽る 血液型R6の『札幌チザキのフジイマリ(子)』を勘違いし、恨み、憎み、犯罪を繰り返しています。

本人はFreemasonの為に 映像は加工され、『ミナコ』と言う名で知られています。

緑色の制服で 髪型をシニヨンにし、白い軽自動車『DANGAN-tubo』で『シノザキ』に通勤していた『ウッキュンの姉ちゃんのエリノッチ』が本当の天皇家 織田繪璃奈(横濱・野島えり) マイクロソフトのエアロです。


慧吏載地衛 帝兜(跿・徒) Catro.


2012-11-27 02:18:33 | 日記

@Evexxearomxajgx @arena8order ドイビーピーヤン…ウメが見付けた田中吉男(博)。チーカイライタイサイナンタイライテイ。横浜市の隣の横須賀市の野島公園内の巨大な建物にフィリピン国籍のボートピープル多数と潜伏中。電柱上のポリはマイクロウェーブ発生器。危険!

R(l)ong-shout(雄叫び) 亂さんがリツイート | 1 RT

@Mitelettrica @earom8Ealeana 横須賀市野島公園内の建物には『鳬饉挧族 遯蜑』も居る。ヌー族を騙し、使っている。朝鮮総連の『チイハア』と名乗っている。


@arena8order @cnbrknews 横須賀市野島公園内の建物には『鳬饉挧族 遯蜑』も居る。ヌー族を騙し、使っている。朝鮮総連の『チイハア』と名乗っている。 #jimin #minsyu #Gagagaga #help #s.ajg. #ajg. #000 #110

安倍氏の金融緩和論に「無鉄砲だ」。米倉経団連会長が強く批判しました(SankeiBiz編集部)… #news #政治 #経団連 #安倍総裁 #自民党

R(l)ong-shout(雄叫び) 亂さんがリツイート | 11 RT

@SankeiBiz_jp 螻ア髯ス譁ー閨樒、セ縺梧署萓帙☆繧句イ。螻ア逵後?ョ鬮俶?。驥守帥繧オ繧、繝医?ら恁蜀?縺ョ隧ヲ蜷育オ先棡縲∫抜蟄仙恍蜃コ蝣エ譬。縺ョ髢「騾」險倅コ九↑縺ゥ謗イ霈?