arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.


2012-11-15 18:52:40 | 日記









私は 無関心を装い 犯罪を続ける乗っ取り犯の民族を許さない。


通帳を渡した記憶も プレゼントを受け取らずに他人に配る指示もした事が無い。




日本の各党の党首、幹部のみならず世界中の『要人(国賓)』や日本国内外の『著名(有名)人』を『無差別爆撃』や『無差別殺人』の脅迫で集め 監禁、拘束、立て籠を続ける『朝鮮総連』や『自民党』と偽るフィリピン人の親族のみの犯罪組織が戦争兵器製造の『挺陝製の機器』や盗んだ戦闘機『紫電改』の兵器を使い、次々の惨事を起こしている。



癌を含む、あらゆる病も 電気操作と電子分解の『マイクロウェーブ』を使い、血液や骨を含める色々な細胞を攻撃していると判明。


機械類は エンジンも含め、オフライン…電源コード無し、OFFでも侵入し、破壊する。

サーバーもコンピュータも家電も何でも 基盤等の心臓部には電気コードやオフラインでも電波で侵入し、データを改竄するらしい。


恐いのは 医薬品や製造ラインの端末に侵入し、データーを改竄する事。









織田 繪璃奈(横濱・野島えり)

嘉藤浄將 太穫
鐓钁 乃木内将軍の孫の『魔笛王(央)』遠田静治(蓙甌惺貮・瀞辭=伊達政宗の孫)の孫の

徳川 隆盛 竜王 Rock-Filar=Alcapone(lig)の子孫

terrorist of Phil …

2012-11-15 18:42:01 | 日記


It is ordered, "I stop it" "disregard" the world including Japan, and it is with a hostage in a very important person (VIP) and the celebrities (actor and musician - a lot of too famous big games include) of industry and government including Japan gathered by the threat of the terrorist of the Philippines nationality which cooperated of the world.

The victim of Filipino of the cyberterrorism and "蔗冽 - sugar (show) Retsu" called 嘩喃人 surpassed 30 million people.

The Filipino of the illegal stay of the false name which has worked for electric association of preservation and the electric construction company may be concerned.

The barricading criminal made national military and others, a large number of airplanes a crash, a fatal accident during by electric operation.

Several hundred people became a victim for a cough and dyspnea by the electric operation of the terrorist only in these three years.

The weak having asthma for a chronic disease is a victim.

It is fighting now. Any place other than Japan confirmation!

I do not forgive the race of a hijacker continuing a crime with indifference.

I do not have the memory that I lent the land to.

Distribute the memory that handed a bankbook to another person without receiving a present; did not order it.

There is not the thank-you letter in the self-centered human beings not to send.

The Korean who was in Japan became the friend of the war criminal in shameless national traits to be pleased with only profit.

I do not seem to know illegal name and address and criminal record of none of the tarriers and that a figure before true age and the cosmetic surgery is read with Internet TV all over the world either.

I gather "very important people" (state guest) of the world and "well-known (celebrity) people" inside and outside Japan by a threat of "indiscriminate bombing" and "the indiscriminate murder" as well as the party leader of the Japanese each party, an executive, and imprisonment, restriction, "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" and "the Liberal Democratic Party" and the crime syndicate only for Filipino relatives feigning it to stand, and to continue a basket wake up a tragic incident of nexts with a weapon of "apparatus of 挺陝製" of the war weaponry and fighter "紫電改" which I stole.

There is not it only by an earthquake disaster to empty one accumulation of electricity tank of Tokyo Electric.

I steal electricity of the world in sequence and murder a person every day.

Every illness including cancer becomes clear using "a microwave" of electric operation and the electronic resolution when I attack various cells including blood and a bone.

I am nominal with the cyberterrorism.

The instrumentation is offline including an engine…There is no power supply cord and invades it in OFF and destroys it.

The server and the computer and the household appliance invade the cores such as bases by an electric wave in electric cord and offline in anything and seem to tamper with data.

"All recall crimes are the Filipino terrorist clan"

Scary one invades the terminal of pharmaceutical products and the production line, and tamper with data.

The cell-phone of another person invades it and deletes the operation of the apparatus and the manipulation of the email and the data which I saved.
Furthermore, the whole families doing transfer and manipulation over an email and a telephone are the war criminal whole families of AAA(XXXXX) which continues causing civil wars and internal troubles and war and coups d'etat of the world in the Filipinos of the stay from generation to generation illegally.

Without an organization, there is not even a Liberal Democrat.

It is only a relative.

As for both the Internet and the phone line, as for all the various kinds of electric waves such as TV, it is made Jack.
To a cell-phone personal as for the important telephone.

In the police and the Self-Defense Forces and the company in the government office…A Korean sinter south person of the relative appears in an insolent manner in the friends of the Korea (the Philippines) person without knowing it with "a false coup d'etat to steal it".

I eat a present with the drug which the Liberal Democratic Party pretended to be sender.

The tea is particularly dangerous.

It is common custom instigation and practice criminals of famous "hydrocyanic acid" and "the drug mixture case of the dining room".

The imperial family
織田繪璃奈 Erena Oda (Eri Yokohama, Nojima)

The imperial family
Eri Nojima (Yokohama) of 札幌市立啓北商業高校 of the grandchild of "The Magic Flute king" (央) of the grandchild of 鐓钁乃木内将軍 遠田静治 (蓙甌惺貮, 瀞辭)

Descendant of Tokugawa prosperity Ryuo Rock-Filar=Alcapone(lig)

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐
R(l)ongsh-out Uta Teito Eve...kaz.ryu.earom.(Ereoana de'mediti)

私は 亂鷓鸚 R(l)ong-shout …

2012-11-15 08:45:25 | 日記


"Division disease" and "all ecad personality disorders" (psychopath) have several people in a terrorist holding out a siege surely.

The race called the terrorist "insect, hippopotamus, feces group" of the Philippine nationality.

A child and a grandchild of "犯襤 -Hangrun of the Philippine mad dog" are principal offenders of the crazy by the race of the Rubang island.

Only international finger life arrangement to assume "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" and "the Liberal Democratic Party" is a "hostage, imprisonment, siege" case of the whole families only of 特A-AAA(XXXXX).

The place is Kanagawa.

The whole families of the list of cyberterrorism deceive you using the name of "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" and "the Liberal Democratic Party" and employ the Filipino of a large number of illegal entries (boat people).

I want a person from 華喃 (Kanan) to convey it.

I am a grandchild of daughter Nojima (Yokohama) Kaoru (織田譁讚瑠 Kahoru Oda) of person and Emperor Meiji and Meiji empress princess "Buddha" called the National Police Agency Nojima (Yokohama) 榮五郎Eigorou (遠山榮太樓 Eitarou Touyama) "Jiro length of the second son of the spring water" in older brothers of 四男樋口鐘晶-Syousyou Higuchi of Hata (晨) Shi Huangdi and Empress Cixi.

Furthermore, 天皇家 織田繪璃奈 Erena Oda (Eri Yokohama, Nojima) of the grandchild of 蓙甌 (Toda) 靜治 (Seiji Zaou) called "the The Magic Flute King" (央) of the younger brother of the Emperor Meiji of the son of the person called Dr. Clark (Fabre) and Hokusai Katsushika (Hokuto)
亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐
long-shout,Uta,Teito,Earom.Ry.Kaz.ev.ajg.(Eleonora de' Medici.)

It is Eri Nojima (Yokohama) of 札幌市立啓北商業高校.

Thanking you in advance. et al.

Please search it in "Yokosuka Miura area prefectural government synthesis center".



2012-11-15 02:18:47 | 日記

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@Mitelettrica 携帯電話が又、『送信規制中』と表示されてblog更新が出来ません。新旧問わず002Pばかり。オンラインショッピングも店舗も『在庫有』の販売機種は限定されている。通産省ですか? 経済産業省ですか? 報道規制と同じ扱いですか? long-shout Eri

@arena8order @Mitelettrica Twitterは arena8order以外に Mitelettrica と Evexxearomxajgx と earom8Ealeana … フィリピン国籍のサイバーテロリストの被害者は あの有名な企業から退くらしい。

@earom8Ealeana 携帯電話が又、『送信規制中』と表示されてblog更新が出来ません。新旧問わず002P。オンラインショッピングも店舗も『在庫有』の販売機種は限定されている。通産省ですか? 経済産業省ですか? 報道規制と同じ扱いですか? long-shout Eri

@Evexxearomxajgx Twitterは arena8orderと Mitelettricaと Evexxearomxajgxと earom8Ealeana …… blog…サクサクはgoo!

R(l)ong-shout 天皇家 織田繪璃奈 の最新blog。サイバーテロ被害者の別名は札幌市立啓北商業高校の野島(横濱)えり。御確認下さい。 prefectural government synthesis center

θGuidance: I completed a down-link by the following contents.[form information]Form ID: Inquiry form to 118054625…

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