arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.

24hours TV the world

2012-11-17 18:49:30 | 日記


"I gathered none ofs the very important person and the superstars whom a hippopotamus (insect, feces of the insect trainer) of the Filipino group broadcasting it with live picture for 24 hours of TV which the world watched between tea had called by a threat from the famous organizations of the world in the most large amount of new building in Japan and have done fetters". Hostage, imprisonment, "Hiroshi Tanaka" (Yoshio) holding out a siege (95) dislike that the tradition only for races demonstrated "almsgiving (ceremony for dead people) of 黒瓜雜龜 (Kurouri-Zoki)" during broadcast of in Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa in the building of a new public works project of Kanagawa that division disease and eccentric disease that are a cyberterrorism list were diagnosed in by the Atsugi north elementary school of Kanagawa in terrorists of the Philippines nationality which changed school in '83 from the 美香保 (Mikaho) elementary school of Sapporo-shi that entered a red hat by a certified
copy of the
false China nationality called "the hippopotamus which is famous for a fool".

Hiroshi Tanaka (Yoshio) who became the list of global cyberterrorism changes from "a bride of Kazutoshi Sakurai of Mr.Children", and "it is to a bride of Tamio Okuda" … decision, I let you steal a wedding dress from a famous brand…It was just worn without permission on the evening of today by the cousin who went ashore as a boat P bourgeois in Kanagawa.

"Call it, and come without permission though there is not it, and "geek's of the gay" of the Filipino terrorist does cosmetic surgical treatment after the landing in the self-styled Mongolians of the coup d'etat" in Kanagawa from "Minato Mirai" of boat people in Japan; and is wearing with a wig and a kimono…Originally I seemed to do "a hormone injection", but it is watched by straight broadcast round-the-clock television all over the world that I am irritated in a side effect.

Go ashore as boat people…"Fascioliasis" others, the parasitic worm illness are possible.

I seem to change medicine into the ingredient which does not work by electricity operation of the street "neutralization" so far without curing.

I take medicine every day.

A target is the world. Anyone seems to be all right.

Grate = 迭拷漬 (Tetugoushi).

The harassment act for 齲鴕乃掟黨繪璃奈 = 鷆界大邂宰穢閼瓏亂鷓鸚 R(l)ong-shout 吁咤 Uta 帝黨 Teito(emperor) (emperor head, 帝祷) 衣俐 (Eri) seems to become the slaughter punishment to gradually escalate.

"Snake" I heard it with の Lynch.

There are many victims of the terrorist clan now.

There is the substitute of "the snake" as many as one likes.

What put microchip in the human body of the world…I heard that it was a Korean.

I heard that the Korean mixed microchip with a hospital and non-prescription medicine to watch human beings of the world.

I heard the microchip to understand even if I hid in wherever with size to invade the capillary of eyes.

It is unknown whether there are several in my body.

I seem to be relieved by the microchip which is not evaded.

world…All superstars

2012-11-17 14:30:03 | 日記


The world…All superstars confine it to the criminal clan of the Philippine nationality in the disguise of "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" in Kanagawa and are restricted through all ages and countries.

That person lives.

The famous announcer and caster of each TV station imprison it with a very important person and a celebrity inside and outside Japan and it is restricted, but is distributed in a building.

"The Liberal Democratic Party" Who comes to an organization and the company of the limit that a crime, a cyberterrorism list using a murder weapon of the "挺陝-Cyosen" production producing electricity having a pain in that the terrorist clan of the Philippine nationality in the disguise of や "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" stops the heart knows if I start a threat sentence of "indiscriminate bombing" and "the indiscriminate murder?"…Clear.

I imprison it, and the famous "Liberal Democrat" and person concerned and "secret society Yata glass" and "the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" of the Chinese nationality which has been known are restricted a lot by the terrorist whole families of the Philippine nationality.

Both the telephone and the cell-phone are the clans where Jack makes a PC, a household appliance product and the vehicle.

The call leads to the call center which China and the relative leave.

It is a coup d'etat by the terrorist clan of the Philippine nationality.

I let you produce "cannibalism ingredient capsules" disclosed in China and am the whole families whom I presented the "Liberal Democratic Party" name which let you mix it to.

I heard that I was improved with an injection of the detoxification.

I have you talk about the one with the idea with a medical institution, and, please make an effort for hostage release immediately.

A world very important person, well-known (celebrity) person imprisonment, the principal offender who I pretended to be a coup d'etat with restricting it, and repeated cyberterrorism took Tokugawa buried treasure away from the Taisho era with Portugal in Suzhou that escaped from 梺 of the mountain of 中国華喃省 and shot the face of the mistress of 酒元踉眞 which I escaped, and came back to China and killed it…Of a child and the grandchild of turf and the mistress of child gangs "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" and 酒元鬣蟇 of Philippine 范襤 who escaped from the place of Empress Cixi in Mongolia was thought that criminal, but…I understood aggravation of "division disease" and "the rabies" of "犯襤 -Hangrun of the Philippine mad dog" of the younger sister, and I asked a younger sister for killing it, and mother of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan died in older sisters of Philippine 范襤.

In other words a will of mother of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan imprisoned a hostage in now and asked children in last moments when I wanted you to kill it before a parent and the grandmother of the terrorist of the Philippine nationality which I restricted troubled a person.

The cousinhood not to know assumes "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" and is only the gay whole families crazy saved to nobody of the looking younger in higher than 90 years old that the の excuse that "brought itself to be good" even if it is with the world's most shameful whole families looking forward to only repeating a crime is not permitted.

All the cases that the crimes of the world are left in the crime history including war are the whole families.

Reel cyberterrorism now back with imprisonment restricting a very important person and the celebrity who gathered at the famous organizations of the world by a threat of "indiscriminate bombing" and "the indiscriminate murder" in Kanagawa; "the brain disorder of the cannibalism common custom"…It is the whole families of "arsenic, the mercury poisoning brain fever" by a therapeutic drug and "the defoliant" for the whole families of kuru disease and the charity dame.

Because the reason that was able to repeat a crime for many years uses a murder weapon for war of the "挺陝-Cyosen" production with a relative being in the Liberal Democratic Party.

It is the whole families performing training of a crime and the fraud for more famous Korea agent tribe from early childhood.

"邁空-Maikuu" It is the "younger sister bite" "蔗冽-Syoretu" "person from 狆閔贐 - Cyumijin" "bullet whole families of the Liberal Democratic Party".

"Jealousy feeling" The whole families who let I let you make the atom bomb in … and drop it…

Very important people (including the state guest) of the world and a well-known (celebrity) person imprison it as a hostage and are restricted; and more than three years.

live picture is projected by a wall and the mind…Because it is the classmate of the elementary school, and Ami of the Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan is small, I understand it.

Please confirm a hostage gathered by a threat of "indiscriminate bombing, the murder" from all over the restriction of the clans which are called "邁空 -Maikuu", the world imprisoning in Asia.

An organization saying "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" do not exist, and, please confirm it including (a secret society and revelation).

The destructive terrorist of the global electricity and electric wave that the list of cyberterrorism whole families while I imprisoned a hostage used a murder machine of the "挺陝" production of the "recall" "container application of the sand."

With 織田繪璃奈 Erena Oda (Eri Yokohama, Nojima) 會理主宮

平應仁 Masahito Taira (将鹿渡-Masakado) of the grandchild of 遠田静治 Seiji Enda (蓙甌惺貮-Seiji Zaou, third generation Masamune Date) of the grandchild of 嘉藤浄將-Kiyomasa Kato 太穫 天皇家 鐓钁 乃木内将軍

With Tokugawa prosperity Ryuo Rock-Filar

With 遠山錦詞廊鴇匡藜王偕蒂 agama.

With 誡褪織田宣持 (Nobunaga) 暢望迴隶鱠駘

Descendant of 平將鳳當嵩諒尊 Napo-Lion

Blood type R, Washington Convention, color blindness, amblyopia, hearing loss…The cannibalism ingredient capsule production seems to be a drug for war to keep a thought as from old days.

As for the mass capsule production, the sending found in China as for "the cannibalism ingredient mixture drink of the Liberal Democratic Party name" a world very important person (heavy various places, state guest class), a celebrity (as for the celebrity, superstar and the entrepreneur a researcher and an artist)…The international arrangement criminal of the illegal stay that let you build "a fortress" in people) who were interviewed for TV and the magazine in Kanagawa within several years.

"It is a self-styled Liberal Democrat".

Please confirm it in Asia.


2012-11-17 02:19:39 | 日記

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