arena8order Δ慧會隴

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝頭 Long-Shout Woo-t.a. Earof.


2012-11-12 14:15:39 | 日記





フィリピン人テロリストが監視する為に 世界中の人間の体内に取り入れさせたマイクロチップで 犯罪者の身元も判る。


名前を偽っても 血液検査と指紋で判る。

指紋が無い者は 密入国や出生届けの出されて居ない者として 親が裁かれる。

アジアに居る フィリピン人の犯罪者の親族は『捕虜収容所』や『刑務所』に居るか、処刑されているらしい。













I, Erena Oda (Eri Yokohama, Nojima) are Hata (晨・秦) Shi Huangdi and Empress Cixi and the Emperor Meiji and Her Majesty Empress Meiji princess "釈迦樣-Syakasama" and great-grandchilds of the Clark (Fabre) doctor (Hokusai Katsushika - Hokuto).

Please confirm it.

all Jack Filipino …

2012-11-12 14:13:11 | 日記


Consolation money and the indemnity of the crime by Filipinos including Japan of the world become the request to the Philippine government.

The debts of the Philippine government continue increasing unless I stop a coup d'etat.

It was decided that the militaries of the world struck the whole land of Philippines when it was not paid back within 50 years.

I know the birth and parentage of the criminal with the microchip which let the human body of the world harvest it because a Filipino terrorist watches it.

There is the picture at the time of the crime that Filipino criminal organizations always watch.

I am identified as a blood test by a fingerprint even if I give false name.

As for the person without a fingerprint, a parent is judged as the person whom it is started, and there is not of an illegal entry and the registration of a birth.

I seem to be executed whether there is the relative of the Filipino criminal who is in Asia in "a prisoners' camp" and "the prison".

Please confirm it.


Because the Korea (the Philippines) person of the illegal entry began the terrorist activity including the cyber attack in "false (by the false information) coup d'etat information" in Japan, I develop into war from ethnic battle in Korea.

Under the coup d'etat of the AAA(XXXXX) terrorist.

The right information is not provided for propaganda in Japan.

Using various means, the Self-Defense Forces seem to control the police, too.

As for the electric wave and the Internet line and the server and the phone line and the cell-phone as for the radio…It is worked all as Jack by a Filipino.

The friend of the terrorist who can do the electric construction called "the Philippine red thief corps" is 20,000 in the all over Japan…The organizations such as the police of the world know the name and the address and the face.

I am in the prisoners' camp, or the relative of the person who became the member (friend) of a coup d'etat left in the ratio country (Asia) and the Filipino criminal who are in Japan seems to be execution.

Surveillance cameras of the world find out a crime and a criminal, and data and the place to stay of the criminal are kept in a picture and information of "the microchip" in the human body of the world by the apparatus of the special facilities in the permanently neutral country.

I, Erena Oda (Eri Yokohama, Nojima) are Hata (晨, Hata) Shi Huangdi and Empress Cixi and the Emperor Meiji and Her Majesty Empress Meiji princess "釈迦樣 -Syakasama" and great-grandchilds of the Clark (Fabre) doctor (Hokusai Katsushika - Hokuto).

Please confirm it.

掟頭=Ev...ear.10X …

2012-11-12 09:36:14 | 日記 他

亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐
掟頭=烏頼帝頭=Ev...ear.10X=野地讃 野慈蚕 麒麟懈靆 earom.
Eal.ev.ear(earom.)=Eve...kaz.ryu.earom.=Eve..ajg.admjadmjg.=Ereoana de'mediti=天皇家 織田繪璃奈(横濱・野島えり)麒麟魁駘賄蔕 改め、當山慧理名 Erieana Toyama

救雨→arena8order-kazu8teto8yusuke-arena_yokohama 他

Ereoana de'mediti

2012-11-12 06:21:48 | 日記



I, Erena Oda (Eri Yokohama, Nojima) are Hata (晨・秦) Shi Huangdi and Empress Cixi and the Emperor Meiji and Her Majesty Empress Meiji princess "釈迦樣-Syakasama" and great-grandchilds of the Clark (Fabre) doctor (Hokusai Katsushika - Hokuto).

Please confirm it.


2012-11-12 02:20:37 | 日記

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θIt is the war criminal group "charity dame" whole families that continue cyberterrorism with restricting a very impo…

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