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operate a PC in …

2012-11-16 19:08:49 | 日記


operate a PC in the thought of the person! -goo blog

[Washington combination] operated a PC just to remember it in a head, and the study team of U.S. Caltech announced the findings about the work of brain tied to a technique to operate a PC freely to British science magazine nature (electronic edition) belonging to it on 27th without using the hand using the electrical signal that a brain cell gave off, and Reuter reported it.

It is hoped that I apply it to the communication with the patient who cannot declare its intentions for severe disorders.

In the study, I insert an electrode in brain with the cooperation of 12 severe epilepsy patients and observe an electrical signal.

I showed the photograph of the celebrity including Marilyn Monroe and recorded that a specific brain cell was activated when I watched a favorite person.

I let you display a favorite photograph with the probability of 69% as a result that I repeat the photograph for two different celebrities with the special PC which I project a photograph depending on the reaction of the brain and put it out, and there is, and, of these, indication demanded one to be strong, and to pray God, and it is said that the which is not interested succeeded in what I put out.

Over a study to operate a machine just to have imaged it in a head, an epilepsy patient plays a game with a PC so far, and there is a successful example in reading the cranial nerve data of the monkey, and remote-controling a robot arm.

Is for the ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) the person who made a disease to my acquaintance, but it is not possible for the system which can talk, or thought, and think that it will be, and a study of the brain interface is accelerated as application to the visually impaired or a hearing loss as application again, and only touch glasses and the hearing aid which are special by the electrical stimulation of optic nerve and the hearing nerve in the system which really many people looked forward to when these are really put to practical use, and sight is seen, and think that may come to hear hearing, and these systems think that I am put to practical use for less than five years, and after all the United States performs Japanese one step ahead now because operate a PC by moving a forehead, and hit the letter, and talk with us, and operate a PC, and anything, a thought, the bloodstream change of the brain, the electrical signal are always enough for even the synthetic sound as for me
; for study, development as for the fund as for the researcher many; go; without being studied flourishingly, and assortment being performed, but even Japan thinking about only reduction and a review; the security of these systems and us who help us and embarrassing people in the future when want to be healthy, and a research organization or the group doing system development to be concerned with to support it, pray, and, then, if there is not it in is connected to an immediate study, profit, researching and developing it, the cooperation support is the present conditions not to be provided, and therefore do not have power as the research and development in Japan pull Japanese economy, and we want to wrestle for a study of the nanotechnology from counterterrorism, the drug detection, the bad-smelling detection of cancer of the person, a five senses sensor even if many techniques, a patent are washed away from foreign countries particularly American research organization or support ab
road, and even we research institute is going to wrestle for "five senses on-demand", the development of "the five senses sensor", a study in view of these, and a Japanese university succeeds in the high technology development of the five senses sensor with much effort though the brain of the brain, the technology are high if have no room in the company which supports these a large amount financially when a vast fund is necessary for sorry research and development, and both the application and the study think about Japanese economy if there is not support help from a company and the government.

It is to the professors of the university which there are a lot of these excellent researchers in Japan, and can really cooperate with us, and but there is financial difficulties.

Therefore, as for us, these feel uneasy about that a technique, application cross the sea abroad when the support from the abroad American study group and study group is provided to be concrete, but it is felt uneasy about what both the technology that is high really abroad if there are not understanding and cooperation in Japan and the know-how are sold to, and Japanese Government will think that financial support such as EU becomes easy to enter including the United States in future if I let you give participation, decision to TPP( Pacific rim agreement).

The continuance is Clik! in a top URL


2012-11-16 18:50:52 | 日記








私の知人にALS(筋萎縮性側索硬化症) に疾患した人が居られますが、現在、おでこを動かすことでパソコンを操作し、文字を打って私たちと会話してます。以前から私は何か、思考、脳の血流変化、電気信号などでパソコンを操作し、合成的な音声でもよいので、会話できるシステムができないか考えていた。


KDDI…translate co.?

2012-11-16 14:17:45 | 日記


Daini Denden - Wikipedia

Daini Denden

Daini Denden (だいにでんでん, DDI) is the telecommunications company which there was ever in Japan. The founder is Kazuo Inamori. One of the forerunner companies of current KDDI Co., Ltd.


In June, 1984, I receive Mitsubishi Corporation and Sony, the investment of 25 companies including SECOM led by Kyocera and establish it as Daini Denden plan Co., Ltd. I receive Sachio Senmoto (existing eAccess Ltd.'s chairperson) who was NTT Co. employee to a managing director (later a vice-president).

In April, 1985, it started as one of NCC (new train train) with privatization and communication liberalization of the NTT Co.

A long distance phone company pro-broadcast that "I use a microwave in a main line" and did. It was the DDI cellular group (au) of the cell-phone, the main investor of the on the same wavelength group (it merges with KDDI and develops and dissolves).

I assume us a surviving company in October, 2000 and merge with KDD and Japanese mobile communication (IDO). A D D eye (KDDI Co., Ltd.) Co., Ltd. started.

Brief career history

The June 1, 1984 - Daini Denden plan Co., Ltd. establishment.

- Daini Denden plan Co., Ltd. is changed a business name of to Daini Denden (but abbreviation of DDI/Daini Denden Inc. as for the real English company name DDI Corporation) in April, 1985.

In October, 1986 - Tokyo, Nagoya, dedicated line service start September, 1987 - Tokyo in Osaka, Nagoya, the area except the toll call service start July, 1989 - Kanto, central part area in Osaka the service start (au) of the mobile communication subsidiary [1]
I am complicated with - provider business "DION" (au one net) with - Kay dede Co., Ltd., Japan mobile communication Co., Ltd. in service start October, 2000 in - Okinawa cellular telephone July, 1997 in -4 cellular telephone October, 1992 in - Hokuriku cellular telephone December, 1990 in - Hokkaido cellular telephone September, 1990 in - Tohoku cellular telephone August, 1990 in - China, Kyushu cellular telephone April, 1990 in - Kansai cellular telephone December, 1989 in July, 1989, and a D D eye Co., Ltd. starts


About ^ Kanto, the central part area, mobile communication Co., Ltd. in Japan (I switch to IDO Corporation in IDO/NIPPON IDOU TSUSHIN CORPORATION, the next) is established by Toyota Motor Corporation and Japan Highway Public Corporation leadership on March 9, 1987 (as for this current au).

List, story, 編, career
KDDI group

Administration business of the main body of KDDI
au - au cell-phone - au one net - au Hikari - 直収電話 (metal positive call, cable positive call, KDDI-IP telephone, direct line, light direct) - satellite communications (Inmarsat, iridium) or other group companies
A-Sketch - Okinawa cellular telephone - KMN - KDDI Web communications - KDDI エボルバ - KDDI engineering and consulting - KDDI Okinawa - KDDI Institute - KDDI Research Institute - KDDI チャレンジド - KDDI technical engineering service - KDDI technology - KDDI&BT global solution - KDDI media will - Kyocera communication system - international cable ship - international communication fund - Kokusai Denshin Denwa mutual aid society - oneself Bank - Japan cable net - central part telecommunication - TEPCO light network engineering - Japan Internet exchange - Japan communication engineering service - mediba - モバオク - UQ communications - ubiquitous core - Web money connection item
KDDI foundation - KDDI デザイニングスタジオ - KDDI network & solution - KDDI Building - Yatsumata transmitting station - K solution - Jupiter telecom - space shower network - TU-KA forerunner
Japan Radio telegraphic communication / international call → Kokusai Electric communication → Ministry of Communications → electricity Ministry of Communications → Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Public Corporation (NTT Co.) → Kokusai Denshin Denwa → Kay dede (KDD) (Teleway Japan 〈 TWJ 〉) - Daini Denden (DDI) (DDI cellular group) - Japan mobile communication (IDO))


2012-11-16 14:13:30 | 日記


第二電電 - Wikipedia







2000年10月に当社を存続会社としKDDや日本移動通信 (IDO) と合併。株式会社ディーディーアイ(現在のKDDI株式会社)が発足した。


1984年6月1日 - 第二電電企画株式会社設立。

1985年4月 - 第二電電企画株式会社が第二電電株式会社(DDI/Daini Denden Inc.の略だが実際の英文社名はDDI Corporation)と商号変更。

1986年10月 - 東京、名古屋、大阪での専用線サービス開始

1987年9月 - 東京、名古屋、大阪での市外電話サービス開始

1989年7月 - 関東・中部圏以外のエリアで移動体通信子会社のサービス開始(現在のau)[1]
1989年7月 - 関西セルラー電話

1989年12月 - 中国・九州セルラー電話

1990年4月 - 東北セルラー電話

1990年8月 - 北海道セルラー電話

1990年9月 - 北陸セルラー電話

1990年12月 - 四国セルラー電話

1992年10月 - 沖縄セルラー電話

1997年7月 - プロバイダ事業「DION」(現在のau one net)サービス開始

2000年10月 - ケイディディ株式会社、日本移動通信株式会社と合併、株式会社ディーディーアイが発足


^ 関東・中部圏については、 1987年3月9日にトヨタ自動車と日本道路公団主導で、日本移動通信株式会社(IDO/NIPPON IDOU TSUSHIN CORPORATION、後にIDO Corporationに変更)が設立されている(こちらも現在のau)。


au - au携帯電話 - au one net - auひかり - 直収電話(メタルプラス電話、ケーブルプラス電話、KDDI-IP電話、ダイレクトライン、光ダイレクト) - 衛星通信(インマルサット、イリジウム)

A-Sketch - 沖縄セルラー電話 - KMN - KDDIウェブコミュニケーションズ - KDDIエボルバ - KDDIエンジニアリング・アンド・コンサルティング - KDDI沖縄 - KDDI研究所 - KDDI総研 - KDDIチャレンジド - KDDIテクニカルエンジニアリングサービス - KDDIテクノロジー - KDDI&BTグローバルソリューションズ - KDDIメディアウィル - 京セラコミュニケーションシステム - 国際ケーブル・シップ - 国際コミュニケーション基金 - 国際電信電話共済会 - じぶん銀行 - ジャパンケーブルネット - 中部テレコミュニケーション - TEPCO光ネットワークエンジニアリング - 日本インターネットエクスチェンジ - 日本通信エンジニアリングサービス - mediba - モバオク - UQコミュニケーションズ - ユビキタス・コア - ウェブマネー

KDDI財団 - KDDI デザイニングスタジオ - KDDIネットワーク&ソリューションズ - KDDIビル - 八俣送信所 - Kソリューション - ジュピターテレコム - スペースシャワーネットワーク - TU-KA

日本無線電信/国際電話→国際電気通信→逓信省→電気通信省→日本電信電話公社(電電公社)→国際電信電話→ケイディディ (KDD)(日本高速通信〈TWJ〉) - 第二電電 (DDI)(DDIセルラーグループ) - 日本移動通信 (IDO)


2012-11-16 02:19:53 | 日記

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