ANGEL BLESS 天使からあなたへのメッセージ


"Doing what you could do as each benefits humans and Holy Divine." Archangel Michael 2012-2-21

2012-03-16 | English
It is noble thing for a person to serve others.

But if it would be made with something of your sacrifice,
it causes some distortions and to get into a state of lack of balance.

I have got a message from Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael tells us that
doing what you could do as each benefits humans and Holy Divine.

Please take a look at his new message.

  Archangel Michael Message 2012-2-21
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

It is quite a great deed to devote someone's self to others.

Doing what you could do as each benefits humans and Holy Divine.

Each person is unique and original.
None is same as anybody of others.

There is no necessity for you to do the same thing with others.

Keep yourself and do what you can do naturally.

It makes you empowered.

Being empowered yourself means,
not only that it leads to you energized more powerful,
but also leads to you to come to have more insight.

In short, you will come to have right judgement.

And you will get kind to others.

Being more benevolent,
your mind capacity gets growing.

In this way, you come to prefer yourself more and more.

If you would try to make effort over a certain necessity,
it brings possibility of making sacrifice of you.

It is good enough for you just to do what you can do now.

And please experience your sense of fulfillment,
your sense of accomplishment.

That should get you leap more,
so you will realize yourself as one who had made progress,
with delightful surprise.

Humans are changing.

Feel it well.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"I will give you protection which defends from any negative things." Archangel Michael 2012-3-13

2012-03-15 | English
Archangel Michael is the guardian angel.

I always call him for my protection,
when I get out into crowded.

The protection of Archangel Michael is very strong,
and it colored gold.

It is easy for you to ask him to protect your guard.

First, call his name 3 times,
like, Archangel Michael, Archangel Michael, Archangel Michael,
and ask him to come to your place.

And then, ask him,
"please guard me with your strong protection."

Feel that your aura will shine with gold light of him.

How is it?

It is easy, isn't it?

Please try it!

Then I will show his message as follows.

  Archangel Michael Message 2012-3-13
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

I will make strenghten your protection and guarding.

I will give you protection
which defends from any negative things.

There is no need to worry about.

You are safe with what you are.

And I will give you the Light.

This is the Light of the Bravery and the Might,
good to use with the Wisdom.

Let these Lights shine,
and go out into the world.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Feel and catch 'Now' without mind-thinking. " Goddess Abundantia 2012-3-4

2012-03-14 | English
Goddess Abundantia gave us message.

She is the Goddess who brings us the Abundance,
and give secret lessons of it.

One of them seems
to focus the moment of 'Now' and feel it.

This is her message,
please take a look at it!

  Goddess Abundantia Message 2012-3-4
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

Let's make a practice of
to feel and catch 'Now' without mind-thinking.

There are unlimited posssibilities with your moment of 'Now'.

Abundant life is waiting for you all.

I can see your bright future and visions.

Keep your mind calm down,
try to take actions what you want to do
with clear sensation.

Meditation is very good for that.

Just trust on whatever things happens.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"It requires to burn out 'fear' emotions completely." Saint-Germain 2012-3-8

2012-03-12 | English
Saint-Germain gave a message.

Now many things happen and are appearing
both on earth and on Universe.

Big events and accidents of resent days
are caused by Sun or from Unverse,
but also it caused a lot by our humans' emotions.

It is no problem if there are possitive emotions,
but on the other side, negative emotions have strong power,
which affect other persons in deep way.

As looking into inside of human's mind deeply,
you may notice that
emotions of anxiety, anger or sorrow have root emotion of 'fear'.

We can say,
almost all people have emotion of 'fear'.

However, for Human, Earth and Unverse,
this 'fear' emotions is not good.

Saint-Germain told us to burn out 'fear' emotions completely.

Because it helps 'To protect Earth and Human'.

Please take a look.

  Saint-Germain Message 2012-3-8
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

Now on earth and this whole universe,
there happen many things.

The solar wind is blowing with sun's flare explored,
the earth's crust is also changing.

Primary planets of solar sysytem brush each other.

Coming up the big planet,
that will cause earth's big changing.

But Divine does not want
Earth and Universe get into catastrophic state,
nor Humans get unhappy state.

People have each thought and emotion.

These emotions have strong energy.

Now there are so many people,
who have 'fear' emotions.

That is fear of big disaster,
economic recession or disease like cancer...

It seems that having these 'fear' emotions is natural,
because of uncertain future and anxiety,
but that kind of emotions are so dangerous to keep.

That has big energy to spread out widely.

Few people have no 'fear' emotion actually.

But please make effort to reduce 'fear'.

It needs to stop the movement of growing 'fear'
on collective human's subconscious mind.

Please start to stop it,
by someone, who notice it.

It is OK by meditation or other ways.

Keep reduce 'fear' emotions
of collective human's subconscious mind.

It requires to burn out 'fear' completely.

Some group burn out 'fear',
by doing 'Voilet Flame Meditation'.

I ask you to tell and teach my 'Voilet Flame Meditation'
to many people.

More people get to be the keeper of 'Voilet Flame Meditation',
more safer Earth and Humans are.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Hearing beautiful song and singing songs benefit all people and all existnces." Goddess of Song

2012-03-10 | English
I have got a message from the Goddess of Song.

In human body,
each organ has each sound,
so that in body there are musics.

The Goddess of Song tells me,
when human is healthy in both mental and physical,
inside body plays harmonious sounds.

On the contrary, when it plays musical dissonance,
the body comes to possibility of illness.

Please take a look at a message.

  The Goddess of Song Message 2012-3-8
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

It is beneficial and well balanced
in both mental and physical aspect,
for you to make sound through throat or to sing song.

In human body,
each organ has each sound,
and also spirit has its sound.

It doesn't mean that there is only one sound.

Many sounds get playing harmony inside of body,
keeping the state of harmony,
that is ideal.

Sound has power.

And music, especially human's voice,
easily rings and resounds into human's heart, body and nature.

It has amazing healing effects.

People are moved when hearing human's voices,
of course also moved by non-human sound.

And there are some time to shed tears by that.

It occurs by heart sensing,
with purifying heart.

Hearing beautiful songs and singing songs
benefit all people and all existences.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Sound has magnificent power, which takes balance of physical body." HATHOR Message

2012-03-09 | English
I have got a message from HATHOR.

HATHOR is the Goddess,
who is concerned with Sound.

She tells me the relation between sound and human,
and its influence from sound to human.

So I would like to introduce her message.

  Goddess HATHOR Message 2012-3-6
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

Sound and voice has its soul,
having many meaning in it.

Everything has its meaning.

Even it seems just a random sound line,
there are meanings with it.

It relates to frequency or wave-motion.

Sound is wave.

Air vibrates,
so you can sense its wave and hear with your ears.

And that vibrations affect not only your ears
but also whole your body and aura,
with receiving its wave and being resonant with.

There are sounds with beautiful sound,
noisy sound, even silence.

In this your modern society,
it is impossible to have a state with no-sound.

Your body itself has making sound,
like sound of blood flowing, sound of heart beating.

Thus, your body vibrates all the time,
keeping to take balance and adjustment.

Sound has magnificent power,
which takes balance of physical body.

When a person is in healthy condition,
he is under good balance naturally,

but if losing its balance by mental aspect,
that might lead to influence body aspect,
possibility of getting illness.

Hearing beautiful sounds,
it affects a lot to keep and take balance.

So if hearing comfortable music or peaceful music,
you could get balance of body and healthy in body and mind.

It is necessary to choose music well.

Your life is surrounded by many sounds now,
in every moment you get some sounds into your ears.

You are required to fix your environment.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Please recommend 'Voilet Flame Meditation' to many people." Saint-Germain

2012-03-08 | English
I have got a message from Saint-Germain,
after having a circle of 'Voilet Flame Meditation'.

I will introduce that message.

  Saint-Germain Message 2012-3-2
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

Please do 'Voilet Flame Meditation'.

Please promote transformation of people's consciousness.

It needs purification for the Earth.

Of course, purification is necessary for people, too.

For all existences get harmonized well,
living in peace and happily,
it is necessary to raise people's consciousness up more.

More people live with high level consciousness,
better effect for the Earth.

Meditation promote that effectiveness drastically.

So please recommend 'Voilet Flame Meditation' to many people.

Purifying yourself and serve for people and the Earth.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Akashic Records show differently by the direction of foucsing." The Akashic Guide Angel

2012-03-07 | English
The Akashic Guide Angel gave me a message.

There are existences who are guiding Akashic Records.

The information of Akashic Records shows differently
by the person who reads it.

It means there is necessity of examining reader's qualities.

I will show you a message about it.

The Akashic Guide Angel Message 2012-3-7
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

The Akashic Records is the place like a library,
in which there keep everyone's memories from before birth of earth,
and records of everyone's future.

It requires a certain qualification to access the Akashic Records.

There are several layers in it,
that is, there are easy access layers to read,
or there are the layers of utmost importance.

The most important layers relate to
Human's history and this planet history.

These information can be downloaded by only selected persons.

For those who read it,
it should be checked his personality.

Being good faith, being honest,
being reliable,

it is chosen only the person who has will to serve others.

A person having strong Ego mind, or just having curiosity,
will not be able to get these information.

Because the Akashic Guide Angels protect them.

But it is possible to look into your personal Akashic Records.

Akashic Records show differently by the direction of foucsing,
so that reading information itself change.

Remember that point,
and take care of it when you ask someone to read.

There is necessity of examining reader's qualities.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Show your Love from your heart." A Master of Angels 2012-2-21

2012-03-04 | English
I have got a message little bit before,

I would like to show it.

  A Master of Angels Message 2012-2-21
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

Show your Love from your heart.

Do not store inside,
but show the Love to everyone more and more.

Being lightly...

Do discharge heavy burdens into backside,
go forward and go ahead.

There is no reason to be stagnated there.

It is a new setting off.

Without having any anxieties,
nor expectaing too much,
just be there and it is good enough.

It is good for you to do what you want.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Please take action, for showing your 'Love'." Mother Teresa Message 2009-11-26

2012-03-03 | English
It was some years before,
that I have got a message from Mother Teresa.

She had worked for poor people.

Indeed, she is a truly figure with full of love.

Please take a look at it.

  Mother Teresa Message 2009-11-26
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

For riches, poors and for all people,
there is a common word of salvation.

That is 'Love'.

'Love' saves many people from drought of heart.

It is the most sacred word.

Most part of 'Love' should be shown by one's action.

Loving people from bottom of your heart,
it is important to show not only by your thought,
but also by taking your actions.

Please take actions,
for showing your 'Love'.

Loving as your actions is important.

First of all, loving yourself.

And then wrapping up your family
and your surrounding people.

I would not say to do some special things as 'taking actions'.

Just being a person who is filled with big 'Love' all the time.

Noticing how much you are loved,
by so many people, so many existences,

or noticing how much you are accepted,

and to gratitude them.

It is very important point.

Then, with feeling such grateful heart,
please do Love people more and more.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Besides you, there is always a chance for you to be changed." Saint Mary Message

2012-03-02 | English
Saint Mary gave me a message.

To change one own self and get reborn as a new self...

Such wonderful chances seems to be there all the time for everyone.

I feel that it is similar to a story of the Parallel World.

There are countless Parallel Worlds at "This Moment of Now",

if we could select and pick up our hoping world among them,
what a nice story it is!

Indeed, it could be possible.

Please take a look at Saint Mary's message.

   Saint Mary Message 2012-2-28
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

Being peacefully all the time.

Human is changing always.

And this reality is actually a continuity of scenes,
one picture and another picuture...

Like a Movie film or Animation film,
many pictures, made up single ones,
goes in high speed continuation,

we can see it as Moving.

That is the continuation of "This Moment of Now".

And it is just continuation of existence.

People often think it is hard to be changed of themselves.

Actually it is hard to change other person.

But it is possible to change one's own self at any time.

The key is your determination of 'Change',
at "This Moment of Now".

The reason why it is possible to change is,
that such the continuation, which we can see it as continued,
is actually made up by one by one, or divided one by one,
so we we can choose a certain "This Moment of Now".

Then it is good to get started of your new starting,
at "This Moment of Now".

Such choice will change your subsequent events.

Besides you, there is always a chance for you to be changed.

It can be said that everyone always have chances
to become ideal state of everyone.

First of all, it needs your determination to get change,
at "This Moment of Now".

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Please look up at night sky, and talk with Stars. They are always talking to you." The Star Angel

2012-03-01 | English
I have got a message from the Angel of Star.

When looking up at the night sky,
there are so many stars twinkling.

My living place is the suburbs,
stars are beautiful compared with Tokyo Metropolitan area.

Especially in winter,
air becomes clear so that stars are easy to see.

These stars are always talking to us in some way.

Being your heart and feel them.

I would like to share you a message from the Angel of Star.

 the Angel of Star Message 2012-2-25
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

Please look up at the night sky, and talk with the stars.

Listen well to the beautiful sounds and whispering from stars.

They are talking to you ll the time.

In this present day, now there are so many sounds around,
that the nature sounds disappear by the noises.

It might be difficult for you to listen
with very careful concentration.

At such a moment, being calm down,
please get a sense of unification with Stars.

Try to feel Stars.

Stars are sure to tell you sounds invariably,
and show you colors.

And Stars are to talk to you.

That will be a wonderful experiences for you.

In the old days, people were talking with stars,
and receiving energy from them.

It is the state of heart,
pure, no block and open mind.

Stars show us the lights of the past of several Light years.

It means, there exist all time,
the past, the present and the future.

Stars shall give you many information.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"By talking with yourself well, your life shall change drastically," Archangel Haniel

2012-02-29 | English
Archangel Haniel gave me amessage.

Archangel Haniel is the angel of communication.

She said, it is important to get communication with one own self.

If someone could not communicate with himself in a good way,
it causes accumulating stress and at end getting disease.

In such a situation,
even a small thing becomes big problem for the person,
she added.

Have a time in which there is nobody around you,
though it seems to feel 'lonely'.

And talk with yourself,
that is the very important thing.

So please take a look at her message.

  Archangel Haniel Message 2012-2-24
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

Please have a calm time.

To have a time of enjoying alone,
to have a space of talking with one own self,
these are very important factor.

Please have a rest well,
coming out from daily miscellaneous affairs or uproar.

There are some people who misunderstands it is loneliness
to have such times.

But do have a time of being only yourself.

If a man could not get good communication with himself,
it causes to accumulate stress.

And it possibly leads to break his human relationship,

or some small thing might grow as a big problem for him.

All these things are illusions.

By talking with yourself well,
one's life shall change drastically.

And a person will be able to trust himself,

changing a lot his view how to see things,
gradually happiness is growing.

Then that happiness will call another happiness,
it bears a good circulation.

In this circulation,
of course, human relationship goes well.

So firstly, do enjoy a calm time,
do talk with yourself at your own pace.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Spring is coming very closely. Look forward to seeing that day." Spirit of a flower, Peach Blossom

2012-02-26 | English
Day by day, it can be felt of Spring coming.

Spring is beautiful,
for the beauties of flowers and sweet smells of them.

And spring makes us a happy heart.

I guess it is because to be similar to the Light of Hope.

I have got a message from The Spirit of a flower, Peach Blossom.

Please take a look.

The Spirit of a flower, Peach Blossom Message 2012-2-17
    (channeling by Arino Mami)

It comes the season of blooming flowers of beautiful Peach Blossom.

The cold Winter has been passing away,
Spring is long time in coming.

It comes to increase warmer days than colder days,
the blossoms develop from buds.

And it will smell sweet.

With these Spring gentle,
her scents will come up to you all very soon.

And it is imporatnt to keep to hold hope inside of you always.

Because hope shall come to realize in some time.

Your desired hope will realize,
unless you give up to hope.

Live with keeping your dream and hope.

Spring has been coming very closely.

Let's look forward to seeing that day.

(Translation by Tetsuya Suzuki)

"Please plant seed of Love in each mind." Saint Mary Message 2011-4-2

2011-04-04 | English
   Saint Mary  2011-4-2

Let the flower of people's mind to become blooming.
Let it be sprouting of Love in each and each mind.

Please plant the seed of Love in each and each mind.
Even a small seed has its own life energy.

That life is important.

Nothing is unimportant.

All of you are studying that each everything has its important life.

Remember that even in the matter which seems contain no life,
it has life actually.

Everything has its vibrations.

And each has the different qualities with it,
even has difference of the length of life.

But its length of life will change by the treatment of it.

If treating kindly, it takes a new lease of life,
If treating badly, it shortens its life.

It depends on weather being in high vibrations or being low vibrations.

It is desirable for human to live in higher vibrations.

High vibrations means the very subtle vibrations like God or Angel,
it stays in your pure heart.

It is the vibrations of Happiness and Abundance.

And sometimes by that vibrations it can be also healed.

Please be honest toward you,
and have an acceptable mind in total, peacefully.

Every person has own Free Will.
Nobody can control it.

And You Are Perfect as You Are.
Any others Are Perfect as They Are.

If you can receive this at the bottom of your heart,
you can receive everything.

First, accept all of yourself as you are.
Forgive all of yourself.

You can think anything that you want.
And do notice that it is the same for everybody.


All of things go well

Walk toward your happiness.


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