


It's not perfect but it's good enough. まぁいいか。

2014-05-31 08:51:49 | 英語・今日のレッスン


I'm looking forward to +名詞      ~を楽しみにしている
I'm looking forward to +動詞 ing   ~するのをを楽しみにしている

I'm looking forward to seeing you again. またあなたに会うのを楽しみにしている
I'm looking forward to the next class. 次の授業を楽しみにしている
*I look forward to seeing you again. と I look forward to seeing you again. は文法的にどちらも正解です。

<Words and Expressions>

gain weight 体重が増える

Don't tease me. からかわないで

【during +名詞 ~の間】
During my trip I enjoyed a lot of delicious food but I gained weight.

【I like ~】

I like movies. 私は映画が好きです
I like watching movies.  私は映画を見るのが好きです
I like to watch movies.  私は映画を見るのが好きです

例)動詞+ing enjoy, stop, mind, finish など
I enjoy dancing.(not enjoy to dance)
I don't mind getting up early. 早く起きるのを気にしない
Has it stopped raining? 雨はやみましたか

例) 動詞+to want, need, decide, try, hopeなど
What do you want to do?
I don't need to go home yet. 私はまだ家へ帰る必要がない
Alice has decided to sell her car. アリスは車を売ることを決めた
She tried to read her book, but I couldn't. 彼女は本を読もうとしたが出来なかった

【afterwards のちに、あとで】

I met my friend at the station, afterwards we went to the coffee shop.

Last night he ate delicious food afterwards he rushed.

主語 +have + 過去分詞

Did you have your hair cut. 髪を切ってもらいましたか

Will you have the sofa delivered? ソファを配達してもらいますか?

I had my computer repaired. コンピューターを直してもらった

It's not perfect but it's good enough.

It's up to you. あなた次第(あなたによる)

Who do you want to invite? 誰を招待したいですか
It's up to you. あなた次第です

How much ketchup do you want to buy for the party?

It depends on the price. 値段によります

Tonight, will you and your friend go to see a movie?

It depends on when my friend finishes her work.

At this rate do you think we will reach the summit in time to see the sunrise?

It depends on how many people are in front of us.

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If she were here I would talk with her.

2014-05-25 20:04:32 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

leave-left-left 出かける
go out 出かける go out+目的語

He left to meet his friend. 彼は友達と会うために出かけた

Take your time. ごゆっくり(ごゆっくりどうぞ)

respect 尊敬、尊重 ⇔disrespect
I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with you.

pray 祈る
ignore 無視する

I wasn't sure. たしかではない
I haven't been sure. たしかではなかった

absorb 吸収する


What is the date today? 今日は何日ですか?

What is the day today?  今日は何曜日ですか?

The twentieth = 20th
The twenty-first=21st
The twenty-second=22nd
The twenty-third=23rd
The twenty-fourth=24th

【while, during, between ~の間】

While ~する間、動作・状態が継続しているとき=動詞を伴う節(文)が続く
during ~する間 =名詞が続く
when  ~のとき

While I drive my son read a map.

While driving I always listen to the radio NHK English program.

*主語が同じ場合は while+動名詞 の形に出来る
(while I drive I always listen to the radio NHK English program.→ While driving~)

During trip I took a lot of photos.

She lives somewhere between Tokyo and Takasaki.

Between Monday and Wednesday 月曜と水曜の間

【when, before, after, if】

When I go to Tokyo I want to meet my friend. 東京へ行くとき私は友に会いたい
Before I go to Tokyo I called my friend. 東京へ行く前、私は友に電話した
After I go to Tokyo I'll meet my friend. 東京へ行ったあと私は友と会うつもりだ
If I go to Tokyo I want to meet my friend. もし東京へ行ったら友達に会いたい

when, before, after, if +現在形


If I had one hundred million yen I could buy a big house.


(If + 過去形の文) + (主語 + would/ could 文)

If today were Saturday~ もし今日が土曜日だったら  be動詞の場合はwereを使う
If she were here もし彼女がここにいたら
If there were a television~ もしテレビがあったら

If I were in my twenty's I would study English hard, because my brain could absorb
English grammar more quickly.

【This is the ________time for_______to_______初めて~する。二度目に~する】

This is the first time for this plant to bloom.

That was the last time for me to live in an apartment was ten years ago.

【 使役動詞 make ~させる】

This music makes me want to dance.

Listening bad news makes me want to cover my ears with my hand.

Listening bad news makes me want to cry.

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The day after next.  明後日

2014-05-18 17:08:12 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

sick (形容詞)病気
illness (名詞)病気

recover from 回復する
broken 折れた broken arm 腕の骨折

【What happened?】

What happened? どうしましたか?  見て分かるとき(怪我をしているなど)

What's wrong?
What's matter? どうしましたか? 態度、雰囲気などがおかしいとき

treatment 治療

elbow 肘
knee 膝  kneel(名詞)ひざまずく動作 (動詞)ひざまずく
nail 爪
crack 裂け目、爪の割れた状態
hang nail ささくれ I have a hang nail. ささくれがある

My finger hurts. 指が痛い(一本の指)
My fingers hurt.  指が痛い(二本以上の指)

A hang nail is painful. ささくれが痛い  痛みの原因があるときに(painful)は使える
A sunburn is painful. 日焼けが痛い
A headache is painful. 頭痛がある(直訳すると「頭痛が痛い」になり、おかしいが、英語ではこの言い方が使える)
A toothache is painful. 歯が痛い

Does your finger still hurt? まだ指が痛みますか

I hope your finger heals soon. / I hope your finger will heal soon.
I hope your fingers heal soon.(複数の指)
お大事にしてください (直訳)あなたの指が早く治ることを希望しています

Have you already recovered from your jet lag?

Has your friend recovered from her broken arm?

【The day after next 明後日】

The day after next 明後日、あさって    The day before last 一昨日、おととい
The week after next 再来週         The week before last 先々週
The Monday after next  再来週の月曜    The Monday before last 先々週の月曜
The Spring after next  再来年の春
The class after next  次々回のクラス

【形容詞 人の反応=形容詞+ed】

I was embarrassed by a wedding photo, because I worn a white napkin around my neck on my beautiful Japanese clothes.
私は恥ずかしかった/ 結婚式の写真で/ なぜなら白いナプキンを首の周りに着ている/ 美しい日本の服の上に

The movie was interesting, so I was interested.

【One of the best things about~ 最高のものの一つは】

One of the best things about taking trains is you don't get to stack in traffic jams.

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This soup reminded me of my mother's cooking.

2014-05-04 20:09:38 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

過去)~年前 ago / 5年前 5 years ago
未来)~年後 in / 5年後 in 5 years

sport gear スポーツの道具

drought 干ばつ、水枯れ
a water shortage 水不足

nostalgic 追憶、懐かしい

How long did you stay? 何日滞在しましたか
=How long were you there? そこに何日いましたか(何日滞在しましたか)


respond(動詞) 反応する
response (名詞)反応

responsibility (名詞)責任
responsible (形容詞)責任のある
responsibly (副詞)責任を持って

Thank you for your (quick/ fast) response.

It's my responsibility to clean the white board.

Who is responsible for the accident.

He is responsible.

It's your responsibility to check (check and see) whether or not there is enough wine
for the party.

It ill be my responsibility to take care of my husband in 20 years.

Please drive responsibly.

Please drink responsibly.

irresponsible (形容詞)責任感の無い、無責任な
irresponsibility (名詞)無責任

【How much do you think this is? いくらだと思う?】

How much do you think this is?

How much milk do you think we need to make a cake?

Who do you think she is?

Who do you think she will marry?

How old do you think when she had the first child?

How heavy do you think my bag is?


The ~ reminded me of......

The food reminded me of when I lived in Malaysia.

This soup reminded me of my mother's cooking.

【It felt like~  ~のように感じる】

It felt like I was riding on a roller coasters.

【on trip】

go on a school trip 学校の遠足、修学旅行へ行く
go on a business 出張に行く
You go on a trip. あなたは旅行する
You go on bus バスに乗る

How long ago did you first go there?

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