


The question you asked before.  あなたが前に尋ねた質問

2015-02-22 16:12:02 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

He called in sick. 彼から具合が悪いから休むと連絡があった《直訳:彼は病気中と電話した》
He mailed in sick.  彼から具合が悪いから休むとメールがあった

preview 予告

interactive (形容詞)双方向の

I know it's in the break time but I have a question.

I got lost. 私は道に迷った


Is the preparation for your exhibition on schedule?

behind schedule スケジュールより遅れて
on schedule スケジュール通り
ahead of schedule  スケジュールより早く、予定より前倒しで

How many pictures will there be?
=How many pictures will be at the exhibition?

I like your work. 私はあなたの作品が好きです

work=作品: 不可算名詞 
piece(s) 作品、曲など

【previous 前の 以前の、今の前】previous(以前の:形容詞)⇔ current(現在の:形容詞)

At your previous exhibition 前のあなたの展覧会で

My previous phone number  私の前の電話番号
My previous address    私の前の住所

The company I worked at before.  私が以前勤めていた会社
=My previous company  私の前の会社(私が以前勤めていた会社)

The example I made before.  私が前に作った例
=My previous example. 私の前の

The question you asked before.  あなたが前に尋ねた質問
=My previous question  私の前の質問

The address I lived at before.  私が前に住んでいた住所
=My previous address. 私の前の住所

The telephone number I had before. 私が前に持っていた電話番号
=My previous telephone number.  私の前の電話番号

The telephone number I had before is easier to remember than my current number.

The PC I have now = My previous PC  私の現在のパソコン

Her previous husband = Her ex-husband 彼女の前夫(前の夫)
My previous teacher (すぐ)前の先生= My former teacher 前の先生(フォーマルな言い方であり、元という意味でも使える)

He is a former president of this company.

He is the previous president of this company.

*元社長は複数いるので a former president となるが、前社長は一人なので the previous president となる(わかりやすい例で上げると、前議員と元議員と考えるとわかりやすいと思います)

My previous teacher was a Canadian.  私の前の先生はカナダ人でした
=The teacher I studied with before was a Canadian.

How many pieces did you have at your previous exhibition?
=How many pieces were there at your previous exhibition?

First 最初の、一番最初の ⇔ Last (順番が最後の)最後の、一番最後の

How many pieces did you have at your last exhibition?

So, this is your second exhibition, isn't it?

This will be your second exhibition, won't it?

Yes, so far.  そうです。いまのところね

How will it be "Interactive"?  どのように双方向なんですか

The summer before last. おととしの夏
Like the summer before last.  おととしの夏のように(おととしの夏と同じように双方向の展覧会です

Not just looking but also discovering.

Not just A but also B. = Not only A but also B. AばかりでなくBも

【besides / except for / instead of】

Yesterday at the restaurant for some reason in stead of tea I ordered coffee.

本来は I ordered coffee instead of tea (for some reason) at the restaurant yesterday.かも知れませんが、コミュニケーションを第一に考えています

Instead of waiting until tomorrow, let's do it today!

Instead of buying both today, you should buy just one. After(afterword) if you like it, you can buy the other.

=Instead of buying two today, you should buy just one. After if you like it, you can buy another.

The foreign ministry spokesman answered questions from the press instead of the prime minister.

It's sunny today so, instead of watching TV you should exercise outdoors after if you feel hungry, you can have a low price lunch at the original A.

今日は晴れているね。だから、テレビを見る代わりに外で運動するほうがいいよ。そのあと、もし 君がお腹がすいていたら(レストランの)A本店で安いランチを食べられるよ

have a low price lunch  形容詞(low)が入るので a low price lunch となる

have lunch lunchだけのときはa, theなどの冠詞はつかない

【Are you OK?】

Are you OK? 大丈夫ですか?    誰かが、転んだときなどに 「大丈夫?」と聞くとき

ーYes, I'm OK. Thank you. はい、大丈夫です、ありがとう

I'm sorry. Is it OK? 大丈夫ですか?  誰かのコップを倒してしまった時など「大丈夫ですか?」

ーYes. It's OK. はい、大丈夫です

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I can't stand people who litter.

2015-02-15 17:59:07 | 英語・今日のレッスン
2月9日(月) レッスン

words and phrases

garbage ごみ、生ごみ、がらくた
trash  紙ごみ
litter (名詞)ごみ、ごみの投げ捨て  / (動詞)ごみを散らかす、ごみを投げ捨て ポイ捨て

Don't litter! ごみを捨てるな!
Pick it up! それを拾いなさい

intruder 違法な侵入者


I can't stand people who smoke near children.

=I can't stand people that smoke near children.

She has to put up with siren because she lives near the fire department.

People living near the beach have to endure a lot of typhoon every year.

I can't stand people who litter.

bear (動詞)感情を揺さぶられるような悲しさを我慢できない
can't stand 否定文で使う、一般的な我慢できない気持ちを表すとき
tolerate put up withと同じだがエレガントな言い方
put up with  仕方ないことを我慢する
endure 苦痛、困難、不幸などを我慢する


waterproof (名詞)防水 (動詞)防水加工する
fireproof 耐火性の、不燃性の
Childproof (事故・けがなどを防ぐために)子どもが操作[いたずら]できない、子どもには扱えない、子どもにとって安全な
soundproof 防音の
foolproof 誰にでもできる(扱える)、間違えようのない、しくじりようのない
bulletproof 防弾の

Are those curtains fireproof? あれらのカーテンは防火ですか?

Excuse me? I'm looking for a waterproof watch. (店で)恐れ入ります、防水の時計を探しているのですが

I have to waterproof my table and chairs in my garden.
* waterproof を動詞として使う

After their child started walking, they had to childproof their home.


《強い言い方》idiot  (名詞)バカ、あほ、間抜け
《 ↓ 》stupid  (形容詞)バカな
《 ↓ 》dump  (形容詞)バカな  *辞書にはdump-ass とあるかもしれません
《ソフトな言い方》foolish (名詞)バカな


This cream protects my skin from the sun.

Seat belts protect us from serious injury.

Using seat belts protect us from serious injury.

Wearing helmets while riding on a bike protects riders from serious injury.

My dog protected me from other dogs.

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He pretended to be sick. 彼は病気のふりをした

2015-02-08 18:24:50 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

take part in  参加する
drill 訓練
emergency drill 緊急時の訓練(避難訓練のようなもの)
furthermore  その上、なお

pretend ふりをする

sleepy (形容詞)眠い
asleep (形容詞)眠っている

I was moved by ~ 私は~に感動した
形容詞+前置詞 (ほとんどのものにbyが使える)

embarrass (動詞)狼狽させる、当惑させる
upset (動詞)動揺させる、困らせる

【 週末にあった出来事について】

I took part in an emergency drill as a volunteer interpreter.


I was able to help foreigners living Gunma who couldn't speak Japanese.


For the most part I did well, but I was sometimes wrong.


I was sometimes wrong about how to translate from Japanese to English.


I should have asked her "What is your baby due?"


Besides you, were there other translators? あなた以外に他の通訳者はいましたか

She was able to speak Japanese but she pretended not to be able to speak it.


I was moved by what one American woman said.

She said "This isn't an English school here. We have a problem that we can't speak Japanese. So, trust your English. Don't worry".

Thank you for listening. 聞いてくださってありがとう

Our pleasure. どういたしまして(1人のときは My pleasure)

【I was wrong about~ まちがえました】

I was wrong about how to translate from Japanese to English.


=I made a mistake about how to translate from Japanese to English.

I was wrong about where she lives.


I was wrong about her shoe size. 私は彼女のくつのサイズについて間違えました

I was wrong about how high mount is.  私は山の高さについて間違えました

【 He pretended ~ふりをする

He pretended to be sick. 彼は病気のふりをした
He pretended he was sick. 彼は病気のふりをした
He pretended not to be sick. 彼は病気でないふりをした

She pretended to be awake.  彼女は目覚めたふりをした
She pretended to be asleep.  彼女は眠っているふりをした
She pretended she was sleepy. 彼女は眠いふりをした
She pretended to be injured. 彼女は怪我をしているふりをした
She pretended she got injured. 彼女は怪我をしているふりをした
She pretended to be embarrassed. 彼女は恥ずかしいふりをした
She pretended she was embarrassed. 彼女は恥ずかしいふりをした
She pretended not to be embarrassed. 彼女は恥ずかしくないふりをした

【Thank you. と言われて どういたしましてを何という?】

Thank you.

You're welcome. どういたしまして (だいたいのThank youに使える)

My pleasure. どういたしまして (一緒に楽しんだときなど)
Don't mention it. どういたしまして。いえ、とんでもない
Not at all. ぜんぜん、問題ないよ

【 I didn't mean to ~ ~のつもりじゃなかった】

I didn't meant to scare you. あなたを怖がらせるつもりではなかった
I didn't mean to embarrass. あなたを当惑させるつもりはなかった
I didn't mean to upset.  あなたを困らせる(動揺させる)つもりはなかった
I didn't mean to wake up you.  あなたを起こすつもりではなかった
I didn't mean to hurt you.  あなたを傷つけるつもりはなかった
I didn't mean to rude.  あなたに無礼をするつもりはなかった
I didn't mean to trouble. あなたを困らせるつもりはなかった

I didn't mean to wash your blouse with my jeans.

I didn't mean to deceive you but I didn't want to hurt you.

I didn't mean to tell him about your problem.

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2015-02-02 20:39:48 | お知らせ


It must be crowded. 混んでいるに違いない

Where would you like to sit? どこに座りたいですか

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It's not too expensive. それほど高価でない

2015-02-01 21:35:06 | 英語・今日のレッスン

Words and expressions

I misunderstood what you said.  あなたが言ったことを誤解しました

nominate ノミネート、推薦する

the cold 寒さ

work area/ work place  仕事場所

destination 目的地

destiny 運命 =fate

【 It's not too cold. それほど寒くない(何かをするために寒すぎない)】

It's not too  形容詞  それほど~でない
It's not very  形容詞  あまり~でない 

It's not too cold.  それほど寒くない
It's not too heavy.  それほど重くない
It's not too crowded. それほど混んでない
It's not too far. それほど遠くない
It's not too difficult. それほど難しくない
It's not too expensive. それほど高価でない

It wasn't too cold.  それほど寒くなかった

Recently, it hasn't been too cold. 最近はそれほど寒くない

Next time, it won't be too boring. 次回はそれほど退屈でないだろう

(現在 must ~ちがいない)must+動詞の原形 
It must be crowded. 混んでいるに違いない

(過去 must ~ちがいなかった)must+have+動詞の過去分詞
It must have been crowded.  混んでいたに違いなかった

(未来形 ~違いないでしょう) will+ surely+動詞の原形
It will surely be crowded. 混んでいるに違いないでしょう

【It's ironic 皮肉的な】

It's ironic that after returning to Japan safely from his long and dangerous trip he fell on the steps on his house and injured his knee.

【 A is as 形容詞 as B. AはBと同じくらい~】

A is as interesting as B. AはBと同じくらい面白い
A isn't as interesting as B. AはBほど面白くない

From here the station is as far as my house. ここから駅まではうちまでと同じくらい遠い
This year's quilt festival is as crowded as last year.

【I don't mind.  構わない】mind +動詞ing

I don't mind seeing movies alone.  私は一人で映画を見ることは構わない

Most people don't like winter, but I don't mind the cold.

I don't mind waiting. 待つのは構わない
I don't mind carrying two. 2つ運ぶのは構わない

Most housewives don't like their husbands drinking out until late, but I don't mind my husband
coming back until morning.

My ca't didn't like riding the car and he always meowed loudly, but I didn't mind.

Most people don't like the taste of baby food, but I don't mind because it reminds me of when I used to feed my daughter.

【It doesn't matter.  構わない】
Where would you like to sit? どこに座りますか?
It doesn't matter where we sit. どこへ座っても構わない

It doesn't matter if we are late.  私たちが遅れても構わない

It doesn't matter how long it takes for me to learn English. I won't give up/

The size doesn't matter. サイズは構わない
The prize doesn't mater.  値段は構わない

cat-----meow 鳴く
dog-----bark 吠える
bird----tweet/ call さえずる
lion / tiger / big cats ----roar  うなる、ほえる
insect-----chirp さえずる、甲高く鳴く
cow-----moo モーと鳴く
sheep-----bleat メーと鳴く

【When it comes to ~ ~に関しては】 When it comes to 名詞/ 動名詞

When it comes to tea, the brand doesn't matter to me, but when it comes to coffee, I'm very

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