


2017-01-31 15:11:31 | 日常

I don't think the pros of having only one superpower outweigh the cons.
And I explain the two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, when human's history is reflected, we often see the pros of having only one superpower outweigh the cons. For example, the Empire of Roman.
But, most people were slaves.
Although we profit from the civilization of the past, I have no choice but to image that common people in that time were unhappy.

Secondly, today, most nations rise up their democratic policy.
But, it's more fragile than people have thought.
Because democratic voting does not equal to generate the democratic politics.
If voters select the politician who has not democratic thinking, such a politician having only one superpower will lead to the chaotic situation .
Then, it isn't strange whatever will happen.

For these reasons, I can't believe the pros of having only one superpower might overcome all the cons.


"Do the pros of having only one superpower outweigh the cons?"


pros と con の意味合いが、正直、よくわかりませんが、とにかく、書いてみました。

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2017-01-30 13:20:41 | 日常

Celebrities often influence on a political stage.
So I think celebrities should not stay out of politics.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, it is the most problematic issue for young people in Japan to stay out politics.
We need to encourage them to be more interested in politics.
Otherwise, the government will exclude young people's opinion from their practice.
I hope celebrities to lead to the result that all young people vote.

Secondly, celebrities are often available to the government or some political groups.
But, they hardly mention their individual opinion yet.
They seem to be willing to extend their popularity with being embarked as a campaign thing.
Celebrities should open their true mind to politics as not a famous talent but a living person.

For these reasons, I think celebrities should not keep silence to politics.



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2017-01-29 16:20:28 | 日常

I don't think that the sale of tabacco products should be illegal.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

Firstly, the habit of smoking has been in human's history for a long time.
For example, I see people in Edo era like to smoke in a play.
Smoking is one of the culture in not only Japan, in but also other nations around the world.
But, when most of tabacco products are manufactured today, those are added with a lot of chemical things that get the environment polluted.
Using such chemical things should be illegal, rather than selling tabacco itself.

Secondly, most people say that smokers often annoy others.
However, in that case, it is not the problem to sell tabacco.
It is the very problem for smokers to be in a bad manner.
These days, I see most smokers take care of other people.

For these reasons, I believe that if the sale of tabacco products is banned, people are likely not to solve the essential problem.





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2017-01-28 23:58:46 | 日常

I think that the world is heading toward another global conflict.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, the Middle East countries have already had a lot of conflicts.
Since developed countries have been interfering in this area for a long time, terrorism has been even growing there eventually.

Secondly, most of developed countries justify using their army and weapons in order to keep peace of the world, still now.
It will result that more conflicts are generated.
For example, some hospitals in the Middle East area were given bomb attacks recently.
In any case, hospitals should be protected from war.
But, some developed countries is involving them in their army's action.

For these reasons, I assume that some developed countries will lead to another world war by their interfering in other nations and by their justifying to use weapons.
I wish them to avoid it.

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2017-01-28 22:52:33 | 日常

I don't think that Japan would benefit from a more open immigration policy.
And I explain why I don't see that for following two reasons.

Firstly, when Japan benefits from immigration, people who immigrated become workforce the government taxes.
But now, unemployment have been increasing in Japan.
Furthermore, foreigners who want to move to this country often need education and aids before they come to work enough.
If immigration policy is more opened, both unemployees and employees in Japan will be stressed.

Secondly, in Japan, the food self-sufficiency rate has been decreasing.
This means that if the government miss the diplomatic policy we might face the shortage of food.
In that case, I guess the government can't afford the potion of foreigners.

For these reasons, I expect that a more open immigration policy would not be a good idea.

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2017-01-28 21:40:39 | 日常

I don't think that warfare between nations is an inevitable consequence of human nature.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, not only human being fight to survive, but other spacies also do that.
So, human nature is not the reason why many conflicts occur.
I assume that human nature means having the awareness which other animals can not do.
For example, most people are realizing that war to keep peace is deceitful.
Only human being can be aware of this.

Secondly, human's skills are prominent.
It's also human nature.
In the past, human built their nations by repeating wars.
But, today, people around the world make efforts that their own nations get more democratic.
If they use their skills in order to establish truly democratic civilization, they can expel warfare and weapons.

For these reasons, I believe that warfare between nations is able to be eliminated by human nature.

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2017-01-26 16:42:58 | 日常

I don't think that government funding is the only way for Olympic athletes to stay competitive.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

First, it is effective for many big companies to tie up in order to help athletes.
Olympic is symbolized as the global peace.
Today, in Japan, the government is going to encourage companies to manufacture and to sell weapons.
But, I guess the international society won't welcome this situation.
If they cooperate to fund for Olympic rather than wars, they will get more credit in the world.

Additionally, Olympic committee members receive too high salaries and rich backing.
Being compared with those of the athletes, it is extravagant.
Also, they should cut the cost, such as expenditure to show their monetary power to other countries.
So they should fund more money in order to build better facilities.

For these reasons, I believe that there are still some ways for Olympic athletes to stay competitive.


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2017-01-25 08:33:16 | 日常

Cyberbullying is one of the main problems in a modern society.
I think it is not enough done to stop it.
And I have two reasons to support my opinion.

To begin with, most providers desert victims of such bullies on the Internet.
They forbid all users to do such behavior.
Nevertheless, they hardly take any punishment for it.
In short, if cyberbullying once happens, victims have no choice but to bear with the situation.

Secondly, the official government tend to overlook most of the cyberbullying.
Most politicians are looking out online if their own credit is hurt.
But it is only then.
Originally, cyberbullying is not clearly defined.
We commonly feel it is cyberbullying for anonymous people to insult one.
Nonetheless, the official government mostly assumes cyberbullying is just an individual issue which they should not help.

For these reasons, it should be more enforced to stop cyberbullying.

it の真主語に注意しなければなりません。

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2017-01-24 15:19:03 | 日常


Today, economy has been getting worse in Japan.
The top of the politicians is declaring that situation is becoming better.
However, it has still been too difficult for poor people to survive.
Now, I explain why I think so with two reasons.

Firstly, it's supposed that economy has been mainly initiated by rich people.
Political schemes are planned to let them spend money for investiment.
It has never seen the difficulties of poor people.
Because the amount of taxes collected from them is a little.
In short, the layer of poverty never has monetary power to move political issues.

Secondly, most people in poor are living in rental houses or rooms.
When financial schemes leave them behind, they are likely to lose their jobs.
Then, they can't afford paying their bills for living spaces.
So they will become homeless sooner or later.
Because spending for living spaces is the largest rate in their consuming.

For these reasons, I agree that homelessness is inevitable in a modern society.




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2017-01-10 14:54:48 | 日常










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