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The health goals that Japan is aiming for

2016-12-02 19:13:11 | Health Jap...
I would like to write about the health goals that Japan is aiming for.

That was written on "National Health Promotion in Japan"(Minister of Health,Labour and Welfare ). It is called "Health Japan21(The second term)". It is the plan from 2013 fiscal year to 2022 fiscal year. It is a basic direction for comprehensive implementation of national health promotion. There are five main items of that goal.

1 Extension of healthy life expectancy and reduction of health disparities.

2 Prevention of onset and progression of life-style related diseases.

3 Maintenance and improvement of functions necessary for engaging in social life.

4 Establishment of a social environment where health of individuals is protected and supported.

5 Improvement of social environment and such life style as nutrition and dietary habits, physical activity and exercise, rest, alcohol drinking tobacco smoking and oral health.

Even if it is written in Japanese, it is difficult to explain... But please attention No.5. Nutrition and dietary habits are contained No.5. And it was explained about No.5 that "To accomplish the above four directions, it is important to improve nutrition and dietary habits, physical activity and exercise, rest, alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking and oral health as basic factors related with promoting health of citizens."

It was said that nutrition and dietary habits are one of the important things as basic factors for health!

Next I am going to write concretely about Nutrition and dietary habits that Japan aim for.
see you

Minister of Health,Labour and Welfare(July 10 2012)"A Basic Direction for Comprehensive Implementation of National Health Promotion"[online]http://www.mhlw.go.jp/file/06-Seisakujouhou-10900000-Kenkoukyoku/0000047330.pdf(December 2 2016 access)