Japanese Happy Eating Habits and Home-style dish!


About nutrition and dietary habits that Japan aim for

2016-12-07 21:00:47 | Health Jap...

Last time, I wrote five goals about our health that Japan is aiming for.

Japan strove for extension of healthy life expectancy by achievement the goals.
To prevent life style disease and extend healthy life expectancy improvement of nutrition and dietary habits are one of the important factors.

Today, I am going to write about nutrition and dietary habits that Japan aim for.
According to "Health Japan21(The second term)", it was written that

1 Increase in percentage of individuals maintaining ideal body weight(Reduction in percentage of obese individuals[BMI25 and more] and underweight individuals[BMI less than 18.5]
Percentage of obese males in their 20s to 60s in 2010 was 31.2%. Target in 2022 is 28%.
And percentage of obese females in their 40s to 60s was 22.2%. Target in 2022 is 19%.
On the other hand, underweight females in their 20s was 29.0%. Target in 2022 is 20%.

2 Increase in percentage of individuals who consume appropriate quality and quantity of food.
A.Increase in percentage of individuals who eat balanced diet with staple food, main dish and side dish more than twice a day.

Percentage of it in 2011 was 68.1%. Target in 2022 is 80%.

B.Decrease in mean salt intake
An average of salt intake per day of adult was 10.6g in 2010. Target in 2022 is 8g.

C.Increase in consumption of vegetable and fruits
Mean daily intake of vegetable was 282 in 2010. Target in 2022 is 350g.
Percentage of individuals who consume fruit less than 100g per day was 61.4% in 2010. Target in 2022 is 30%.

3 Increase in dining with family regularly(decrease in percentage of children who eat alone)
About breakfast it is targeted to decrease less than 15.3% in percentage of elementary school students who eat alone. And it is targeted to decrease less than 33.7% in percentage of junior high school students who eat alone.
About dinner it is targeted to decrease less than 2.2% in percentage of elementary school students who eat alone. And it is targeted to decrease less than 6.0% in percentage of junior high school students who eat alone.

4 Increase in number of corporations in food industry that supply food product low in salt and fat
The number of registered corporations was 17,284 locations in 2012. Target is 30,000 locations in 2022.

5 Increase percentage of specific food service facilities that plan, cook, and evaluate and improve nutritional content of menu based on the needs of clients
(Reference value)Percentage of facilities with registered/non-registered dietitians was 70.5 in 2010. Target is 80%.

According to morgue of promotion of "Health Japan21(The second term)", concept of target setting for nutrition and dietary habits is as follows:

I tried to translate like this.

Improve quality of life and improve quality of the social environment are needed for extension of healthy life expectancy and reduction of health disparities.
The targets of nutritional status, food intake, eating behavior and food environment are determined in order to improve the quality of life, focusing on scientific basis for prevent of major lifestyle diseases(cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes).

Next I am going to write about each reason for target setting.

Minister of Health,Labour and Welfare(July 10 2012)"A Basic Direction for Comprehensive Implementation of National Health Promotion"[online]http://www.mhlw.go.jp/file/06-Seisakujouhou-10900000-Kenkoukyoku/0000047330.pdf(December 2 2016 access)
厚生科学審議会地域保健健康増進栄養部会 次期国民健康づくり運動プラン策定専門委員会(平成24年7月)「健康日本21(第2次)の推進に関する参考資料」[online]http://www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/kenkou/dl/kenkounippon21_02.pdf(平成28年12月5日アクセス)