Japanese Happy Eating Habits and Home-style dish!


About my blog

2016-11-30 21:08:32 | About my b...
Hi! My name is Tamae.
I am a registered dietitian in Japan.
I am going to write information about eating habits in Japan, and introduce Japanese home-style dish.

Japan is considered to be one of a longevity country. According to Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the average life expectancy in Japan is higher among the world. Japanese woman's average life expectancy was 87.05 in 2015. It stood first of the world. On the other hand, Japanese man was 80.09.It was the fourth place in the world. It lengthens year by year.

But the most important thing is not only living long but also living healthy.
I suppose that every one want to live long life with healthy. There are many factors to it. And eating habits are very important things for our health, aren't they?

By the way, I am learning English. So I want to improve my English!
Then I am going to write my blog in English.

I hope my blog continue for long time・・・