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Susila Budhi Dharma・Chapter 5 Internal characteristics of man and four kinds of land (no.1)

2018-09-11 | 日記
Descriptions of the topics covered, the nature of the person and the similarity of the nature of the soil were also taken up in Susila Budhi Dharma, but the explanation there was not enough.

In such a case, Bapak will become "supplementing the missing part with later talk".

For example, it was about "human seeds". <-- Link ( Sorry. Under Construction. )

This is also appearing abruptly in Susila Budhi Dharma without detailed explanation.

Then this time it is an explanation about the nature of the human body and the properties of the four lands.

In 1952 Susila Budhi Dharma mentioned the similarity of the properties of the human body and the properties of the four lands but it was not clear why it is necessary to understand and why it is important thing .

In that respect it can be said that in the Peru Talk in 1968 it is clarifying that.

In other words, it is a supplement to that part of Susila Budhi Dharma.

Well, let's look at quotes from that talk below.

Lima, Peru 1968/4/4 -Bapak
The reason why so many of you have gone so long without receiving a development of the soul that is satisfying, or that can guide your life, is what Bapak is going to explain and talk to you about.
It is because human beings are creatures unlike any other - they are unlike animals, they are unlike plants, and so on.

Indeed, human beings contain many things that need to be explained.
But most people are unable to discover those things.
They can discover only something visible, something they can think about; they cannot think about or grasp things that are beyond the mind.
So, until now, this explanation of the inner workings of human beings has never been revealed or understood.

To reveal the reality of how a human being is seen from a spiritual perspective, Bapak explained to you the other day that human beings are made from earth, water, air and fire.
So in reality human beings are like those four factors; those four factors make up their foundation, their core.

Bapak will illustrate your core.
Let's say your core is small, like this [Bapak points to an ashtray], and God's knowledge or grace is, say, as plentiful as water in the ocean.

If your core is this small, even if a sea, an ocean of water, is available to you, no matter how many times you dip into it you can hold only this much.
Any more and the water will overflow.
But if you have a spacious core, which is as big, say, as Peru, you can take as much water from the ocean as this city can contain.

So, the determining factor is the space available;it depends on your core.
This is the principal problem or factor affecting a person's ability to recognise or feel their inner capacity.
This is why, brothers and sisters, Bapak said it is necessary to uncover your inner workings so that you will thereby understand the reason for your lack of progress and why you do not receive quickly, and why you cannot receive as the prophets did.

A person's being, their inner, is comprised of four parts, like the four factors ? like types of soil.
So, someone's inner can be compared to soil, of which there are four types.

Those four soil types are: first, fertile soil; clay soils that are sticky - not highly fertile, but clay soil is still fertile; hard stony soils; and sand.

Human beings are like those types of soil.
Some are like fertile soil; some are like clay - partly fertile, partly infertile; some are like stony soil; and some are like sand - like the Sahara.
Actually, all four types of soil are found within a human being.

In the case of someone who has an orderly life - the fact that their life is orderly means they are descended from people of fine character - as a child, that person's content was represented by all four soil types; all four types were within them or made up their being.

But that is not so for most people.
As a result of mistakes made by their ancestors, as a result of their parents' mistakes, everyone has a different soil type.

Some people - if compared to soil - are fertile soil; some are clay; others are stony soil; others are made of sand.
That is the problem.

When someone has an inner nature or inner feeling like fertile soil, then in everything they do - for instance, if they receive knowledge, either worldly or spiritual knowledge - the knowledge they receive within themselves will develop rapidly.

Now knowledge, worldly or spiritual, can be likened to rainfall; rainfall, water from the sky.
If rain falls on someone whose inner nature is like fertile soil, the water gets absorbed by the soil and produces plants.
It happens easily.
Especially if that soil has been prepared; in other words, especially if that person makes an effort.
An effort means going to school or studying, or mixing with people who are knowledgeable.
That effort is like fertiliser on their being, and whatever gets planted flourishes and is plentiful and good.

And especially if that person has made an effort, the plants that grow there bear fruit that are delicious to eat, that are needed for human life.
So, knowledge received within that person develops and becomes useful to society.
That is the case if a person's inner is like fertile soil.

But if, for example, a person is like stony ground - we are not talking about clay yet - stony ground: stony ground is the third soil type.
If rain falls on stony ground the water cannot be absorbed easily.
Even if the water does eventually get absorbed, beneficial plants still will not grow.

In fact, if the water stagnates too long on the surface, if it is not absorbed quickly, the water gives off a stench.
And it is possible ? well it is not just possible, it is certain ? the water hosts poisonous bacteria that are harmful to human life, such as cholera, and so on.

Now, if a human being is like stony soil, they are like that too.
There are plenty of people who receive spiritual understanding, or who seek worldly knowledge and become doctors, lawyers or engineers.
Those who seek spiritual understanding might become saintly figures or priests.
But even though they work hard to get worldly and spiritual knowledge, when that knowledge is within them it is of no use to society.
In fact, it is a threat to society.
That is the problem.

That is why today many intelligent people make the ignorant suffer.
Many wealthy people make the poor suffer.
Many spiritually knowledgeable people make the poor and the weak suffer with witchcraft, black magic, and so on.
There are also people who get spiritual knowledge and, if they spread it and others practise that knowledge, those people turn bad.
That is the case with someone whose inner nature, if it were revealed, is like stony ground.

Other people - many are like this - if we uncover it from the perspective of the secret of life, have an inner soil like sand, like the Sahara.
Rain vanishes when it falls on sand.
Rainfall on sand brings no benefit; so too with spiritual understanding from God.
God constantly gives us spiritual understanding, nobody is discriminated against: You want understanding?
Here it is.?
As Bapak said, there is an ocean of understanding available for humankind, provided that you can contain it.
But even if it pours down, even if God gives all that knowledge - even if it rains day and night for half a year - if the soil is sand the rain brings no benefit, it just disappears.

What is worse, if sun shines on sand: wow! It gets baking hot.
The nature of these people is similar.
If you give good advice to someone whose inner nature is like sand, it has no effect.
But if you give them bad advice: wow!
The result is astonishing.

It is true.
If you tell them to fight, oh my, they fight straight away.
But if you tell them not to fight or harm other people, they will not listen.
That is the difficulty.

And now to turn to the subject of clay soils.
Clay is sticky, it is used to make ceramics ?
This soil type, even though it is not the most fertile, can be fertile but can also be infertile.
Well, it is pretty good if someone's nature is represented by clay.
But the bad side to someone whose nature is like clay is this: you know how, when you walk on clay it clings to your shoes and you spread it everywhere?

It is the same with people whose inner feeling can be compared to clay.
If someone like that gets blamed for something - if they are blamed, they will blame others.
They will not admit to being wrong, even when they are at fault.
They want others to take the blame.
It is true.
Well, that is what happens when they make a mistake.

But they have a good side: if they have good fortune they share it with others.
They have a good side and a bad side.
That is how they are.
If they make a mistake, others get blamed.
But if they have good fortune, others benefit.
Well, this is like the nature of clay soil.

But clay represents a good person, because if their inner feeling is represented by clay,it is the second best soil.
It is the second most valuable.
Even if someone's inner core is like sand, they will also have some portion - even if it is only a small portion - of fertile soil inside them.

If someone's core is like stony ground, they also have some fertile soil inside them.
That is why you often find that someone may have a bad character, they have always been bad, but there can come a time when they change and do something good.
There you have it.

So, do not be troubled if, for example, you think, if that's true, what if I turn out to be like stony ground?
That is an example.
If it turns out to be true, do not be troubled.

God knows everything, God is always just, and so there is some fertile soil inside you, there is some clay too.
There is also stony soil and sand.

The only problem is that they are not in balance.
Bapak is going to tell you what to do about this imbalance later.

Fertile soil has an energy - energy meaning its power - that we call passion.
Fertile soil is equated to the desire called the mutmainnah [Arab.] passion.
The meaning of the mutmainnah passion - well, it is a desire, a strong one at that, but it is a strong desire to find truth, to find goodness.
Goodness and truth in this context means to find a way to worship Almighty God - to worship God rather than worship this world.
That is the mutmainnah passion.

Clay soil has an energy - an energy that generates the desire we call the supiah passion.
The supiah passion is the desire to have, to have, to have; yes, to have this, to have that, to have - if that is inside us it is called womanising, for instance.
That is the supiah passion.

The third soil type is stony ground.
Its drive - its desire - is called the ammara [Arab.] passion.
The ammara passion is a desire to argue, or to take pleasure in, say, speaking badly about others, denigrating, criticising or putting people down.
In short, it is the desire to stir up trouble; to provoke conflict, for instance.

The fourth soil type, sand - rain vanishes into it and it gets baking hot in the sun - has the lawwama [Arab.] passion.

So, the four soil types generate four different drives or passions.

Now concerning those passions: passions radiate or emanate light.
They give off light.
The mutmainnah passion emanates white light; its light is white.
The passion - maybe if it was not explained, you would not understand this - the supiah passion emanates yellow light; its light is yellow.
The ammara passion emanates red light.
The lawwama passion emanates black light.
These are the four types of light.

Now, there are four more [attributes].
There are four sets of four, so four times four makes sixteen.
Here are the last four.

Take fertile soil: if we say it is a life force, it is the human life force.
Clay soil has the supiah passion and appears yellow.

Let me recap: Fertile soil: its colour is white; its passion is mutmainnah; its life force is human.
Now clay soil: its passion is supiah; its light or colour is yellow; its life force is vegetable ? no, animal.

I got them mixed up.

Then there is stony soil.
Stony soil: its light or colour is red; its passion is ammara; and this one is the vegetable life force. (Note 2)

So, there is the human, the animal, the vegetable and the material or satanic.

Now, sandy soil, sand that gets very hot: its passion is lawwama; its light is black; its life force is satanic.(Note 2)

There is a balance, a progression.
The point is, brothers and sisters, that according to God's decree the soil types should be in equal proportion.

If they are in balance, if they are in equal proportion in someone, that person will be able to manage them.
To be continue to no.2

Note 2
In addition, in this talk Amarah has to correspond to plant force and lawwama ( aluamah) is correspond to material force, but in the end Bapak will transfer the material force to Amarah and plant force to lawwama (aluamah) .

However, at the time of this talk, the way of correspondence is different from the final one, and the order is reversed. <-- Link

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