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Latihan does not claim anything

2015-12-27 | 日記
Latihan does not claim anything

Latihan correctly fixes anything that is used by mistake.

Or Latihan grows something that you should grow.

Latihan would never argue loudly something.

Latihan would never say ' This is true for million people. So people should follow to this. '

People might receive a road that suits themselves from their Latihan.

But it is only from their Latihan.

If after the end of the purification of the ear in the Latihan, "here, here" it is likely to hear such as the voice called.

If the finished purification of mouth, mouth says "this is better."

If brain is cleaning up to by Lathihan, "I don't wish that. Let's do this."

So it is likely to come up.

Then people who are doing so will walk their own way.

The following is the excerpt from the HP of the Association.

The spiritual practice of Association

The spiritual practice of Association, known as the latihan kejiwaan, is the result of a renewed contact with the divine force of life.

It is a natural process that arises within any person who asks for it, taking place at his or her own pace and according to his or her own nature.

Sometimes, when we are still and quiet, or in an unusual heightened state of awareness, we can be suddenly aware of this deeper life going on.

The process of the latihan reconnects us with something greater than ourselves and keeps this special awareness alive and active.

The latihan is a process, a receiving, and not a teaching.

Nobody is expected to believe anything, only to recognize and trust what he or she experiences.

People of different religions may find their faith deepened, and practice the latihan in harmony with each other and with those of no particular religious affinity.

The essence of the latihan is to allow and follow the spontaneous inner movements from within.

It involves no instructions or rituals.

It is different for each person.

Many people feel a sense of calm and a deepening of the natural connection with wisdom, one's higher self, the divine, or God, depending on one's preferred terminology.

The latihan is a catalyst that leads to the development of one's character and which can guide one's everyday life.

It can strengthen one's sense of intuition or the teacher within.

Normally, this process of transformation is gradual and integrated with the practical requirements of one's life.

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