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Chronology of upbringing of Nine Roh

2015-04-15 | 日記
Circa 650    Qur'an established
  Words of Ruh and Nafs is described.
   Those words later change to Roh and Nafsu in Indonesia.
   Also born Sufi about the same time.

1165 ~ 1240 Ibn Arabi<--Link
   In Sufi philosopher
   Presence of one theory established (5 stage theory of existence)
   nafas Rahmani appearance

15th century   began trie to Islam of Java

15 end of the century to 16 century success of the early Wali songo

17th century al-Qushash Arabian jurist
   He was detailing stage of five layers of existence into seven layers.
   Completion of Martabat Tujuh<-- Link

   Key Words
   ruh idafi、
   There is a description of the Insan Kamil.

Shamsuddin Pasai demonstrates a series of souls(?-1630)<--Link

Around 1662 Abdul Rauf Singkel
   Evangelism Tarekat Syattariyah
   The doctrine of Martabat Tujuh he teach in the Ache.

Subsequent disciples Syeikh Abdul Muhyi
   He tell Tarekat Syattariyah in Java of Pamijahan.

   Training method of Tarekat is widely accepted in Java.
   At the same also spread the doctrine of Martabat Tujuh .

1802-1873   R.Ng.Ranggawarsita
  He told the birth of "Insan Kamil" in the "Bima Suci Wirid".
  Those who aim to perfect human beings, get the nine kinds of mental state.

1. Roh Idofi (Roh Ilofi)
2. Roh Rabani
3. Roh Rohani
4. Roh Nurani
5. Roh Kudus (Roh Suci)
6. Roh Rahmani
7. Roh Jasmani
8. Roh Nabati
9. Roh Rewani

  He told the napsu and roh in "Wirid Hidayat JatiDari".

1936   Tjan Tju An
   He told nine Roh and four Nafsu in Serat Bima Bungkus.

1952   Bapak
   He told the Susila Budhi Dharma.

The story of "Nine Roh and four Nafsu"<--Link

List of articles<--Link