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Susila Budhi Dharma/・Chapter 2 Material force and money・

2017-06-23 | 日記
With the material force that created the universe working for people, people could understand the environment around themselves and the universe.

And the material force has been involved in so much discovery and inventions.

So, what we have created is the current science and technology civilization including life science and medical technology.

Another great involvement of material force appears in economic development.

And symbolic existence of economic development is money.

As money has come to exist, people have hoped for further economic development and pushed it forward.

In that sense, money is like a mass of the material force.

Normally, when you hear the explanation that "At the bottom of life force there is the material force", we tend to think that "No, I graduated from that level anymore".

However, most people who are older than elementary school students and who understand the value of money love money.

This will be the inevitable result of living in such a society that money is necessarily needed as we live.

And in this society where we live, money is said to have a versatile magic power where you can get whatever you like by having it.

This story also start with saying that human beings possess the material force that can find value in that piece of paper called bills.

(Naturally, for those who do not need money, this story is an unrelated story.

And those who are away from money are only saying that they will not be ruled in money.

They don't say that we can control the material force.)

Thus "we love money" is "material force love" if we change words.

This is a fact, there is no denying.

Obviously such as Bapak's comment that "human beings likes the material force" is based on this fact.

Well, this money, the identity is a printed matter on which scenes and people and so on are minutely painted on paper and figures are printed alongside it.

And it is the material force that can interact with human brain and that tells us this substitute is important and worth.

By the way, it seems that goats are the only ones that can understand the value of this printed material in animals.

But it is a recognition as a somewhat unequal food that is not good with a bit of stiff texture.<-- Link

In the case of a human being, he can understand what is behind this printed matter.

Then, he would be liked to own this.

It is because most things can be obtained by exchanging with this printed matter.

However there are two problems here.

The first is "It is good that we like money, but is it that we are loved from money?"

No, money is not a creature, so there are no likes or dislikes there,

If you say so, It is like something that admits "I am not loved from money"and "I do not understand money."

The second thing is " You like money, but aren't you drowning in it?" or "Isn't life bound to money?".

The ideal way that Bapak says is "We like money, and money likes us, but our master is us."

Only then will it be said that "I graduated from the level of the material force."

We will receive Latihan to become such a state.

And then, in order to become like that, we must receive education, and be trained and socially exerted.

Naturally there is no one in such born.

Without such social effort, You would not reach the state you would like.

It is obvious that this gift called Latihan is for peoples who work diligently, never for those who dream of getting the winning number of lottery.

As it turns out, no matter how much Latihan you recieve, bills will not come down from the air.

You get money in the usual way, and you should use it well.

The story of money can not be separated from the existence of society that is the premise, and it also can not be separated from the work of each individual (whether he belongs to any organization or the individual business owner) .

If so, these two themes ( jobs and money ) are also related to the material force.

Then, during a certain period of your life these two things ( jobs and money ) are the main theme , so you can not avoid them.

As Bapak says in this way, our lives can not be separated from the material force, so what kind of relationships will be made with the material force, what kind of understanding is about jobs and money, what kind of attitude we need to the jobs and the money, it is very important.

Doesn't it have anything to do with Latihan and such story?

No , there are societies and money exists as there are four forces working and the universe exists and we exist.

Therefore, all of these things have something to do with the four forces.

Then, if Latihan is a thing that will normally return the relation between our ability and the four forces.

There is no wonder about understanding to jobs and money, even if it comes from Latihan.

This article is a brief response of Bapak's idea , which direction you should go, what kind of occupation you should take, or the idea of lifework. <-- Link

Please read for your information.

It is said that enterprises are also entering enterprises, but it is needless to say that this activity is closely related to the material force.

So for that reason, this page is for your reference. <-- Link

One thing that is a bit old story as it relates to money.

According to "Exodus", it is said that Moses took 40 days until God granted the Ten Commandment lithograph on Mount Sinai, but the people of Israel who left at the foot were in time Losing patience with the passage of time, eventually, Moses came to think that he was dead.

People who became uneasy go out to consult with Aaron and appeal for the creation of a new god that leads the people as a measure of happiness.

Aron orders the submission of precious metals from all the people accordingly.

In this way the cast gold calf was completed. <-- Link
God who knew it told Moses to descend the mountain, and the golden calves were destroyed by the raging Moses, followed by fire.

In this way people used to like "worshiping what is visible in a concrete form" from the beginning of BC.

Well this "golden calf" has reached the present age, changing its appearance and form at each age.

Let's have a splendid example of money.

Each country produces its own money, people prefer it, and that is as if worshiping money.

・ History of human and money <-- Link

Another article describing the impact of the material force on humans is here. <-- Link
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