まさよっち放浪日記 - Masayochi's Wanderings-


Arrived at Geneva!

2006-05-25 05:16:39 | Geneva
From the beginning of my internship, I made a huge mistake. I can't believe what I did!!

My flight was very long. From Narita, I went to Newark (US), and then came to Geneva. I left Narita on the afternoon of May 23rd, and I believed that I would arrive at Geneva on the morning of May 23rd.

Just 1hour before arriving at Geneva, I just realized that I would arrive at Geneva not on the morning of May 23rd, but 24th. (cry) There was nothing I could do when I realized it.

I organized my accommodation as I would arrive on May 23. Moreover, I told my supervisor that I would arrive on May 23. He was going to pick me up at the airport (cry). When I got at the airport on May 24, there was no one waiting for me, and no place to stay. At that time, I thought that I can not do internship any longer because of my mistake. However, my supervisor was very nice. I took a taxi to the office from the airport. I just arrived at the office with all my suitcase. At the office, I was looking for a place to stay all the day.

The office was very nice. When I got to the office, I had my desk, my PC, and an email account!!! I also met some people. My supervisor takes care of me a lot. I just can't believe how fortunate I am.

This is how my internship began. PANIC!!! By the end of the day, I was so exhausted. New environment, new people.... Tomorrow, I need to look for my accommodation. No time to rest.

May 24, 2006

I LOVE Japanese FOOD

2006-05-21 04:11:24 | FOOD



Backing to Japan, I realized the delights of Japanese cuisine again.
Delicate taste is very attractive but also I can't ignore its colorful layout and presentation of the food. There is an enjoyment of eating the cuisine.

Today, a friend of mine took me to a Japanese restaurant with smart atmosphere. I really enjoyed being there, and a conversation with my friend. You are always supportive, and your words are always thoughtful.
Thank you so much.

Arrived at Narita

2006-05-18 02:12:03 | JAPAN


Hi! Today, I arrived at Narita safely. On a flight, I slept almost all the time except the time they fed me. This time, I am going to stay in Japan for a week. During my stay, I don't plan to have the cell-phone, but I've already started to feel inconvenient and time-consuming to look for public phones. I just realized how I'm used to use the cell-phone.