まさよっち放浪日記 - Masayochi's Wanderings-


Plastic sheeting in the wind

2006-08-27 23:44:29 | Books



Awarded the 135th Naoki Price, the Japanese novel called "Plastic sheeting in the wind" is a collection of 6 short stories. Each main character has something precious. It might be something tiny for other people. However, each person has something precious and priceless for him/her. What has a value depends on each person. This novel focuses on “the value for each person”, rather than what is happening. It should be your strength to find something for yourself in your life. It is truly gripping.

It also includes a nice story of the UNHCR Tokyo. I am afraid that it is only available in the Japanese version.

*The Naoki Prize is awarded to “the best work of popular literature in any format by a new, rising, or (reasonably young) established author”.