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U.S. Ambassador Visits Frontline U.S. Military Base

2024-05-19 12:40:15 | 翻訳記事 Translation





U.S. Ambassador Visits Frontline U.S. Military Base on Day China and Russia Showed the World Their Strong Alliance    

 Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the country on May 16-17 at the invitation of the Chinese government and was received with open arms. His meeting with President Xi Jinping showed the world that the two countries are strategic allies. In effect, China and Russia have formed a military alliance. The belligerents in the U.S. and Britain who are trying to destroy that Sino-Russian alliance reign over the world with bluster and lies. Japan's "elites" are subservient to these belligerents and are "solemnly" preparing for war with the Sino-Russian alliance.

 The U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, is a Zionist belligerent who is said to have sworn allegiance to Israel. On May 17, Emanuel reportedly visited Yonaguni Island and Ishigaki Island, where he inspected a GSDF garrison and a Japan Coast Guard patrol boat. The U.S. has been preparing for war by deploying long-range missiles in the vicinity of Russia and China.

 The RAND Corporation, a think tank affiliated with the U.S. Department of Defense, has published a report on such a strategy, and according to the report, the U.S. plans to surround China with GBIRMs (ground-based intermediate-range ballistic missiles). In the case of Japan, which is constrained by the establishment of an exclusive defense force and Article 9 of its Constitution, the plan was said to have been drawn up to cooperate with Japan in the development and deployment of ASCMs (ground-based anti-ship cruise missiles) and to deploy ASCMs at the SDF facilities that are being built in the Nansei Islands. Based on that plan, a missile launch facility was constructed on Yonaguni Island in 2016.

 In the case of South Korea, Park Geun-hye, who has been South Korea's president since February 2013, had emphasized the importance of relations with China and was reluctant to deploy THAAD, but in April 2005, when Park was stuck in a scandal, she forced the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) missile system equipment into the country. Subsequently, Park Geun-hye was ousted; in 2019, military facilities of the Self-Defense Forces will be completed and missiles deployed on Amami Oshima and Miyako Island, and in 23 years, on Ishigaki Island.

 Not only the deployment of such missiles, but also the movement of the U.S. military has been discussed in Japan on the premise of "defense," but the U.S. military strategy since the end of World War II has consistently been a first-strike nuclear attack. The "nuclear umbrella" is laughable.

 The U.S. began developing nuclear weapons at the request of the U.K. The "Manhattan Project" began in February 1940 based on the ideas of Otto Frisch and Rudolf Peierls of the University of Birmingham, and the MAUD committee was established. Mark Oliphant of this committee was sent to the U.S. to meet with Ernest Lawrence in August 1941. It is said that American scholars also became interested in the possibility of an atomic bomb. In October of that year, President Roosevelt authorized the development of an atomic bomb, and joint development with the British began.

 In 1943, four facilities were built in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to produce uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons, one of which evolved into the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The Hanford Site was built in Washington State to produce plutonium, and the B Reactor was built in September 1944.

 Major General Lesney Groves, then of the U.S. Army, who oversaw the "Manhattan Project," told Polish physicist Joseph Rothblatt, who was involved in the project, in 1944 that the plan was intended from the start to confront the Soviet Union. Japan and Germany were not the targets. (Daniel Ellsberg, "The Doomsday Machine," Bloomsbury, 2017)

 On July 16, 1945, a plutonium atomic bomb was successfully detonated at the Trinity Proving Ground in New Mexico; on July 24, U.S. President Harry Truman authorized the atomic bomb to be dropped, and on July 26, the Potsdam Declaration was issued. The atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima on August 6 and Nagasaki on August 9.

 In February 1945, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin gathered near Yalta in the Crimea, where it was decided that the Soviet Union would enter the war. The U.S. dropped the atomic bomb to meet that deadline.

 Since that time, there had been a group within the U.S. military planning a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the Soviet Union, and at the core of this group was Curtis LeMay, the head of SAC (Strategic Air Command).

 At that time, Okinawa was the only place in East Asia where a nuclear strike against China or the Soviet Union could be launched without any restrictions. So they began to build a base in Okinawa, where land was forcibly seized with "bayonets and bulldozers" in the 1950s, and the conversion of the island into a military base was pushed forward.

 Based on the "Land Expropriation Order," Decree No. 109, promulgated and enforced in April 1953, armed U.S. soldiers were mobilized to carry out violent land seizures, and by 1955, approximately 13% of the area of the main island of Okinawa had been turned into military land.


 In the "Price Recommendations" issued in June 1956, Okinawa was positioned as an unconstrained nuclear weapons base, as a base for U.S. Far East strategy, and as a place to turn to if pro-U.S. regimes in Japan or the Philippines were to fall.

 Lyman Lemnitzer, who served as Secretary of the Ryukyu Civil Administration from 1955 to 1957, was a British-influenced military officer and a comrade of Lemay's. He became chairman of the JCS in 1960 during the Dwight Eisenhower era, but was at odds with the next president, John F. Kennedy, who refused to reappoint him.

 Lemay's SAC planned to drop 600 to 750 nuclear bombs on the Soviet Union in 1954, killing 80% of the population living in 118 cities; "Operation Dropshot," created in 1957, called for 300 nuclear bombs to be dropped on 100 Soviet cities.

 At that time, ICBMs were being prepared in the U.S., and the belligerents, including Lemnitzer and LeMay, wanted to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the Soviet Union by late 1963. They wanted to attack the Soviet Union at a time when it was not yet ready for ICBMs. An obstacle to that operation was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. This is the reason why stories were circulated that it was the Soviet Union or Cuba that assassinated Kennedy.

 Although these U.S. plans became impossible because of the Soviet Union's growing nuclear capabilities, more and more people in the U.S. ruling class believed that the disappearance of the Soviet Union meant that no country would be able to retaliate against a U.S. nuclear attack. An article that illustrates this mood was published in the March/April 2006 issue of Foreign Affairs. It argues that the U.S. will soon have the capability to destroy Russian and Chinese long-range nuclear weapons with a first strike.

 Although the battles in South Ossetia, Syria, and Ukraine have clearly demonstrated the strength of the Russian military and made it clear that the US/NATO forces cannot compete, the US belligerents who dream of world domination still seem to believe that "kamikaze" will blow.

 Emanuel, who visited Yonaguni Island and Ishigaki Island, which would be the front line in a war with China, is not only a belligerent but also a hardcore Zionist. His father, Benjamin, was born in Jerusalem and was a member of the Irgun, a Zionist terrorist organization. President Joe Biden has appointed his brother Ezekiel as a member of the COVID-19 Advisory Board.

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